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Sikhs Smile At Their Historic Splendour And Weep Of Their Genocide

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23rd November 2008

PRESS RELEASE: Thousands attend launch of first National Sikh Heritage Centre and Holocaust Museum

The world’s first National Sikh Heritage Centre and Holocaust Museum opened its doors to thousands of visitors in Derby today. The Mayor of Derby, Councillor Barbara Jackson and the Housing Minister, Margaret Beckett MP attended the launch to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Sikh holy scriptures) at Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Princes Street, Derby.

This is the first time British-Sikhs have begun to tell their history of the special Anglo-Sikh relationship in modern form with a view to promoting mutual understanding and community cohesion. This initiative has been nearly twenty five years in the making and originated in the East Midlands and delivered by a dedicated professional national team in collecting, preserving and interpreting Sikh heritage.

Excited visitors from across the country waited in the November sleet and rain to be amongst the first to view unique Sikh artefacts such as the cannons and currency of the Sikh Empire, an all in one mace, axe and pistol, memorabilia such as Sikh stamps, Sikh history timeline, Invasion of Punjab gallery, exhibition on Sikh Women, Sikh newsroom theatre and reference library.

The holocaust exhibition told the story of persecution and genocide of over one million Sikhs. Many visitors were moved to tears as they began to understand for the first time, the living nightmare of the 1984 holocaust.

The museum now seeks to find and retrieve sacred artefacts and manuscripts that were stolen when Sri Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar, the Sikh’s holiest of places, was pillaged in 1984. A resolution (see accompanying Resolution 2311) was also presented and unanimously agreed amongst the many Sikh leaders and congregation who attended this launch to ask for historic Sikh artefacts and precious manuscripts to be returned from the Indian government.

Not only will the museum lead the way in informing us about Anglo-Sikh history but it will also strive to preserve Sikh heritage and artefacts from the Indian sub-continent, many of which will have been destroyed by the time you finish reading this. This had a surprising effect on the visitors themselves, some of whom wished to donate their own medals from war in order for the museum to inform visitors about the sacrifices for freedom made by so many. Mandeep Kaur from Buckinghamshire said, ‘if you want to know about Sikh heritage in a meaningful modern way, then come here to realise the genocide and splendour of the Sikhs.’

In time, temporary exhibitions on the social, military, art, fashion and musical history of Punjab will also enthral visitors of all ages and backgrounds, ensuring that the museum’s mission of educating others will shine brightly.

Admission to the museum is free and everybody is welcome.


Resolution 2311

Following the destruction of Sri Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar in 1984, the Indian government took illegal possession of historical Sikh artefacts and sacred manuscripts from the Treasury (Toshakhana) Reference Library & Museum

The Indian government now publicly acknowledges that these historical Sikh artefacts and sacred manuscripts are in their possession

As we celebrate the opening of the National Sikh Heritage Centre and Holocaust Museum, we the UK congregation resolve to work in partnership with other Sikh and non–Sikh organisations to campaign for the return of the items to Sri Harmandir Sahib and for the Indian government to issue a formal apology to the Sikh nation

23rd November 2008


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I went yesterday and it was amazing - very professional and very emotional with some aunties going out crying. I recommend it to everyone.

It was on ITV news all day today and even saw it in the A frame newspaper billboards outside shops in Derby :)

Can be seen on ITV by going to:


-> Choose Latest News

-> East

-> Monday (24/11/08)

And the Musuem bit starts 6min 30secs into the News.

And click here for Evening Telegraph Article

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I was absolutely amazed to see the canons of Maharajah Ranjeet Singh to fight the mugals and british. Their shasteer collection is unique -for example there is a single shot pistol that is also a mace and an axe -proper james bond style !

This is a professional outfit setting new standards. The sharda of the Gurdwara Sahib is solid. I recommend everyone to goto the museum -they have so much there and plans for 2009 rock !!!!!! Be prepared to be amazed !

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