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A good person is only one who recites naam?

Hmm... interesting opinion...

i dont know, i meet a lot of people in my day to day life, when im out and about, who i would class as good people, good "humans", as it were. They are not "religious" ... so that makes them bad? From the heart, they are well mannered, good intentions, genuine people... cant really call them bad, if im honest.

The panj choor are illusions to me. Its Kaljug whipping you on your backside for you to wake up and realise the existence of Satguru Jee... so the answer to your question "do i believe in the 5 choor?"... is that i dont believe in anything except that my Guru exists and that i must realise that before i can reach His embrace. Everything else is just an illusion...

You can be a good person and not be religion. But, most people without "religious" morals, beliefs do not know what they are gonna do and depend on culture. What I mean is, when you are born an America, you are tought what you are surppose to at a specific age. I mean you do not grow up with morals or anything else.

Most americans believe LIVING life is having FUN, as in Drinking, Smoking, and Partying. Before you say I assume, look it over again. MOST AMERICAN's are like this. I am from america, I've seen this my whole life and I have talked to my friends and friends family and teachers. When you are born american, you are not tought what other religious people are tought.

Now christians believe going to church to recite spritual scripts are for jesus. They say that if we embrace the time we have on the weekend and give 1 day to church our life will be good and the way we want it.

Sikhi is a way of life. Guru Nanak has said(this is summed up in my own words), Live life natural and clean. No Tobacco, Smoking, or Drinking. Now, Gurudwara is a term for "Door to the Guru". The four doors stand for Peace, Livelihood, Grace, and Learning. These doors should be open to ALL.

After classifying that. My point is, most of us born outside of our country do not know this and nor do we care. I've spoken to many Non-Native born Sikh's. They either do not have an interest, or do not care. They say they are gonna life like they want, but its not how they WANT, it's the "American" culture they were born into that makes them believe that is the life.

Personally, being BORN into an INDIAN family. My mom was never strict about us being INDIANs or AMERICANS. She let me choose. Meaning i grew up and SHE WANTED to atleast teach me the language. After that it was up to me. When I finally grew up old enough to understand why we went to gurudwara, I actually stopped complaining about going to it and actually LOOKED forward to it. Most people still do not look forward to church. Some-Most are starting now to go anymore. They say life is what they will make it. Which is true. But I believe Sikhi is a nice "way of life" religion.

Im happy that it gives me set rules as in Live Natural, NO SMOKING, DRINKING. Why i emphasize this(caps) is because both of these thing's make people do very very foolish and stupid things. I believe Guru Nanak Dev Ji is looking out for all of us and is helping us in not making these mistakes.



P.S. Sorry for all the reading, just my view.

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A good person is only one who recites naam?

Hmm... interesting opinion...

i dont know, i meet a lot of people in my day to day life, when im out and about, who i would class as good people, good "humans", as it were. They are not "religious" ... so that makes them bad? From the heart, they are well mannered, good intentions, genuine people... cant really call them bad, if im honest.

The panj choor are illusions to me. Its Kaljug whipping you on your backside for you to wake up and realise the existence of Satguru Jee... so the answer to your question "do i believe in the 5 choor?"... is that i dont believe in anything except that my Guru exists and that i must realise that before i can reach His embrace. Everything else is just an illusion...

You can be a good person and not be religion. But, most people without "religious" morals, beliefs do not know what they are gonna do and depend on culture. What I mean is, when you are born an America, you are tought what you are surppose to at a specific age. I mean you do not grow up with morals or anything else.

Most americans believe LIVING life is having FUN, as in Drinking, Smoking, and Partying. Before you say I assume, look it over again. MOST AMERICAN's are like this. I am from america, I've seen this my whole life and I have talked to my friends and friends family and teachers. When you are born american, you are not tought what other religious people are tought.

Now christians believe going to church to recite spritual scripts are for jesus. They say that if we embrace the time we have on the weekend and give 1 day to church our life will be good and the way we want it.

Sikhi is a way of life. Guru Nanak has said(this is summed up in my own words), Live life natural and clean. No Tobacco, Smoking, or Drinking. Now, Gurudwara is a term for "Door to the Guru". The four doors stand for Peace, Livelihood, Grace, and Learning. These doors should be open to ALL.

After classifying that. My point is, most of us born outside of our country do not know this and nor do we care. I've spoken to many Non-Native born Sikh's. They either do not have an interest, or do not care. They say they are gonna life like they want, but its not how they WANT, it's the "American" culture they were born into that makes them believe that is the life.

