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Three Qualities


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Could anyone tell me what are the three qualities (dispositions in another translation)

In the following

ਗਉੜੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੩ ॥

Gauree, Third Mehl:

ਤ੍ਰੈ ਗੁਣ ਵਖਾਣੈ ਭਰਮੁ ਨ ਜਾਇ ॥

Those who speak of the three qualities - their doubts do not depart.

ਬੰਧਨ ਨ ਤੂਟਹਿ ਮੁਕਤਿ ਨ ਪਾਇ ॥

Their bonds are not broken, and they do not obtain liberation.

ਮੁਕਤਿ ਦਾਤਾ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਜੁਗ ਮਾਹਿ ॥੧॥

The True Guru is the Bestower of liberation in this age. ||1||

ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪ੍ਰਾਣੀ ਭਰਮੁ ਗਵਾਇ ॥

Those mortals who become Gurmukh give up their doubts.

ਸਹਜ ਧੁਨਿ ਉਪਜੈ ਹਰਿ ਲਿਵ ਲਾਇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

The celestial music wells up, when they lovingly attune their consciousness to the Lord. ||1||Pause||

ਤ੍ਰੈ ਗੁਣ ਕਾਲੈ ਕੀ ਸਿਰਿ ਕਾਰਾ ॥

Those who are controlled by the three qualities have death hovering over their heads.

Ang 231

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gauVI mhlw 3 ] qRY gux vKwxY Brmu n jwie ] bMDn n qUtih mukiq n pwie ] mukiq dwqw siqguru jug mwih ]1] gurmuiK pRwxI Brmu gvwie ] shj Duin aupjY hir ilv lwie ]1] rhwau ] qRYgux kwlY kI isir kwrw ] nwmu n cyqih aupwvxhwrw ] mir jMmih iPir vwro vwrw ]2] AMDy gurU qy Brmu n jweI ] mUlu Coif lwgy dUjY BweI ] ibKu kw mwqw ibKu mwih smweI ]3] mwieAw kir mUlu jMqR Brmwey ] hir jIau ivsirAw dUjY Bwey ] ijsu ndir kry so prm giq pwey ]4] AMqir swcu bwhir swcu vrqwey ] swcu n CpY jy ko rKY Cpwey ] igAwnI bUJih shij suBwey ]5] gurmuiK swic rihAw ilv lwey ] haumY mwieAw sbid jlwey ] myrw pRBu swcw myil imlwey ]6] siqguru dwqw sbdu suxwey ] Dwvqu rwKY Twik rhwey ] pUry gur qy soJI pwey ]7] Awpy krqw isRsit isrij ijin goeI ] iqsu ibnu dUjw Avru n koeI ] nwnk gurmuiK bUJY koeI ]8]6] {pMnw 232}

pd ArQ :—qYRgux vKwxY—mwieAw dy iqMnW guxW dIAW g`lW krdw hY, mwieAw dy pswry dIAW g`lW ivc idl-cspI r`Kdw hY [ Brmu—Btkxw [ mukiq—(mwieAw dy moh qoN) ^lwsI [ jug mwih—jgq ivc, izMdgI ivc [1[

gurmuiK—gurU dI srn pY ky [ shj Duin—Awqmk Afolqw dI rO [1[rhwau[

isir kwrw—isr auqy dbwau [ kwlY kI—mOq dI, Awqmk mOq dI [ vwro vwrw—muV muV [2[

qy—qoN, pwsoN, dI rwhIN [ mUlu—jgq dw mUl-pRBU [ dUjY BweI—dUjY Bwie, mwieAw dy ipAwr ivc [ ibKu—zhr (mwieAw dw moh jo Awqmk jIvn ƒ mwr mukWdw hY) [3[

mUlu—Awsrw [ kir—kr ky, imQ ky [ jMqR—jIv {bhu-vcn} [ giq—Awqmk AvsQw [ prm giq—sB qoN au~cI Awqmk AvsQw [4[

AMqir—ihrdy ivc [ bwhir—jgq nwl vrqx-vrqwv kridAW [ swcu—sdw-iQr rihx vwlw prmwqmw [ shij—Awqmk Afolqw ivc [ suBwey—suBwie, pRym ivc [5[

swic—sdw-iQr pRBU ivc [ sbid—Sbd dI rwhIN [ myil—myl ivc [6[

Dwvqu—(mwieAw dy ip`Cy) dOVdy mn ƒ [ Twik—rok ky [ qy—qoN, pwsoN [7[

isRsit—dunIAw [ isrij—pYdw kr ky [ goeI—nws kIqI [ ijin—ijs (krqwr) ny [8[

ArQ :—(hy BweI!) jyhVw mnu`K gurU dI srn pYNdw hY, auh Awpxy mn dI Btkxw dUr kr lYNdw hY, aus dy AMdr Awqmk Afolqw dI rO pYdw ho jWdI hY (ikauNik gurU dI ik®pw nwl) auh prmwqmw iv`c suriq joVI r`Kdw hY [1[rhwau[

