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Kaurs In Punj Piarey

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for all those who say the cnt u dnt believe in equality and what guru nanak dev ji taught us aboiut respectung women. can someone plz tell me where it says panj pyaareh have to resemble teh original ones???whast a load of crap. that means if ur a small guy u cnat do it becasue the origianl ones were all quite big. women have as much right to represent us. panj pyaareh can be anyone otherwise it wud be named the panj singhs. this reli gets to me and im a guy too. its a joke hw backward most of u lopt r. u may be amrithari but sum of u guys r so far in2 ur own egos

Tell us in history when Guru Gobind Singh Sahb ji put Mata Sahib Kuar in the Punj Pyare?

Take time to read other post. Just so you know, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji distinguished between male and female. Did he distinguish between height or weight or any other foolish thing you can think of. NO! Our Guru isn't scared to distinguish between man and woman, but his Sikhs are. Now are you follow Guru Sahib!!! Understand that five males gave their head for this service in the Panth. Women were given the equality right to give their head at the sametime. 1699 is one of the most important parts of Sikhi. it is not replicated, but decisions that were made that day are followed because it is Gurmat. If you want women in Punj Pyare then in Anand Karaj the Gurmat Guru Sahib started as to be changed to fit the 'western' mindset where woman walks infront for half the laava. Are you prepared to change Gurmat to Manmat.

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hw can u say 5 males became teh original panj pyaareh. they were 5 sikhs in my eyes. if everyone had ur mentality then we could take ur entrepation further. ur right it was 5 males........... but it was also 5 brown men. if we all took it as it was wed say no1 none brown people can bcum panj pyaareh. or kids etc. so that only leaves brown men who can take it.

grow up!i know sum singhnis who are stronger and more devoted to sikhi than men. anyoen who take amrit and keeps its rehat can do it in y opinion. and all credit to those gudwareh that allow it.

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Tell us in history when Guru Gobind Singh Sahb ji put Mata Sahib Kuar in the Punj Pyare?

What's the point for Mata Sahib Kaur ji offering her head? She was Guru Gobind Singh ji's wife, it would have been too obvious.. i don't think Mata Sahib Kaur ji, Mother of Khalsa, would have hesitated half a second to give her head if it had been expected from her. But Guru Sahib wanted Sikhs from the public to stand up.

What distinguishes a woman from a man so much that she isn't able to prepare amrit? Some of you argue that it's because panj piaare should resemble the original panj piaare.. but surely it's not the looks that matter, but love for Guru Sahib. It's Panj PIAARE. Kaurs are Guru Sahib's loved ones just as much as Singhs are. What do any physiological differences matter compared to that??

There are Gursikhs who have got amrit from Panj Piaare including Kaurs.. are they less amritdharis because of that?

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hw can u say 5 males became teh original panj pyaareh.

Because that's what took place.

they were 5 sikhs in my eyes.

I agree with you here 110%. They were/are Sikhs. But a Sikh can be male or female. Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji showed us this by giving the name Singh to the male and Kaur to the female. Guru Sahib himself distinguished between male and female. Try to look deeper into this topic. Looking at it from the surface and coming to a decisions won't help.

if everyone had ur mentality then we could take ur entrepation further. ur right it was 5 males........... but it was also 5 brown men.if we all took it as it was wed say no1 none brown people can bcum panj pyaareh. or kids etc. so that only leaves brown men who can take it.

See when you add they were brown, from this caste, this weight or anything else then it's called follow the caste system and discrimination, which Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak Dev ji abolished in Sikhi. When I say they were male this is not discrimination because Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji distinguished the two genders(Singh and Kaur). Guru Sahib said I need one head, this opportunity was open to both genders, but it's only males Sikhs stood up and gave their head for this service.

grow up!i know sum singhnis who are stronger and more devoted to sikhi than men. anyoen who take amrit and keeps its rehat can do it in y opinion. and all credit to those gudwareh that allow it.

This is not about men vs. women love for Guru Sahib. It's about being able to understand what took place in 1699. There is not one shabad that speaks against only males being in Punj. People will take one tuk and isolate it and say it does, but once you read the whole shabad it speaks on a higher level

Woman are allowed doing everything else in Sikhi. Only this one service is for men and to understand why you gotta get your head out of the eqaulity bit because it is not inequality having only Singhs.

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Tell us in history when Guru Gobind Singh Sahb ji put Mata Sahib Kuar in the Punj Pyare?

What's the point for Mata Sahib Kaur ji offering her head? She was Guru Gobind Singh ji's wife, it would have been too obvious.. i don't think Mata Sahib Kaur ji, Mother of Khalsa, would have hesitated half a second to give her head if it had been expected from her. But Guru Sahib wanted Sikhs from the public to stand up.

Let me just agree with you for a second. let's say it was obvious in 1699, but what about afterwards. Amrit was given to Sikhs and why didn't Guru Sahib put Mata Sahib Kaur in the Punj? Why didn't Baba Deep Singh ji Khalsa, put a woman in the Punj Pyare. Gursikhs followed Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji and did not change Gurmat. Gursikhs have more gyan than us. The whole world can disagree with Sant Baba Jarnail Singh ji Khalsa, but that won't change anything. Try to make sense out of the religious equality arguement you guys present. Apply it to other practices in Sikhi and see if it works. If your guys theory is correct then it should be correct in all practices, which includes the Anand Karaj. That is what Truth represents, where it holds water in every test you put it too. Sant ji, just didn't bring that example up for no reason about Anand Karaj. It is very much related here. Try to see the connection.

