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Sant Baba Takhur Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale


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Right......I WONT be leading the amritvela divaans, cos i havent got santhia to read bani shudh. So if i do, i will doing beadabi of Bani in sangat.....the only abiyaas ill be doing is snoring at amritvela. so khalistan_zindabaad veer ji, u will have to wake up me up when u get up at 1.30am.

r there ne tadhi or kavishari booked for the programme? wud b nice to have sum bir ras ova the weekend. may be we can have bir ras in thw amritvela programmes....SINGH_DDT_1984 and taksali singh ca sort that out.

bhul chuk maaf

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there are dhadi and kavashari booked for the programme. psd its nice to know that you do abhiyaas whilst sleeping aswell as awake thats gursikhi, is the snoring technique quite effective. . . i believe its a new one as ive not encountered it before :lol: :@ , yeh ill defo wake u up at 1.30 as thats wen ill be goin to sleep. :TH: :TH:

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From: Koorr Nikhutae Naanakaa Ourakh Sach Rahee...

Now that brings me nicely to the only Mukhi who was a Karajkari Mukhi (Acting Jathedar) Sant Baba Thakur Singh Jee Khalsa. For over 20 years Sant Baba Thakur Singh Jee, affectionately referred to as 'Baba Jee', led Damdami Taksal and did an immense Seva. Humility, Honesty, Calmness and Discipline were just a few of the traits that oozed from Baba Jees character.


Forever under the influence of Naam and Bani, Baba Jee would constantly be either reciting or listening to the words of Akaal. In 1983 Sant Jarnail Singh Jee Khalsa Bhindranwale gave a Bachan to the Sikh Sangat that if at any stage of the Dharam Yudh Morcha they were not to be present then we must all listen to and follow to words of Baba Thakur Singh Jee. It is disappointing to know that some people for their own personal gain have decided, now that Baba Jee is no longer on this Earth they can ignore the Bachan that was given.

One story that comes to mind when thinking of the great Seva Baba Jee did was one when Sant Jarnail Singh Jee had newly become the Jathedar. It was in the early hours of the morning, and from their room Sant Jee could hear a noise coming from outside. Curious as to what it was they went outside and saw someone rush inside the Jorray Ghar (Shoe house). Sant Jee went to the Jorray Ghar and saw Baba Jee doing Jorria Di Seva alone, in the dark. Sant Jee was shocked and when enquired as to what Baba Jee was doing Baba Jee said "Either join in or go back to sleep, just don't talk!"

Sant Jee began to apply the dust of the Sangat's shoes to Their forehead, along with Sant Baba Thakur Singh Jee.

May the memory of Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Jee, Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh jee Khalsa Bhindranwale, Sant Baba Kartar Singh jee Khalsa Bhindranwale and Sant Baba Thakur Singh Jee Khalsa stay with us forever; and may the great leader of the 20th Century - Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Jee Khalsa Bhindranwale remain in Charrdeekalaa until the time comes for them to return.

For those of you who get disheartened when people begin to say stuff about Sant Jee and Baba Jee, don't worry coz Koorr Nikhutae Naanakaa Ourakh Sach Rahee - Falsehood will come to an end, O Nanak, and Truth will prevail thereafter...

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