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*** Annual Barsi Of Brahm Giani Baba Thakur Singh Jee

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Sant Giani Bhagvaan Singh ji


Sant Giani Bhagvan Singh ji learnt Gurbani and studied religion from Sant Daya Singh ji. Sant ji gave Sant Giani Bhagvan Singh ji the Dastar (turban, meaning leadership) of Damdami Taksal. They would reside in the Majeethiaa Bunga (one of the two towers at Sri Harmandir Sahib). Throughout their life they did an immense amount of Gursikhi parchar.

Sant Giani Bhagvan Singh ji would spend most of their time reciting Gurbani. They were not affected by maya (worldly illusion) and had a disciplined rehat. While staying at Amritsar they taught and groomed many kathakars and paathis. Three famous Gursikhs Sant Harnam Singh ji, Sant Fateh Singh ji and Sant Ameer Singh ji were students of Giani ji. Sant Ameer Singh ji later became jathedar of the Shaheed Bhai Mani Singh branch of Damdami Taksal. Sant Ameer Singh ji is famous for producing a full sateek of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.

Sant Giani Bhagvan Singh ji were a great poet and scholar, and spoke with much devotion. They believed that all our Guru's, including eternal Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, are the incarnations of Akal Purkh. Giani ji showed immense respect to the Bani of the Bhagats, and produced a sateek of their Bani. It was published in Lahore in 1897, with Bhai Gurmukh Singh Sidhana doing the seva for the printing.

Sant ji were asked by the sangat to produce this sateek, as they argued that the Bani has such a deep meaning and the sateek would assist the understanding of many. Giani ji said that this Bani is beyond human description, just as is for all Gurbani. At the start of the sateek they state the following: "I have little sense, with Guru ji's blessings, the understanding I have learnt, that is what I have written. Guru ji is with us and will ferry us across the ocean that is the world." Thus giving us evidence of their nimrata (humbleness), by producing this sateek Giani ji has done a great Seva for the Panth.

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Sant Harnam Singh Ji Bedi


Punjab and its surrounding areas are full of great history. It is an honour that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Sahib ji planted the roots of Sikhi in this area. As Sikhi has grown there have been many saints and warriors that have resided in this area. There have been sacrifices for Sikhi in history and Damdami Taksal has always been at the forefront of these. One type of sacrifice is the sacrifice of a Giani, who studies Gurbani and then spends all of his time teaching and preaching to others. Sant Baba Harnam Singh ji Bedi made this sacrifice.

Baba ji was a great kathakar, forever attached to the charan (feet) of Akal Purkh. They were taught the knowledge of Gurbani from Bhai Jaswant Singh ji. They also studied the Vars of Bhai Gurdas ji, Sri Gur Partap Suraj Granth, and other religious granths.

After Sant Giani Bhagvan Singh ji left the world for Sach Khand. Sant Baba Harnam Singh ji Bedi became the jathedar of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji's Damdami Taksal. Baba ji taught many Gursikhs the understanding of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib ji, and other religious granths within Amritsar. Sant ji would also partake in the seva of Panj Pyare at Sri Akal Takhat Sahib ji where people would take Amrit and get initiated into the Khalsa Panth/Nation.

Gursikhs taught by Baba ji, where ever they went, taught others the knowledge of Gurbani and spread the word of Sikhi. Sant ji would everyday go to Sri Akal Takhat Sahib and listen to the nitnem (daily prayers) and Shabad Keertan (singing of hymns). They started the method of doing translations by 'anve arth' - a unique method of translating Gurbani.

Baba ji taught many famous Gursikhs such as: Sant Baba Bishan Singh ji Muralewale, Sant Giani Sundar Singh ji Bhindranwale, Mahant Haakam Singh ji Amritsar, Mahant Harnam Singh ji Muralewale and Sant Bishan Singh ji Kareet.

Baba ji stayed at Dera Baba Joga Singh ji Amritsar and was the Head Granthi at Sri Harmandir Sahib ji. All the Gianis of that time, in Amritsar, were students of Baba ji. They never stopped teaching the understanding of Gurbani, even at a very old age. They also had the chance to teach many Nirmale, Udasis, Adanshahee and Majbee Sikhs. Sant Baba Harnam Singh ji Bedi would always wear black and left the world where they stayed at Dera Baba Joga Singh ji.

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Sant Baba Bishan Singh Ji Muralewale


Brahm Giani Sant Baba Bishan Singh ji Muralewale were born in the village Bohith, state Gujrat (now in Pakistan). They were a great scholar and had a highly disciplined rehat. Baba ji was in a family of sehajdhari Sikhs (i.e. they hadn't yet taken Amrit). They were born in the year 1852 AD to Lal Dev ji (father) and Ratna Devi (mother). Baba ji were placed at the charan/feet of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji at the Gurdwara, as soon as they were born and then bathed. The Granthi Singh at the Gurdwara performed the birth ceremony as per the rehat maryada of a Gursikh, thus giving Baba ji the gurti (blessings) of Amrit. After the Ardas a Hukamnama was taken and Baba ji was named Bishan Singh.

