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Just Plain Sikh

jasleen k

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<,so do you believe that some amrit sanchars are not valid? the people think they've had amrit of guru ji, while really they have not? how do we know if our amrit is "real"? :o

when they stir the amrit with the khanda, reciting the bani of Guru ji (shabad guru), focusing on the amrit...

do you think it isn't amrit, because you disagree with the views of those who are holding the bata? or...

it is amrit, but the maryada they give you is wrong, so we're free to use your MAN to decide which maryada to follow?

just curious. i guess i don't understand how the process works, if you don't trust those who distribute guru ji's amrit.>>

Just ask ur conscience, sukhbir badal and parkash badal are part of the punj pyara team. Will u consider it amrit ??

Dashmesh Pita is the ruler of both worlds, He can act inside any human and if the amrit seeker is bhollaa, innocent and genuine, Satguru will give him Naam in some way or the other.

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what if tomorrow the piara got high n drunk prior to the amritsanchaar

i realize thats a bit extreme, but you have to draw your lone SOMEWHERE

some people just draw it quicker than others

nothing to trip about

i think it's absurd to think that anyone, anywhere, would suggest that it's in any maryada for a patit (drugs and drink being a bujjar kurehet) to perform amrit seva.

and i don't think a "bunch of thugs" are doing amrit seva at Akal Takht today.

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how is this jatha bashing. First of all speaking truth isnt bashing. Secondly I dint name any jathaa,lol.

May be its the truth in my post that has made u guess the jathaa I could be referring to, lol.

sorry, you said "THE" jatha. in the US, that would mean AKJ. no one else even uses "jatha" for a group larger than 20 people.

everyone else prefers to be called "taksal" or "samparda" or "dera" or whatever else.

throw in the words "raensabai" and "samaagam", and it's pretty clear who you're talking about.

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what if tomorrow the piara got high n drunk prior to the amritsanchaar

i realize thats a bit extreme, but you have to draw your lone SOMEWHERE

some people just draw it quicker than others

nothing to trip about

i think it's absurd to think that anyone, anywhere, would suggest that it's in any maryada for a patit (drugs and drink being a bujjar kurehet) to perform amrit seva.

and i don't think a "bunch of thugs" are doing amrit seva at Akal Takht today.

I RESPECT the amrit of Sri Akaal Takht Sahib. But the same cannot be said about some other places.

In ur previous post, u wrote that whatever Punj speak are instructions of Guru Sahib. I dont agree with this. We shud use GURBANI to find out the correct maryada.

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I RESPECT the amrit of Sri Akaal Takht Sahib. But the same cannot be said about some other places.

In ur previous post, u wrote that whatever Punj speak are instructions of Guru Sahib. I dont agree with this. We shud use GURBANI to find out the correct maryada.

it's the amrit of Guru ji, not of any place or person or jatha or whatever.

let me know from gurbani about panj kakkars or doing seva of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, or making karra prashad, or the mundane details of running the Gurdwara. i'm' new to sikhi so i haven't seen that yet.

till then, i'll stick to the panthic rehet maryada, as directed by my panj. :)

as i said, that example was a tad extreme and unlikely

i think u know perfectly well what was implied, no need to take it all literally

sorry, my response was not only for you. :)

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No No No

Its all wrong

Only my Jatha is right...you know why?

  • My Jatha is the oldest
  • My Jatha was started by Gurujee Himself
  • My Jatha is the only 1 that advocates lareedaar saroop and proper maryada of giving Naam
  • Only my Jatha got it right
  • Everyone else is wrong
  • They are not even Sikh
  • They believe in the wrong number of angs of Gurujee's saroop
  • Their moolmantar is not the actual one
  • They don't even know which is the 5th kakaar
  • And they don't even know what to eat or not to eat
  • From whom to eat and from whom not to eat
  • They don't know in which utensil to make food
  • They eat from outside, oh no!!!
  • But I know it all
  • Because its my way or the highway
  • I am the only proper Sikh
  • Its evident from my turban style
  • The color of my chola gives out my avastha
  • The length of my hajuriya indicates my kamaaee
  • My kirpan size points out to the amount of simran I do
  • I never smile because I will have to pesh if I do
  • I don't even say Fateh to a Sikh of another maryada because it is a kurehit
  • I stand 15 feet away from non-Amritdharis who cut kesh, 10 feet from non-Amritdharis who keep kesh, and 40 feet from non-Sikhs because they will snatch away my bhagti

I told you..I am the only genuine Sikh!!


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Veer, u dont me to get fixed. U are NRI right. Just attend a smagam or a rainsubai, tell some people that u are NRI and looking to get married, within minutes this information will spread through the entire jathaa and u will have lines of bibis ready to marry you and sit in an aeroplane with u, then after some years call her entire family. If u are a poor nri doing some low paid labour job, this bibi will leave u as well.
I am unemployed NRI (not really Indian). I sleep at 2 AM and listen to Nitnem from my laptop after 9 AM, and even then I am 75% asleep. I cannot live without caffeine, be it soda or chaa or coffee. I eat junk food from outside and have no Amritdhari sangat. Once in a while I watch old Hindi movies from the days of my jawanni (high school) without paying for them, and very rarely I listen to songs (Hindi/Punjabi) without paying for them as well. I don't keep any Bibek, only that I don't eat at any restaurant or other outlets here in US. I still have the blot of the blue color passport on my fate and I am not sure if these qualifications are enough for the chardi kala bibis of Bharat. By the way, I am not sure if I want someone from that mahaan desh either because I myself never grew up there. I was 1 when I left it because even at that age I knew that someday I would have to run anyways.

Pyariyaa, from ur post it seems that u speak from your heart. You are honest with yourself and with other humans. If I was a bibi I would have married you, hahahahaha and made u wake up amritvela with a dandaaa.

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