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Some Of My Poems

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hi, my poem for you about 1984 is finished, here it is (warn you its really upsetting, may bring a tear to your eye :wub: i appologise in advance if it does to any1.


The Harminder Sahib-1984

The jewel of the world, the gold plated crown of our lives. Where all are welcome, and where the true guru will always reside.

Like a lotus on a pond, this beauty architected by the one true Lord. Beyond birth and death, meditate with each breath on Waheguru ji, the master of this world.

Truly Sachkand on earth, the sacred place in our hearts and minds. Built by our beloved gurus, no place more spiritual or divine.

Yet one moment in our history shall never be forgotten. The day all our hearts and lives and spirits were broken. L An act of such evil desperation and destruction by India’s ruthless military powered Hindu political faction.

A day when thousands of our brothers and sisters attend the 5th gurus gurpurb celebration. Men, women and our beloved innocent children. Families all together for this special spiritual occasion.

Unaware of the approaching tanks and military forces armed with oppression as their rifle, hatred as their bullets, death as their companion. An army prepared for war with peaceful, unarmed men, women and children.

Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale their justification to show no remorse, mercy and murder thousands of our innocent sikh nation.

The outcome deemed “successful” for they have killed the source of oppressed-sikh uprisal. “Successful” for they have destroyed our beloved golden temple.

Like a nightmare, the area decorated by a vision of hell. Blood, destroyed and decapitated bodies of thousands of our brothers and sisters. In an instant, families are separated and destroyed. In an instant, they wash and rebuild to cover the atrocities deployed.

Wjkk wjkf


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hi, my poem for you about 1984 is finished, here it is (warn you its really upsetting, may bring a tear to your eye :wub: i appologise in advance if it does to any1.


The Harminder Sahib-1984

The jewel of the world, the gold plated crown of our lives. Where all are welcome, and where the true guru will always reside.

Like a lotus on a pond, this beauty architected by the one true Lord. Beyond birth and death, meditate with each breath on Waheguru ji, the master of this world.

Truly Sachkand on earth, the sacred place in our hearts and minds. Built by our beloved gurus, no place more spiritual or divine.

Yet one moment in our history shall never be forgotten. The day all our hearts and lives and spirits were broken. L An act of such evil desperation and destruction by India’s ruthless military powered Hindu political faction.

A day when thousands of our brothers and sisters attend the 5th gurus gurpurb celebration. Men, women and our beloved innocent children. Families all together for this special spiritual occasion.

Unaware of the approaching tanks and military forces armed with oppression as their rifle, hatred as their bullets, death as their companion. An army prepared for war with peaceful, unarmed men, women and children.

Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale their justification to show no remorse, mercy and murder thousands of our innocent sikh nation.

The outcome deemed “successful” for they have killed the source of oppressed-sikh uprisal. “Successful” for they have destroyed our beloved golden temple.

Like a nightmare, the area decorated by a vision of hell. Blood, destroyed and decapitated bodies of thousands of our brothers and sisters. In an instant, families are separated and destroyed. In an instant, they wash and rebuild to cover the atrocities deployed.

Wjkk wjkf


from the 4th paragraph my heart beat went weird no joke ohmy.gif !!! crazy word play!! i rekon this is the best SERIOUS poem u've done

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  • 2 weeks later...

(techno i will do that poem on jamdoots when i buy that book by bhai sahib randir singh abouth the afterlife)

anyways heres one i wrote today


Some aspire for heaven. A place where all desires and fantasies are fulfilled. But then why isn’t eternal bliss and peace revealed within those whom are great kings of this world?

With their mountainous wealth, and armies of slaves. Their cup of desire is always filled. The burning fire of their greed is kept well lit. But, in the end it is this unquenchable hunger, which dooms their souls to hells deepest, darkest pit. So, why would such earthly materialistic things be our heavenly reward?

Some fast, and deprive themselves of food. Yet not one moment of thought is spent meditating on the name of our lord. Not one selfless action for another is done. So how can abstaining from food lead one to the master of our world?

Others make pilgrimages to sacred shrines and places, in belief that such actions will cleanse their soul of sin. If true, then also a murderer and rapist would be free of sin if such actions were done! A blackened soul is ONLY cleansed by worshipping the lord with love and devotion. Waheguru.

Many paths, as promised may lead the devotees to one of countless heavenly abodes. However, even the highest is beneath the true lords home. All the heavenly angels envy Sri Guru Nanak Ji’s path. A straight road, which even they cannot grasp, that leads the gursikh devotees to sachkhand.

The gursikh, detached from the world only desires this one thing, to merge with our lord. To be the dust of the lords feet is greater than any other reward.

Wjkk wjkf

This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Jap on Pannaa 5

pwqwlw pwqwl lK Awgwsw Awgws ]

paathaalaa paathaal lakh aagaasaa aagaas ||

There are nether worlds beneath nether worlds, and hundreds of thousands of heavenly worlds above.

This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Siree Raag on Pannaa 71

qyrw AMqu n pwieAw surig miC pieAwil jIau ]1]

thaeraa a(n)th n paaeiaa surag mashh paeiaal jeeo ||1||

Your limits are not known to any of the beings in the heavens, in this world, or in the nether regions of the underworld. ||1||

Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 216

brq nym sMjm mih rhqw iqn kw AwFu n pwieAw ]

barath naem sa(n)jam mehi rehathaa thin kaa aadt n paaeiaa ||

Fasting, daily rituals, and austere self-discipline - those who keep the practice of these, are rewarded with less than a shell.

Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Jaithsree on Pannaa 699

siB qIrQ vrq jg puMn quolwhw ]

sabh theerathh varath jag pu(n)n thuolaahaa ||

I have tried visiting all the sacred shrines of pilgrimage, fasting, ceremonial feasts and giving to charities.

hir hir nwm n pujih pujwhw ]

har har naam n pujehi pujaahaa ||

They do not measure up to the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

hir hir Aqulu qolu Aiq BwrI gurmiq jip Eumwhw rwm ]3]

har har athul thol ath bhaaree guramath jap oumaahaa raam ||3||

The Lord's Name is unweighable, utterly heavy in weight; through the Guru's Teachings, a sincere yearning to chant the Name has welled up in me. ||3||

siB krm Drm hir nwmu jpwhw ]

sabh karam dhharam har naam japaahaa ||

All good karma and righteous living are found in meditation on the Lord's Name.

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(techno i will do that poem on jamdoots when i buy that book by bhai sahib randir singh abouth the afterlife)

anyways heres one i wrote today


Some aspire for heaven. A place where all desires and fantasies are fulfilled. But then why isn't eternal bliss and peace revealed within those whom are great kings of this world?

With their mountainous wealth, and armies of slaves. Their cup of desire is always filled. The burning fire of their greed is kept well lit. But, in the end it is this unquenchable hunger, which dooms their souls to hells deepest, darkest pit. So, why would such earthly materialistic things be our heavenly reward?

Some fast, and deprive themselves of food. Yet not one moment of thought is spent meditating on the name of our lord. Not one selfless action for another is done. So how can abstaining from food lead one to the master of our world?

Others make pilgrimages to sacred shrines and places, in belief that such actions will cleanse their soul of sin. If true, then also a murderer and rapist would be free of sin if such actions were done! A blackened soul is ONLY cleansed by worshipping the lord with love and devotion. Waheguru.

Many paths, as promised may lead the devotees to one of countless heavenly abodes. However, even the highest is beneath the true lords home. All the heavenly angels envy Sri Guru Nanak Ji's path. A straight road, which even they cannot grasp, that leads the gursikh devotees to Sachkhand.

The gursikh, detached from the world only desires this one thing, to merge with our lord. To be the dust of the lords feet is greater than any other reward.

Wjkk wjkf

I liked this one - really direct, and easy to understand loll :TH:

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^^ :wub: glad you liked it. Heres another one i just finished writing....


I am a slave to the divine command of my master. Even in pain, sorrow and disaster I thank my lord. Even in poverty, I can always afford to offer him my prayer.

I am grass, and life ravages, burns and tramples me. I am a leper, an untouchable, an outcast. I am deformed and dying, death’s face is all I see. Yet your actions seem so sweet to me…and I thank you my lord.

I am bee starved of thy sweet honey. A poor banker with no money. I am a lion without my pride. You are the wind, and I am the tide. I am always a slave to your divine command.

With each breath I savour you, with each heartbeat I thank you. For this spec of dust has been blessed with thy holy naam. Vaheguru.

In happiness and sadness I always remember my lord. For now this soul is liberated, it will no longer suffer, and shall no longer be reborn.

Vaheguru Ji ka khalsa. Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh.

(The khalsa Belong to God. All victory is the victory of God)

This Shabad is by Bhai Gurdaas Ji in Vaars Bhai Gurdaas on Pannaa 18

gurmuK haumY prhrY mn BwvY KsmY dw Bwxw]

guramukh houmai pareharai man bhaavai khasamai dhaa bhaanaa||

Gurmukh repudiates ego and he likes the will of God.

pYrIN pY pwKwk hoie drgh pwvY mwx inmwxw]

pairee(n) pai paakhaak hoe dharageh paavai maan nimaanaa||

Becoming humble and falling at the feet he becomes dust and earns honour in the court of the Lord.

vrqmwn ivc vrqdw hovxhwr soeI prvwxw]

varathamaan vich varathadhaa hovanehaar soee paravaanaa||

He always moves in the present i.e. never ignores the contemporary situations and side by side accepts whatever is likely to happen.

kwrx krqw jo krY isr Dr mMn krY Sukrwxw]

kaaran karathaa jo karai sir dhhar ma(n)n karai shukaraanaa||

Whatever is done by the creator of all the causes, is gratefully accepted by him.

rwjI hoie rzwie ivc dunIAw AMdr ijauN imhmwxw]

raajee hoe razaae vich dhuneeaa a(n)dhar jiou(n) mihamaanaa||

He remains happy in the will of the Lord and considers himself a guest in the world.

ivsmwdI ivsmwd ivc kudrq kwdr noN kurbwxw]

visamaadhee visamaadh vich kudharath kaadhar no(n) kurabaanaa||

He remains elated in the love of the Lord and goes sacrificed unto the feats of the creator.

lyp Alyp sdw inrbwxw ]òñ]

laep alaep sadhaa nirabaanaa ||aa||

Living in the world he remains detached and liberated.


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