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Just Plain Sikh

jasleen k

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i was reviewing the forum guidelines http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showtopic=9119, and i made a realization.

i notice that we are asked not to make insulting remarks about any jatha or samparda. however, there is nothing said about people of these jathas/sampardae making insulting remarks about the rest of the panth.

i have noticed a trend in here, that people of the various jathas sampardae do not respect the panthic rehat maryada endorsed by Akal Takht. instead, they belittle it, constantly calling it "SGPC maryada" (which it is not) and suggesting that it's contents are less valid than their own maryada. while i respect their right to their own beliefs, i do not think they represent those of the panth as a whole, and i do not think it is acceptable or necessary to insult Akal Takht or the panth in every thread.

despite what it may look like on this particular online forum, the vast majority of Sikhs do not belong to sects or groups, we're just Sikhs. writing off our views as wrong, belittleing the panthic rehat maryada... who is this helping? how is this making us better Sikhs?

what ever happened to ekta?

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No No No

Its all wrong

Only my Jatha is right...you know why?

  • My Jatha is the oldest
  • My Jatha was started by Gurujee Himself
  • My Jatha is the only 1 that advocates lareedaar saroop and proper maryada of giving Naam
  • Only my Jatha got it right
  • Everyone else is wrong
  • They are not even Sikh
  • They believe in the wrong number of angs of Gurujee's saroop
  • Their moolmantar is not the actual one
  • They don't even know which is the 5th kakaar
  • And they don't even know what to eat or not to eat
  • From whom to eat and from whom not to eat
  • They don't know in which utensil to make food
  • They eat from outside, oh no!!!
  • But I know it all
  • Because its my way or the highway
  • I am the only proper Sikh
  • Its evident from my turban style
  • The color of my chola gives out my avastha
  • The length of my hajuriya indicates my kamaaee
  • My kirpan size points out to the amount of simran I do
  • I never smile because I will have to pesh if I do
  • I don't even say Fateh to a Sikh of another maryada because it is a kurehit
  • I stand 15 feet away from non-Amritdharis who cut kesh, 10 feet from non-Amritdharis who keep kesh, and 40 feet from non-Sikhs because they will snatch away my bhagti

I told you..I am the only genuine Sikh!!

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No No No

Its all wrong

Only my Jatha is right...you know why?

  • My Jatha is the oldest
  • My Jatha was started by Gurujee Himself
  • My Jatha is the only 1 that advocates lareedaar saroop and proper maryada of giving Naam
  • Only my Jatha got it right
  • Everyone else is wrong
  • They are not even Sikh
  • They believe in the wrong number of angs of Gurujee's saroop
  • Their moolmantar is not the actual one
  • They don't even know which is the 5th kakaar
  • And they don't even know what to eat or not to eat
  • From whom to eat and from whom not to eat
  • They don't know in which utensil to make food
  • They eat from outside, oh no!!!
  • But I know it all
  • Because its my way or the highway
  • I am the only proper Sikh
  • Its evident from my turban style
  • The color of my chola gives out my avastha
  • The length of my hajuriya indicates my kamaaee
  • My kirpan size points out to the amount of simran I do
  • I never smile because I will have to pesh if I do
  • I don't even say Fateh to a Sikh of another maryada because it is a kurehit
  • I stand 15 feet away from non-Amritdharis who cut kesh, 10 feet from non-Amritdharis who keep kesh, and 40 feet from non-Sikhs because they will snatch away my bhagti

I told you..I am the only genuine Sikh!!

I belong to no jatha or Gurdwara. Having said that, the SGPC and the Akal Takht are presently under the control of masands or thuggs. Things like dastaar, dietary bibek, bana and lareevar saroop are extremely important rehits and the whole panth shud follow this.

I agree that some jatha people believing in the above rehits are hankaari and treat fellow sikhs in a very wrong manner. This is their personal shortcoming.

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I belong to no jatha or Gurdwara. Having said that, the SGPC and the Akal Takht are presently under the control of masands or thuggs. Things like dastaar, dietary bibek, bana and lareevar saroop are extremely important rehits and the whole panth shud follow this.

