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Candle Light Vigil - Toronto


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Post From COSS, By Karanjeet Singh

Waheguru Je Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Je Ke Fateh,

With Guru Sahib's kirpa the Canadian Organization of Sikh Students is organizing this years candle light vigil. we've managed to secure the permit for the Candle Light Vigil to be held at Yonge and Dundas Square (adjacent to the Eaton centre-east side) for Sunday November 11th from 5-7pm. I hope we can manage to gather a great group of volunteers, especially those with previous years experience.

We are having an all volunteers meeting on Sunday November 4th at 4:00pm at Dixie Gurdwara in Hall #5.

I would like to underline that we have a duty to fulfill, to the families who lost everything imaginable during the tragic events of 84. I understand that time is not on our side but I hope everyone can place things into perspective and maintain the vision of the greater picture.

The Ensaaf Group has confirmed their attendance.

Please contact Parminder Singh at parminder.j@gmail.com or Karanjeet Singh-s.karanjeet@gmail.com for more info.

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Post From COSS, By Karanjeet Singh

Waheguru Je Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Je Ke Fateh,

With Guru Sahib's kirpa the Canadian Organization of Sikh Students is organizing this years candle light vigil. we've managed to secure the permit for the Candle Light Vigil to be held at Yonge and Dundas Square (adjacent to the Eaton centre-east side) for Sunday November 11th from 5-7pm. I hope we can manage to gather a great group of volunteers, especially those with previous years experience.

We are having an all volunteers meeting on Sunday November 4th at 4:00pm at Dixie Gurdwara in Hall #5.

I would like to underline that we have a duty to fulfill, to the families who lost everything imaginable during the tragic events of 84. I understand that time is not on our side but I hope everyone can place things into perspective and maintain the vision of the greater picture.

The Ensaaf Group has confirmed their attendance.

Please contact Parminder Singh at parminder.j@gmail.com or Karanjeet Singh-s.karanjeet@gmail.com for more info.

Great stuff.

Keep up the good work.

Try and get Canadian (non-Sikh) politicians to come along to make a few speeches, also try and get non-Sikhs out if at all possible.

Sikh Federation (UK)

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Vaheguru ... Amazing !!

Vaheguruuu ji ka khalsa, Vaheguruuu ji ki fatehhh

Candle Light Vigil

REMEMBER 84 - Let the Silence be Heard

In memory of the victims of the 1984 Anti-Sikh Massacre

Sunday, November 11th


Yonge and Dundas Square - Toronto




1984 Sikh Genocide

On June 3, 1984, the martyrdom anniversary of the fifth Sikh Guru, the Indian army launched Operation Bluestar. The army invaded the Harmandir Sahib complex (popularly known as Golden Temple), the center of Sikh religious and political life, and forty-one other major Sikh gurudwaras with tanks and imposed a state-wide curfew. The government forbade news coverage of the army attacks, expelled foreign journalists, and cut phone lines across Punjab. Although the official White Paper cited the deaths of only eighty-three Army personnel and 493 militants, eyewitnesses cited figures ranging from 4000 to 8000 people killed, mostly pilgrims.

On October 31, 1984, two of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's Sikh bodyguards assassinated her in retaliation for Operation Bluestar. In the days that followed, anti-Sikh pogroms paralysed Delhi and most of Northern India, ultimately claiming at least 2,733 lives by a government report – although at least 5,015 lives were counted by affidavits collected from victim's families alone. Sikhs were beaten, stabbed, doused in kerosene and burnt alive by mobs. Women were raped and tens of thousands of Sikhs homes and businesses were burnt. Attackers came with iron rods, knives, and swords. Sikh homes were identified through voters' lists and ration books. The state-run radio called for more Sikh blood. Many of the organizers of these anti-Sikh pogroms have been identified as politicians at the highest levels of the Indian government. These individuals roam free even today, and many hold elected office and positions in the political cabinet. No attempt has ever been made by the government to bring them to justice.

The World Press Witnesses the Carnage:

"The bodies beside the track were al Sikh, some had burned alive others burnt to death. The Sikhs were pulled from trains by a Hindu mob outside New Delhi to face a slow death." Daily Mail – November 3, 1984

"Many people complained that, in some cases, the police were not merely hanging back, but giving active support." The Times of London – November 5, 1984

"Victims speak of mobs being led by notoriously unruly Youth Congress activists armed with voters' lists from which Sikh homes and businesses could be identified. How did kerosene materialize so efficiently? Why did the police declare open season on Sikh shops?" Sunday telegraph – November 11, 1984

"Days of violence and loot and murder left the national capital dazed – and unprecedented holocaust. Criminally led hoodlum killed Sikhs, looted or burnt homes and properties while the police twiddled their thumbs." India Today – November 15, 1984


Please spread the word to all family and friends. For further information please contact sevadaars on the poster.

- COSS Sevadaars

Vaheguruu ji ka khalsa, Vaheguruu ji ki fatehh


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Vaheguru ...

Have sent through images for banners and postcards to be printed and distributed to organisers. It would be good if these could be posted here.

The family in Toronto have started sending through photos of the vigil. Great to see that you found the images and ideas we sent from the UK useful. Keep up the excellent work and post more photos.



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