What distinguishes a woman from a man so much that she isn't able to prepare amrit? Some of you argue that it's because panj piaare should resemble the original panj piaare.. but surely it's not the looks that matter, but love for Guru Sahib. It's Panj PIAARE. Kaurs are Guru Sahib's loved ones just as much as Singhs are. What do any physiological differences matter compared to that??

There are Gursikhs who have got amrit from Panj Piaare including Kaurs.. are they less amritdharis because of that?

This equality bit,LOL. Bhenji all I can say here is what I told sherlsurj and try to keep in mind to the Male Singh was given and to the Female Kaur was given.

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pWc isMG AMimRq jo dyvYN qW ko isr Dr Ck pun lyvY ] pun iml pWco rihq jo BwKY qW ko mn myN idRV kr rwKY ]

paa(n)ch si(n)gh a(n)mrith jo dhaevai(n) thaa(n) ko sir dhhar shhak pun laevai ||apun mil paa(n)cho rehith

jo bhaakhai thaa(n) ko man mae(n) dhrirr kar raakhai ||

Offer you head and take the Amrit prepared by five Singhs. The code of conduct (Rehat), which they bless you with, should be enshrined in one's heart.

Krith Bilaas Paathshahee Dasvee

Its not an issue of equlity, Akaal Purakh hasnt made us equal, men and women are physically,emotionaly, physologicaly different. Man cant give birth, so how is he equal to a women. Theres a difference between eqauailty and respect.

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i have only one thing to say but i can give you thousands of examples from the gurbani , BUT it seems that you give me your own bamun (hindu) vaad ..

1) guru nanak says in his shabad....boly boly firy(female) maa firee....he does not say boly boly maa fraa(male)...

2) so koo mun tha akeea jith jumaa rajaan (<banned word filter activated> di //)

3)maata kee-ve naak jaan( noticed the jaan should as a common word for males and females)

4) if it says guru sikha munya vady a ( does this mean female can't receive these vadya)

5) guru sat gur ka sikh jo akavay so pal-ke uttaa ( does this mean it does not apply to a female...wrong she too has to rise early to do nam jap)

i hope these are enough example of how the gurus treated male and females equal...in respect.

i agree the dffrecence in the two are only pysicial ..but the actucal think MUN is the thing that goes up to heven or hell

bhai gurdass or any other so called bani is not in the guru granth so please don't quote from there.

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i have only one thing to say but i can give you thousands of examples from the gurbani , BUT it seems that you give me your own bamun (hindu) vaad ..

1) guru nanak says in his shabad....boly boly firy(female) maa firee....he does not say boly boly maa fraa(male)...

2) so koo mun tha akeea jith jumaa rajaan (<banned word filter activated> di //)

3)maata kee-ve naak jaan( noticed the jaan should as a common word for males and females)

4) if it says guru sikha munya vady a ( does this mean female can't receive these vadya)

5) guru sat gur ka sikh jo akavay so pal-ke uttaa ( does this mean it does not apply to a female...wrong she too has to rise early to do nam jap)

i hope these are enough example of how the gurus treated male and females equal...in respect.

i agree the dffrecence in the two are only pysicial ..but the actucal think MUN is the thing that goes up to heven or hell

bhai gurdass or any other so called bani is not in the guru granth so please don't quote from there.

Present the whole shabads and tell us on which ang sung it is on. Presenting tuks is not the correct way. Bahi Gurdas ji's vaar are much important here. But stick to presenting Gurbani in the correct form first and then we can discuss.

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so if women cant do everything a man can do they reli arent equal are they? if they cant be panj pyaareh but men can surely they are not treated the same as men and seen as didff. and no this isnt a male vs women thing as im a male fighting for women here. and when it says HE in gurbani its bcoz there is so neutral pronouns in english! i cant believe sum of ur guys mentality what can a woman do that a man cant!?

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i have only one thing to say but i can give you thousands of examples from the gurbani , BUT it seems that you give me your own bamun (hindu) vaad ..

1) guru nanak says in his shabad....boly boly firy(female) maa firee....he does not say boly boly maa fraa(male)...

2) so koo mun tha akeea jith jumaa rajaan (<banned word filter activated> di //)

3)maata kee-ve naak jaan( noticed the jaan should as a common word for males and females)

4) if it says guru sikha munya vady a ( does this mean female can't receive these vadya)

5) guru sat gur ka sikh jo akavay so pal-ke uttaa ( does this mean it does not apply to a female...wrong she too has to rise early to do nam jap)

i hope these are enough example of how the gurus treated male and females equal...in respect.

i agree the dffrecence in the two are only pysicial ..but the actucal think MUN is the thing that goes up to heven or hell

bhai gurdass or any other so called bani is not in the guru granth so please don't quote from there.

Present the whole shabads and tell us on which ang sung it is on. Presenting tuks is not the correct way. Bahi Gurdas ji's vaar are much important here. But stick to presenting Gurbani in the correct form first and then we can discuss.

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