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Milk Drinking Statues Hoax?


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No a Brahm Giani is someone with knowledge of God. All the Gianis we know are all Sikh Gianis

A person can claim to be a Sikh Giani, knowing alot about Sikhi and break rehat but a Brahm Giani can never break the rehat and every action is according to the Law of Gurmat.

Somewhere in the world there has got to be a Brahm Giani, but that as rare as like the movie "Congo" being in some remote village somewhere in the vast forest.

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gianee sant singh ji maskeen... passsed away about a year ago... he was a brehum gianee :TH:
he was ohmy.gif now how can you be soo sure grin.gif i mean he surely had a LOT of knowledge in regards to gurbani but brahm gyani is not an easy state to obtain. i'm not dissing maskeen ji or anything i have utmost respect for him. love his katha.
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What is the Law of Gurmat?


I kant rite da hole ting, and theyre izunt know buk say ying eggsactly wat iz perfekt Gurmat, wee hav rehat butt knot a ritten aowt verzhiun uf Gurmat.

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gianee sant singh ji maskeen... passsed away about a year ago... he was a brehum gianee :TH:
he was ohmy.gif now how can you be soo sure grin.gif i mean he surely had a LOT of knowledge in regards to gurbani but brahm gyani is not an easy state to obtain. i'm not dissing maskeen ji or anything i have utmost respect for him. love his katha.

I believe the term you were looking for is KathaVachik. We can certain become inspired by those who speak of Brahma. Sometimes when their talks become intoxicating to our mind and begin to create flashes of awakening within us, our hopes and our beliefs begin to see the speaker as the one who must have experienced all that which he/she states. It is on Faith that we begin to regard other in such a high status of Brahmgiani.

My definition of a Katha Vachik is take from a Jain Mantra which i'll post below. There is a difference between a Teacher(Katha Vachik) and Brahmgiani. A Teacher simply conveys the message that he has heard, it is not yet his experience. He/she may convey this message with such fluency that it directly mimics the state of Anubhav. Such is a Katha Vachik, who convey the wisdom or experience, but yet still hasn't fully experienced what he is conveying.

A Brahmgiani is someone who Conveys what he is Living, What he has directly experienced. This difference is very difficult to differentiate, hence we see listeners of the Katha Vachicks labeling them as Brahmgianis, because they convey the message with such fluency that it hypnotises the listner. Now before one starts to assume that I am belitteling Katha Vachiks, that is certainly not the case as the interpetation of the mantra will express my feelings. But a difference exists.

It is very easy to be a Katha Vachik...all you need is the ability to speak with passion and be charismatic. But When a True Brahmgiani, or a True Saint speaks the atmosphere shifts like no other. The Brahmgiani does not speak from the example of other, his/her words are enriched with his Anubhav and only those who are sensitive enough can pick up on it.

The fourth: "Namo loye savva sahunam namo namo…" I touch the feet of the teachers." You know the subtle difference between a master and a teacher. The master has known, and imparts what he has known. The teacher has received from one who has known, and delivers it intact to the world, but he himself has not known.

The composers of this mantra are really beautiful; they even touch the feet of those who have not known themselves, but at least are carrying the message of the masters to the masses.

i think i might have taken it offtoppic, but hope it helps..

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THese statues drinking milk........

it didnt just happen this year, there was some rubbish about it last time aswell, a few years back i think.

Wheather it done using science or if its trickery, we have be taught in sikhi that we are not to use trickery.

I see a statue drinking milk.... i see the milk dissapering before my eyes but i know that a statue has no relevance when it comes to god. a stone cannot contain god.

this is trickery and deception. i accept that i saw a milk dissapear and it appeared to go into the statue but my beleifs stay firm.

a person that calls a statue a god is a fool, as we been told by guru ji.

i seen alot of people start idolating because of this deception of the milk drinking.


kahay ko poojat pahaan kai parmesar nahee

tahi ko pooj prabh karkay jih poojat hi agh ogh mitahee

"why do u worship stones? a stone cannot contain god

worship him, the only lord, by worshipping whom all pains and sins vanish"

it'll take more than a lil statue drinkin milk to shake my belief ! lol!!!

waheguru waheguru waheguru

sat sri akaal

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this miracle reminds me of one a few years ago - hindus claimed that a small statue of there god (cant remeber which 1) floated in mid air from time to time later it was discovered it was done bey powerful magnets installed into the wall LOL.gif . well this one could be a real miracle grin.gif

The stone they are made of is a pourous stone. If i get a slab of it and throw milk (liquid) of nay kind it will soak it up! - It's a lie and idiots fall for it. Mainly the uneducated!!

Makes me laugh loud!

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