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Possessed Aunt

Guest confused

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there is Katha of Hari SIngh Randhave wale.. he said i that katha ... that how Gurbachan Singh ji khalsa bhindrawale meet the shaheed Singhs.. it will clear you ...as we say Shaheed are amar ..amar means who cant die ...so tell who cant even die then how can he get the rebirth... i cant explain it here ..will upload that katha it will help u understanding that shaheed singh is a reality not a fake or myth

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Guest militant singh

i dont believe none of this superstition - sikhs r not supposed 2 do 'kur kirehya' why would the shaheeds wana force sum1 2 build a gurdwara or memorial ???????they have been recognized by the guru they r tru sikhs as they became shaheed they wouldnt go around boasting about it -they remain humble if the public builds memorials then no problemno i dont believe they would go round haunting people and teling em 2 do stuff no way - no superstitions end off

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You should also explore the possiblity that your Aunt has become illed with Hysteria. A common occurance in women due to very high emotional and/or fear states of the mind. My Cousin also has had this few times, where she would just neglect her children and just leave the house. They would find her few hours later in the Gurudwara. she would come home and pretty much become erratic speaking sermons on Gurbani and so forth.

Whether it is truely a form of hysteria or an actual super natural occrance, im not too sure. But it never hurts to see if a reliable doctor can diagnose her. If she is in India then i must put emphasis on "RELIABLE", just be sure that this person is a specialist, that will diagnose her thorougly before he gives her any medication.

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  • 8 years later...
Guest Beant Singh

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

Please do not call it a possession. It's a way of Shaheed Singh's to communicate with us and they DO NOT mean ANY HARM whatsoever. If I were you I would follow what they say. They are still on this earth because they are carrying out seva and doing good for mankind in Guru Sahib's hukum. It is not like they wandering souls, they are pretty much in hazoori of Guru Sahib. Our family have had a same situation many years back and they did not follow their command and YES they suffered but when a sacred place was erected there many people from neighboring villages have started to join Sikhi. So I would say that you are lucky if you getting a sewa of Saheed Singhs. And its a request to you, please, DO NOT post this to any other forums people will discourage you because most them thinks that it is against gurmat.

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Sikhs take control of their own bodies as opposed to being controlled/played by Maya. A shaheed would not do what the poster described.

A friend of mine once thought an angel was speaking to them. their voice changed completely and it sounded to others that it was talking like an angel.

Fortunately for the possessed friend, I picked up points and things that the 'angel' was saying that was not puran Sat and I could see the entity that was sitting in them speaking and so I told them..

Don't assume just because a spirit talks about God etc that they are automatically good or an angel etc. I've heard demons say Waheguru ji Ja Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh and mock truth.

My old friend used to do a lot of Nindya (Maya practice which can lead to a person being possessed) and happily just used to just let these souls sit in them.

Always take control of your body village as Gurbani says, spin your chakras and be good, never slander or lie and apply Gurbani to your life. Allow God/Truth to work through you but don't allow souls to sit in you and leech off you.

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No truthful soul would possess a person. That isn't Truth practice. I've heard demons say Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh before so don't trust a spirit just because they say that,

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Guest Bhai Sahib

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki Fateh!

Here is a very confusing situation. One of my aunts in india has got posessed and we heard her tone change over the phone into a man who first says Guru Fateh and then says that the land where he got shaheed cant be taken for other purposes but a place where they "diva jaga" or something like that. Some people are saying it was a Shaheed Singhs place and my grandpa had bought that place and its now a farm. Do Shaheed Singh's possess? I dont think so...

And also, are there places in the pind where they are claimed to be the places for shaheeds?? Really confusing stuff.

Adding to that, those relatives are not into Gurbaani lots but lately that aunt does alot of Paath. Would it be some evil spirit or what? What is weird is how the guy ends the convo saying, everything will be fine, and then says Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh. Why would he say Fateh? and if its a Shaheed Singh, why possess? And usually evil stuff dont let people Jap Naam but here she can :s

Someone plz help...

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki Fateh!

Call 'Pakand busters'...

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Guest SIkhHelper

Don't get ALL confused.

This is a 2 way scenario. They are NOT mukht shaheeds otherwise they would not be on this maya realm.

They are in fact WANDERING souls who believe that if they get a place of rest, then they can move on to the next realm.

But whether this happens or not...I doubt it..; but when some shaheed shrine gurdwara or place is built then they drop all their negative energies and the situation calms down.

YES they can curse and make things go bad if you refuse because they have so much negative energy that is weighing them down on earth.. I know people who have had their whole family breakdown and all their pesay dissapear in less than a few months.

They are just like the rest of the ghosts that are wandering lost and stuck in between realms but they think they are shaheed and can get special treatment to move on next realm. But the truth is that they have to wait until their destined time is up before they move on.

The only people they can have some power or hold over are ones that are manmukh but may make some effort to doing some paat or giving money to gurdwara. The sort of people who actually ONLY pray and do ardas to waheguru for luxuries,dholatan and self gains.

Sadly the majority of sikhs are these intermediate lot that don't really have the priority or ardas to merge and become one with waheguru.

The many of us may be dressed up like sikhs and try our best on the outside but on the inside we dont really know what we want except for worldly happiness.////in other words; we are still deeply attached to ego.

So these wandering souls can easily target the positive emptiness of famiilies with their possessive powers.

SO their candidates have to be ones that are outwardly showing some faith but not the same inwardly.

If it is some family that is athiest or shows no interest in religion...then they are usually quite safe and not targeted.

On the other hand a sikh who is high in simran avastha and in high percentage of gurmat will have more positive fullness and will not be affected by wandering souls.

I don't think that a mahapursh or respected sant has ever been forced to do what some shaheed ghost is asking.

I have experience and knowledge of occult, seances, ouija boards before i came into sikhism. And I know that all the wandering ghosts on this realm are ones that were obsessively attached to their families, houses, mansions and wealth and refuse to acknowledge that they are dead and must move on to further realms OR- the ones that were murdered and killed BEFORE their pre-destined time of natural death.

The true shaheeds get mukhti straight away like sahibzade and some great akaalis.

In conclusion..the 2 choices you have if faced with one of these situations is to either start doing some serious bhakti with ardas to merge with waheguru and then the wandering souls will leave you alone. OR if your family is already involved then unless you change by adopting 100% gurmat values....... the shrine, gurdwara or place they want will have to continue for all your future generations .......this means your future families will all be stuck in lack chaurasi cycle unless one starts real bhakti with no ego demands.

I know of 2 families in this same situation and one has been stuck for generations and the other completely washed it way because the grandad did so much bhakti that his dasam dwar was open and jot was merged. He managed to end their rituals of doing divas every week and barths on some other days.....all manmat.

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Guest Beant Singh

Agreed! What I don't understand is that why don't possessed people/there family ask whatever is possessing them to stop (or ask what the atma wants)?? It would have to answer the question.

Good Question. First of all, make sure that next time the Shaheed Singhs' come and convey a message through your aunt, politely ask them what they want and how can they achieve it. They WILL explain the procedure and then just follow it.

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