(pr, hy BweI!) jyhVw mnu`K mwieAw dy pswry dIAW g`lW ivc hI idl-cspI r`Kdw hY, aus dy mn dI Btkxw dUr nhIN ho skdI, aus dy (mwieAw dy moh dy) bMDn nhIN t`utdy, aus ƒ (mwieAw dy moh qoN) ^lwsI pRwpq nhIN huMdI [ (hy BweI!) jgq ivc mwieAw dy moh qoN ^lwsI dyx vwlw (isr&) gurU (hI) hY [1[

(hy BweI!) mwieAw dy pswry ivc idl-cspI r`Kx vwilAW dy isr auqy (sdw) Awqmk mOq dw hukm c`ldw hY, auh isrjxhwr prmwqmw dw nwm kdy Xwd nhIN krdy, auh muV muV (jgq ivc) jMmdy hn, mrdy hn, jMmdy hn mrdy hn [2[

(pr, hy BweI! mwieAw dy moh ivc Awp) AMnHy hoey hoey gurU pwsoN (srn Awey syvk dy mn dI) Btkxw dUr nhIN ho skdI [ (Ajyhy gurU dI srn pY ky qW mnu`K sgoN) jgq dy mUl-krqwr ƒ C`f ky mwieAw dy moh ivc Psdy hn [ (Awqmk mOq pYdw krn vwlI mwieAw dy) zhr ivc msq hoieAw mnu`K aus zhr ivc hI mgn rihMdw hY [3[

(ABwgI) mnu`K mwieAw ƒ (izMdgI dw) Awsrw bxw ky (mwieAw dI ^wqr hI) Btkdy rihMdy hn, mwieAw dy ipAwr dy kwrn auhnW ƒ prmwqmw BuilAw rihMdw hY [ (pr, hy BweI!) ijs mnu`K au~qy prmwqmw rihm dI ingwh krdw hY, auh mnu`K sB qoN au~cI Awqmk AvsQw hwsl kr lYNdw hY (ij`Qy mwieAw dw moh poh nhIN skdw) [4[

(hy BweI! jyhVw mnu`K gurU dI srn pYNdw hY, gurU aus dy) ihrdy ivc sdw-iQr rihx vwly prmwqmw dw prkwS kr dyNdw hY, jgq nwl vrqx-vrqwv kridAW BI swry jgq ivc aus ƒ sdw-iQr pRBU ivKw dyNdw hY [ (ijs mnu`K dy AMdr bwhr pRBU dw prkwS ho jwey), auh jy ies (imlI dwiq) ƒ lukw ky r`Kx dw jqn BI kry qW BI sd-iQr pRBU (dw prkwS) lukdw nhIN [ prmwqmw nwl fUMGI sWJ r`Kx vwly mnu`K Awqmk Afolqw ivc (itk ky) pRBU-pRym ivc juV ky (ies AslIAq ƒ) smJ lYNdy hn [5[

(hy BweI!) gurU dI srn pYx vwlw mnu`K sdw kwiem rihx vwly prmwqmw ivc AwpxI suriq joVI r`Kdw hY, gurU dy Sbd dI brkiq nwl auh (Awpxy AMdroN) haumY qy mwieAw (dw moh) swV lYNdw hY [ (ies qrHW) sdw-iQr rihx vwlw ipAwrw pRBU aus ƒ Awpxy crnW ivc imlweI r`Kdw hY [6[

(hy BweI! prmwqmw dy nwm dI) dwiq dyx vwlw siqgurU ijs mnu`K ƒ Awpxw Sbd suxWdw hY, auh mwieAw dy ip`Cy Btkdy Awpxy mn ƒ (mwieAw dy moh vloN) bcw lYNdw hY, rok ky kwbU kr lYNdw hY [ pUry gurU pwsoN auh mnu`K (jIvn-jugiq dI shI) smJ hwsl kr lYNdw hY [7[

hy nwnk! (AwK—hy BweI!) gurU dI srn pYx vwlw koeI (ivrlw vfBwgI) mnu`K ieh smJ lYNdw hY ik aus prmwqmw qoN ibnw koeI hor (sdw-iQr rihx vwlw) nhIN hY jo Awp hI isrjxhwr hY ijs ny Awp ieh isRStI pYdw kr ky Awp hI (AnykW vwrI) nws kIqI [8[6[

let me know if you can read this in punjabi.... if not then go to "www.jarnail.co.uk" and under "documents" download the "All Darpan" and download the file "Darpan 201-300.doc" and on page "72" read the meaning...

hope this will help

wjkk wjkf

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