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Call To Youth To Be Sabat Surat And Abandon Intoxicants


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waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

Sikh organisations have long been advising youth to not to become patit but it has not helped

so far as sikh youth is continuing to show disrespect to kesh by every passing day. no.gif

:T: In order to maintain the degnity of hairs and sabat surat saroop... apart from teaching sikh rehat

to the youth it becomes equally important to request youth to either be sabat soorat

or just not to keep

hair at all. Many times sikh youth wearing turbans have been spoted sitting at sloons getting there beards

trimmed and though it is very shocking to know but sikh youth have also been spotted smoking

cigerattes and drinking in public. ohmy.gif

It is thus very important to start a cmpaign to save dignityof kesh and sikh saroop. We shall advise the indisciplined youth to not to keep hair and wear turban at all if they wish to trim their beards, drink and smoke.

Let all the kesh dharis be sabat soorat and non drinkers and non smokers.

Lets save our sikhi saroop :e:

Bhul Chuk Muaf d_oh.gif


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This is bogus.

I'll tell you why you should not make ultimatum's for sikh youth such as "keep everything or lose it all".

Simply because of potential. Not everyone is at the same state of mind as you are, and they keep their kesh for different reasons.

But, over all, the more people we have that keep kesh atleast, the more chances they will pass it on to their children who will then educate themselves on it.

I am a byproduct of the above.

My dad trims his dhari, and I was raised keeping kesh. I am now very aware of Sikhi and help out the community alot.

Think about it, if my dad was given the same ultimatum (he is not religious at all, and hardly knows anything about sikhi) and was told to cut his hair, then he would have cut my hair as a child, and I would never have grown it back.

THE only reason I learned about sikhi was because one day some kid pushed off my patka and exposed my hair. I went home and asked my dad why i look different and why kids treat me differently, and he gave me an unsatisfactory answer. He then, along with my mom, asked if I wanted to go get my hair-cut to make my life easier in school. I said let me research online more about Sikhi.

DUE to that one incident, I am what I am now.

If poeple went by your philosophy of "all or nothing", my dad would have selected "nothing" and from day-one, cut my hair. I would have never grown it back.

In this day and age, we need not be worried about "all or nothing" but rather in increasing potential of the youth to respect their kesh. Even if someone has a pugh, and no dhari...they have more potential to learn about sikhi completely and re-grow their dhari later in their life than start from scratch.

Think about it? would you really want to take the potential of becoming amritdhari away from someone or his future child?

All my dad did was keep the tradition and the experience alive, and he gave that experience to me, and it has gotten me places.

Please, I really do not like it when I hear people give my dad or brother the "all or nothing" conversation. It is much more efficient to Sikhs as a whole if we try to increase potential in them rather than dish out ultimatums.

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How many Gurdwaras in the UK??? Thousands! If they all had days every month to do Sikh parchaar to Sikh youth and others about the sanctity of Kesh and Amrit i'm sure the lost souls would embrace Sikhi without question. But which Gurdwaras will??? it's all about politics nowdays and the Sikhi decreases day by day in people.

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