I agree that some jatha people believing in the above rehits are hankaari and treat fellow sikhs in a very wrong manner. This is their personal shortcoming.

Yes veeray. This is a personal shortcoming. My point is that NO MATTER if we follow different maryadas, we are ALL sons and daughters of ONE SATGURU. The way I love my parents is never going to be the same as the way my sister loves them. Does that mean I love them less? or more? Or does it mean she loves them less? Or more? No one can ever decide, not even my parents!

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I belong to no jatha or Gurdwara. Having said that, the SGPC and the Akal Takht are presently under the control of masands or thuggs. Things like dastaar, dietary bibek, bana and lareevar saroop are extremely important rehits and the whole panth shud follow this.

I agree that some jatha people believing in the above rehits are hankaari and treat fellow sikhs in a very wrong manner. This is their personal shortcoming.

Yes veeray. This is a personal shortcoming. My point is that NO MATTER if we follow different maryadas, we are ALL sons and daughters of ONE SATGURU. The way I love my parents is never going to be the same as the way my sister loves them. Does that mean I love them less? or more? Or does it mean she loves them less? Or more? No one can ever decide, not even my parents!

Veer, I will go a step further. We shud love all amritdharis and we shud also love monas or non amritdharis who do seva of the panth. Sukha and Jinda were clean shaven when they sent general vaidya to hell. These clean shaven punjabis are much better than the haramkhor selfish hankari bana wearing sarbloh bibekis who used khalistan movement to settle in west, run after nri bibis for immigration, lie at embassies, dont do any kirt and eat from the dasvandh of the sangat, train their daughters to hunt NRI's or rich boys at smagams, do nindiya of great sikhs like Baba Jarnail Singh Jee Bhindrawale,

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I belong to no jatha or Gurdwara. Having said that, the SGPC and the Akal Takht are presently under the control of masands or thuggs.

that said, it is not mean that the Amrit of Guru ji is somehow invalid or "not as good" if it was received according to Akal Takht maryada. Amrit is Amrit. it also doesn't mean that the maryada we follow is invalid or lesser or should be laughed at.

which is exactly what's happening on this forum.

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Every one of us belongs to some type of jatha or group, even the “vast majority” that follow Sikh Rehit Maryada. I think we all know the history of how the whole panth did not come to a consensus on one single Rehit Maryada. In fact, most puratan groups (sampardas) do not follow SGPC approved SRM because it doesn’t address all of their traditional values. That said, most of the Gurmukhs and Sants from these sampardas/jathas never advocate belittling the SRM.

My only problem is when people start passing off the SRM as the “Panth-parvaan” and sideline all others as being fringe or sect maryadas. What exactly is left of the panth when most, if not all, of its traditional schools of thought don’t accept it in its entirety. Doesn’t matter how many professor or scholars support it as being the correct, most of the panth’s sampardas don’t accept it fully and deem it incomplete.

As far as bringing in Sri Akaal Takht sahib, we need to realize the issue isn’t simple as it appears. Whatever group controls the office of Akaal Takht sahib, they are able to impose their views. Currently it’s the SGPC. Why not give control of Takht sahib back to the Akali-Nihangs? Will everyone agree to the Nihang-singh maryada if that happens?

End of the day, everyone is going to follow whatever view feels most correct. It could be Nihang, Taksali, Nirmal, or Missionary maryada.

What we can do is make a resolution adopting some basic points:

- Not belittling another gursikhs chosen maryada

- Not flaunting own chosen maryada as being superior

- Accepting that the panth has diverse views about the Rehit Maryada

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Veeray a good number of monnay have 1 million times more pyar and shardha for Gurujee than an outward looking so-called Amritdhari Singh like me. Why they are monnay only Gurujee knows. Maybe its their karam or bhaag, or maybe Maharaj wants us to learn not to judge a book by its cover. I have seen so many examples, be it Punjabi monnay from Sikh families, be it Punjabi Hindus, or even non-Punjabi Hindus from other Indian states. Their innocent and spotless love makes me feel ashamed of myself.

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    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
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