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Guest Singh?

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Guest Narinder Singh

First off, there is nothing wrong with what youre doing, hell i wish i was more like you!

I've seen a lot of parents like this, they see their children becoming stronger in their faith and want to pull them down to their level. Parents dont want their children to cut their hair, but dont want them taking Amrit either. They want the go to gurdwara on sunday, keep your hair and do bhangra once in a while kid, not any more or less than that.

Its a deep rooted weakness within themselves that will probably never go away. And they also care too much about what society thinks, not their Guru.


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Guest Narinder Singh
Please make the conscious effort to WORK WITH YOUR PARENTS though.

One day you will likely be a parent, and if you try to raise your own children as gursikhs, and they are preached to by a friendfrom another religion, their friends will tell them "don't let your parents stand in the way of your Hinduism/Islam/Buddhism", keep in mind, this is the same situation your parents are in.

Not to suggest your parents are right, by any means... but make sure you put it all on the table and make them a part of it.

Hmm...this kids a Sikh, raised in a Sikh household, and whos parents are Sikh, shouldn't they be PROUD of their child rather thinking he's BRAINWASHED or being DISSAPOINTED in him?? Being a dovote Sikh doesnt make u a fanatic or a member of some cult.


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The world doesn't work on "should" and "shouldn't".. definitely, they shouldn't feel disappointed, and definitely they shuld be proud... but reality and theory are two different things...

but yeah, to me the analogy is the same because they might as well not be Sikhs, based on the way Singh has described them

for them, he's being pulled in a direction that they don't feel is best. Most people understand that being a Gursikhs isn't about being a cult-member or so on so forth... and i'm not suggesting that the parents in this case feel this way, either... but I have yet to come across a set of parents that willfully and wholeheartedly want their child to suffer.

Sometimes their perspective of "best interests for their child" is incongruent with what the Child him/herself feels....and in some cases, parents feelings can be misguided, like this one.

But that doesn't mean it should be addressed as a retaliatory strike "Screw what your parents have to say, jus do it, man, just do it", which is the point i was trying to make originally...

They want to raise their child in method A, but child wants to become method B... to me the analogy of you growing up and raising your child through Method B, but your child wants to follow Method C is still valid.

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Vaheguroo Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguroo Ji Ke Fateh!

Paaji I understand what you are going through as I went through the same thing last year(although I was not doing as much sewa as you are). I know what it feels like and I know right now you think theres nothing you can do to change your parents mind...but there is.

Do Ardas to Guruji for help and have faith. Keep japping Naam. This is all a test and trust me - if you keep loving Guruji as you are now everything will work itself out.

Everything is completly different for me at home now and my parents have accepted it all. Just takes time and no giving up from your side.

Nothing good comes easy!

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Guest Narinder Singh
The world doesn't work on "should" and "shouldn't".. definitely, they shouldn't feel disappointed, and definitely they shuld be proud... but reality and theory are two different things...

but yeah, to me the analogy is the same because they might as well not be Sikhs, based on the way Singh has described them

for them, he's being pulled in a direction that they don't feel is best. Most people understand that being a Gursikhs isn't about being a cult-member or so on so forth... and i'm not suggesting that the parents in this case feel this way, either... but I have yet to come across a set of parents that willfully and wholeheartedly want their child to suffer.

Sometimes their perspective of "best interests for their child" is incongruent with what the Child him/herself feels....and in some cases, parents feelings can be misguided, like this one.

But that doesn't mean it should be addressed as a retaliatory strike "Screw what your parents have to say, jus do it, man, just do it", which is the point i was trying to make originally...

They want to raise their child in method A, but child wants to become method B... to me the analogy of you growing up and raising your child through Method B, but your child wants to follow Method C is still valid.

I completely agree with u. :T:

Sorry for the misunderstanding earlier.


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Well if you're a Sikh. Then these are the kind of parents that need kids who drink/smoke/fornicate/drugs!!

Fer puccho. ''Father is disappointed'' Lord have mercy. When you have parents like these, who needs enemies!!!

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Guest _kaur_

Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh

I too was in a similar situation a few yearsrack, and am still dealing with it now. Like japmans said, try to work with your parents as much as possible. They truly believe that what they are telling you is "the best" for you.

im my case it was that my mom was worried that i would become to " fanatical" and that she would loose the daughter that she had... Im assuming it may be the same for you. When parents who are not as far along on the path as their children, they tend to think that they will loose their children as their child begins to grow.

I dont think that your parents want you to hang out with people how smoke or drink or anything like that... they just want you to live a "normal" life ( as per the rest of th world), they want you to have religion but also be like everyone else in this world. Party, dance and have a " good" time... oppsed to spending all extra time reading bani and going to gurdwara.

Just explain to your parents that you dont want to live that sorta of life, because this world is false, its full of false happiness and the only Truth is Waheguru... nothing, no one else.

I hope that helps, ji

Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh

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Guest singh?

Thank all so very much but i still dont understand what to do. To clearify this is my daily routine. Waking up at amritwela (my parents are asleep and somtimes get mad because i make noise. I understand that tho.) I go to the gurdwara around 3:30 help with prakash do my nitnem and then close to 45 mins of naam i go home get ready and off to school. now aparently my dad says that im going over board because i have to think about my future and this effects me because i dont get enough sleep and i wont be good in studies, therefor i wont get a top noch job like a lawyer. doctor. Engineer and i wont be ANYONE. I get really upset and i say look at the granthi's in the gurdwara. They arnt those jobs and there some of the smartest people in the world, and they are SOMONE. then he just goes on how im being brainwashed blah blah.

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waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fathey

_kaur_ i wanted to thank you for your advice and say that your perfectly right. thats exactly whats happening only to a much bigger extreame. My dad is starting to not even talk to me..for two days no barley one word.

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yes im sikh. Well atleast i have my kesh my whole family does, but like i just want everyone to no that ill never actually let my sikhi go and ill fight to the end for it, but i just wish my parents could understand. Im so fed up with them, but im trying to stay in control so i dont accedently commit one of the 5 chor. I just ask satgur to bless me with the gift of amrit as sooon as possible so i have more strength to fight.

IK ong kar satgur parsad!

Probably your parents need to understand that you as an individual need your space and should be proud of your determination. I repeat, have confidence in yourself and our gurus will guide you through!

Bhul chuk maaf karni ji!

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