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Gurdwara Wall Collapsed?

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apprently the wall of the park avenue Gurdwara collapsed the other day...

any1 heard anything about this?

people lie alot, because i asked some comitee members what was goin on.

1 replied : "a micra reversed in2 the wall".

another replied: "a jeep reversed into the wall".

A 1 litre nissan micra is tiny.....a jeep is quite large compared 2 a micra. is som1 lying?

i was wondering if any1 actually knows wat happened? i aint actually been there to see it yet.

i also heard that the real reason for the structure failure was because of water leaks that were ignored for a long time though neglegence and the vehicle hitting the wall is a cover-up. just things ive heard.....

well i guess we shall hear from the surveyors 2morrow....

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Fateh .. . . .

Yes I heard about this yesterday. Apparently a car drove into the wall of the gurudwara. Not the boundary wall but the actual deewan hall. The car went on the pavement and then on to the wall.

The main issue which has arisen is as I hear that the wall is made of blocks, and as a result of this the whole wall is now unstable.

I havent seen it myself, but if some one is visiting the gurudwara, then it will be good to get first hand information.

Vaheguru ji Ka Khalsa

Vaheguru ji ki Fateh

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Guest militant singh

:| PATHETIC :wub: i have been watching this gurdwara falling apart 4 yrs now,no1 paints it outside is a mess car park has holes in it windows r cracked u name it go c urself what i mean the commitee dont seem 2 care sum1 coulda got crushed this was clearly a structural failirue THORUGH BAD MAINTENENCE THE WHOLE CEILING,with windwos and the wall WAS DWN WATER HAS BEEN LEAKING 4 AGES THERE IN THE GURDWARA LANGAR HALL WILL GO DWN NEX BY THE LOOKS OF IT JUS GO LOOK AT DA CEILING SHOKCING SITE ALL DUE 2 THE COMMITEE NOT SPENDING MONEY ON THE GURDWARATHEY WOULD RATHER EAT MONEY THEN SPEND IT ON REPRARING THE PREMISIS.... jus look @ the front windows u c rubbish that has collected ova da yrs half of them r cracked the langar hall roof leaks cracks in wallas evrywhere jus spotted a giant crack runnig thorugh the plaster as well as the bricks on the outer wall on the same side where the ''so called '' car hit giant 1 u c it as u turn the corner the commitee eats money rather then spending it on the gurdwara and gets the sikh youth nikced under falsse accusations,and does negative propoganda against them ,insted of concentrating on 4warding the community and maintaing a safe gurdwara complex THAT GURDWARA BUILDING IS STRUCTURALLY UNSTABLE and @ this point in time isnt fit 4 having sangat inside anything could happen i hope the govt agencys on building standards get this commitee lot done they MAKE ME SICK...an old person could have got curshed under that ill upload pix soon of the mess THIS IS DUE 2 THE COMMITEE UNDER INVESTING IN THE GURDWARA BUILIDNG HOPEFULY THEY TAKE MORE ARE WITH HAVELOCK GURDWARA...........................my view is 1 of properly refurbishing the place the commitee get enough money 4 that WHY NOT EAT LESS MONEY AND USE IT ON THE GURDWARA INSTED --DEMOLISH THE PLACE AND START 4RM SCRATCH THATS WHATS NEEDED ITS IN A TERRIBLE STATE :wub:

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Your post was so negative I didnt even read 1/4 of it.

Things should also be fixed by the Sangats love for the Gurus house. I know a lot of contruction/contractors could put in effort, allthough the commitee have been letting it deteriorate. Sangat should do this also besides the management.

If the Sangat did alot od Seva then the management is forced to do this also.

I heard it was some ugly person looked at the wall and it fell into a million pieces. :| Its funny how the car info changed etc.

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well the committee just wants to spend the minimum on the gurdwara. They'll only do something unless its really needed.

I can't see someone reversing into this area, looks more like a truck driven at a high speed.

Let us know once the buildings fixed folks.

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yeh i spoke to the lady that apprently did it. she said she was pulling out, she had it in recerse gear by accident. as she pushed the acceleration she went back into the wall.....then at that moment she got scared and panickd so she pushed the acceleration more and wedged it right into the wall. the wall wasnt a wall...it was windows and door frames and glass as u can see from the pic. the car was wedged in, all passengers got out through front door.

thats the story.

sat sri akaal


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