By doing the sangat of other Gursikh Saints, Baba ji learnt Gurmukhi and memorized Sri Jap(u) ji Sahib ji. By the age of 13 they had already visited the following historical religious places: Sri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar, Taran Taaran Sahib, Ganga, Paraagraj, Badree Nath, Dehradoon, Rameshvar, Mathra, Ayudhia, Nankana Sahib, Dera Sahib Lahore, Kartarpur Sahib, and Kiratpur Sahib. At the age of 21, while at Amritsar, Baba ji was impressed by the Gursikhs there. It was here where they decided the time was right to join the Khalsa Panth and take Amrit. They did this at Sri Akal Takhat Sahib. Baba ji would recite Gurbani with great concentration, and spent much time meditating on both Gurmantar and Moolmantar. They learnt Sanskrit, jog mat, puran simritian and grammar from Pandit Tara Singh and Pandit Sadhoo Singh. They spent 9 years studying these.

After this time Baba ji came to the sangat of Sant Giani Harnam Singh ji Bedi. Baba ji became one of the main sevadars of Giani ji. Baba ji learnt the knowledge of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib ji and all the history of our Guru Sahibs from Giani ji. Baba ji were then given the seva of teaching other Gursikhs and performing the daily Katha.

Baba ji would forever keep their concentration at the charan of Akal Purkh. They were very strict in their rehat, especially with their kakkars. They forever stayed clear of the four cardinal sins and never let a bad thought cross their mind, even in a dream.

After Sant Ameer Singh ji left the world, the sangat of Murale requested Baba ji to come to Murale and have fixed abode there. At Murale there were about 200 students of Gurbani becoming kathakars, keertanis and paathis. Sant Giani Sundar Singh ji Bhindranwale, Sant Baba Prem Singh ji Muralewale and Sant Baba Bhagat Singh ji Ghebewale were among Baba ji's students. The langar (free kitchen) Seva Baba ji performed at Murale was great, langar was made available for the sangat at all times. Baba ji would perform Katha for two hours at Amrit vela. After this they would go somewhere quiet and for the rest of the day attach themselves to the charan of Akal Purkh in deep meditation. Baba ji loved to partake in Seva themselves. After doing their ishnaan (bath) and nitnem, before performing the daily Katha, Baba ji would fill 150 buckets of water for the ishnaan of their students. They would then clean the floor of the Gurdwara and then complete the Seva of Guru ji's parkash. Everyday Baba ji would ground new flour for degh. Baba ji would say; "the degh is to be offered to our 10 Guru Sahibs, we should therefore never use old flour when making degh." After a while Sant Giani Sundar Singh ji started to perform all the seva that Baba ji was doing.

Nobody was allowed to talk about anything other than reciting Gurbani or doing simran of Gurmantar or Moolmantar, at the Gurdwara in Murale. In those days Baba ji would only eat a couple of handfuls of beans and pulses, and a few cupfuls of water. They would spend 23 hours a day doing simran, remembering Akal Purkh. Baba ji had such a good lifestyle and had reached a great spiritual state that once on the night of Diwali, a few Gursikhs asked them to come outside and see the candles and lights the sangat had lighten. Baba ji gave them the following reply: "For many years now I haven't looked up to see the ceiling of this room. I haven't seen the moon, the sun or the stars. Why do we need to see these lights of the universe? Let me stay here and see the light of Waheguru in my heart, the lighter of all of these lights."

Before Baba ji ascended to Sach Khand, they appointed Sant Giani Sundar Singh ji the next Jathedar of Damdami Taksal, who was forever disciplined in Gursikh rehat and completely understood the knowledge of Gurbani. In the year 1905 at the age of 53, after the bhog of an Akhand Paath, Baba ji left the world for Sach Khand.

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There will be live broadcast of Baba Ji's Barsi more details to follow soon...

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    • I was searching igurbani.com which gives correct pronunciation of Gurbani. I can’t remember all of it at once. I guess it relies on more practice, like more Sehaj Paths. The meaning becomes clearer. I have noticed slight variants in it. This could be because it’s written in old Punjabi.  
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    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
    • It's the same here in Toronto. Alot of the gudwaras here are political orientated and get tons of funding from the government-probably want them stay hush hush with all the BS that has been happening with India.  These guys are skewing gurbani. A complaint was sent to a ragi singh a couple of days ago in regards to a hukamnama. 
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