Personally, being BORN into an INDIAN family. My mom was never strict about us being INDIANs or AMERICANS. She let me choose. Meaning i grew up and SHE WANTED to atleast teach me the language. After that it was up to me. When I finally grew up old enough to understand why we went to gurudwara, I actually stopped complaining about going to it and actually LOOKED forward to it. Most people still do not look forward to church. Some-Most are starting now to go anymore. They say life is what they will make it. Which is true. But I believe Sikhi is a nice "way of life" religion.

Im happy that it gives me set rules as in Live Natural, NO SMOKING, DRINKING. Why i emphasize this(caps) is because both of these thing's make people do very very foolish and stupid things. I believe Guru Nanak Dev Ji is looking out for all of us and is helping us in not making these mistakes.



P.S. Sorry for all the reading, just my view.

I agree and is pretty much what i was trying to say. I dont see Sikhi as any religion - i see it as a way of life - it gives me a guide on a: how to be a good person and live a good life - so i treat others with dignified respect and dont do or say anything to bring harm, grief, upset to anyone else. and b: it is my link between my Guru and my soul. Others choose different links, eg. Hinduism, Islam, Xtianity, etc and that is perfectly fine if it is their choosing. But i find peace only with Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee :)

Its weird because i dont think Sikhi really GIVES us morals... i think it more emphasises them and brings them out again. Because, being a good human, first off, would mean us having those morals anyway - for example, its common sense more than anything that we shouldnt smoke or drink coz of our health, or steal because to take what is not ours shouldnt be morals, it should be common sense and its the same with everything in Sikhi.

Sorry if i babble a bit jio :)

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A good person is only one who recites naam?

Hmm... interesting opinion...

i dont know, i meet a lot of people in my day to day life, when im out and about, who i would class as good people, good "humans", as it were. They are not "religious" ... so that makes them bad? From the heart, they are well mannered, good intentions, genuine people... cant really call them bad, if im honest.

The panj choor are illusions to me. Its Kaljug whipping you on your backside for you to wake up and realise the existence of Satguru Jee... so the answer to your question "do i believe in the 5 choor?"... is that i dont believe in anything except that my Guru exists and that i must realise that before i can reach His embrace. Everything else is just an illusion...

Illusion as in fake thats interesting i wonder have you ever come across bani which speaks of the punj. As it would be good to get your input on what these line in gurbani mean.

I dont any body to think that i am trying to bring the wrong out in people, only to hear everyones personal belief, and so far it seem that its only Carpe Diem whos expressing his personal beliefs.

Heres the bani (Carpe Diem what is your personal translation for these lines)

Aurthur: Bhagat Kabeer Ji, Raag Gauree

pa(n)ch chor kee jaanai reeth ||

you must know the way the five thieves work.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji,Raag Maaroo

pa(n)ch chor cha(n)chal chith chaalehi ||

The five thieves cause the fickle consciousness to waver.

Guru Amar Daas Ji,Raag Bilaaval

pa(n)ch chor thinaa ghar muhanih houmai a(n)dhar sa(n)nih ||

The five thieves plunder their homes, and egotism breaks in.

Guru Arjan Dev Ji, Raag Bilaaval

pa(n)ch chor aagai bhagae jab saadhhasa(n)gaeth ||

The five thieves run away, when one joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

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how can u be a sikh, when u dont no how to be a sikh? one should find out what it means or how to be a sikh or what the guru classifies as someone being worthy enough to be a sikh. this is a good question...



Unless you take a plunge, you will not be able to fathom the depth of waters !

I am sure you want to be a true sikh and are a bit confused. I suggest you begin with just listening to Gurbaani *unassumingly*! It takes anyone long to know what sikhi is all about.

Once you listen to gurbaani and believe in the Gurus, you will know for yourself.

Bhul chuk maaf karnee ji..

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Sikhi is about helping us to become good humanitarians again...

So once we are humanitarians in your opinion is that when we have stopped the circle of rebirth?

I believe its a step in the right direction...

Sikhi is LIFE. If you cant be good humans primarily, tuhaadaa naam japiya bhi kuch nahi kamm auhna...

I see so you belive that one can be a good person without the recitation of Naam, i wonder do you belive in the 5 choor

A good person is only one who recites naam?

Hmm... interesting opinion...

i dont know, i meet a lot of people in my day to day life, when im out and about, who i would class as good people, good "humans", as it were. They are not "religious" ... so that makes them bad? From the heart, they are well mannered, good intentions, genuine people... cant really call them bad, if im honest.

The panj choor are illusions to me. Its Kaljug whipping you on your backside for you to wake up and realise the existence of Satguru Jee... so the answer to your question "do i believe in the 5 choor?"... is that i dont believe in anything except that my Guru exists and that i must realise that before i can reach His embrace. Everything else is just an illusion...

Maybe its not that everything is an illusion and fake, but instead that our relationship with everything is illusional and fake.

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sahibaa, may i ask what makes u think im confused from what i said? thank you

as a true sikh, u advised me to listen to gurbani. this seems like you meant this is what being a sikh is all about, atleast in the early stages. then you said have faith in the gurus. how about we do actually research like i suggested that way we know what satguru classifies a sikh as:

gur siqgur kw jo isKu AKwey su Blky auiT hir nwmu iDAwvY ]

gur sathigur kaa jo sikh akhaaeae s bhalakae out(h) har naam dhhiaavai ||

One who calls himself a Sikh of the Guru, the True Guru, shall rise in the early morning hours and meditate on the Lord's Name.

audmu kry Blky prBwqI iesnwnu kry AMimRq sir nwvY ]

oudham karae bhalakae parabhaathee eisanaan karae a(n)mrith sar naavai ||

Upon arising early in the morning, he is to bathe, and cleanse himself in the pool of nectar.

aupdyis gurU hir hir jpu jwpY siB iklivK pwp doK lih jwvY ]

oupadhaes guroo har har jap jaapai sabh kilavikh paap dhokh lehi jaavai ||

Following the Instructions of the Guru, he is to chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. All sins, misdeeds and negativity shall be erased.

iPir cVY idvsu gurbwxI gwvY bhidAw auTidAw hir nwmu iDAwvY ]

fir charrai dhivas gurabaanee gaavai behadhiaa out(h)adhiaa har naam dhhiaavai ||

Then, at the rising of the sun, he is to sing Gurbani; whether sitting down or standing up, he is to meditate on the Lord's Name.

jo swis igrwis iDAwey myrw hir hir so gurisKu gurU min BwvY ]

jo saas giraas dhhiaaeae maeraa har har so gurasikh guroo man bhaavai ||

One who meditates on my Lord, Har, Har, with every breath and every morsel of food - that GurSikh becomes pleasing to the Guru's Mind.

its a good thing i came across this shabadh otherwise i would have to follow your advice and just listen to bani and believe in the gurus. im sure you have my best interests at heart, but let us get to some of the points satguru has made in the above tuks.

you can only truly be a sikh if you do the following:

rise at amritvela

jap naam

gurbani in the morning (luckily akal takht has given hukum to all sikhs to do certain paath in the morning)

have ishnaan

cleanse yourself in amrit (this seems like a high stage to me)

this is what i got from this shabadh and obviously there must be many more things a gursikh should do. but the first tuk specifically says about those who call themselves a sikh of the guru.

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I agree and is pretty much what i was trying to say. I dont see Sikhi as any religion - i see it as a way of life - it gives me a guide on a: how to be a good person and live a good life - so i treat others with dignified respect and dont do or say anything to bring harm, grief, upset to anyone else. and b: it is my link between my Guru and my soul. Others choose different links, eg. Hinduism, Islam, Xtianity, etc and that is perfectly fine if it is their choosing. But i find peace only with Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee :)

Its weird because i dont think Sikhi really GIVES us morals... i think it more emphasises them and brings them out again. Because, being a good human, first off, would mean us having those morals anyway - for example, its common sense more than anything that we shouldnt smoke or drink coz of our health, or steal because to take what is not ours shouldnt be morals, it should be common sense and its the same with everything in Sikhi.

Sorry if i babble a bit jio :)

Man, I love you(not the wrong way). But, you are probably another person(do not know if you are a sikh or just another person learning more and more about sikhi and sikhism).

Anyway, you said great things. Plus I love how you said its COMMON SENSE, because it is, but people do not know that and think RELIGION is a way to control you. Im perfectly happy with being a Sikh and a PROUD one at that. It doesnt control me or anything. It's just the GURU looking out for me.

I have more to say, but needless you should understand where I am coming from. Not only YOU, since you already understand but everyone ELSE.



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