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*** Annual Barsi Of Brahm Giani Baba Thakur Singh Jee

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General Brief Introduction of the history of Damdami Taksaal

The Damdami Taksal is the travelling Sikh university, which was founded by our Father Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee to impart knowledge of Gurmat onto Sikhs. It has had an unbroken lineage of Jathedars who have led the Taksal throughout Sikh history.

The first and foremost function of the Taksal is to educate Sikhs, to teach them the correct pronounciations of Gurbani, to do Katha and Kirtan. This is done by getting students to undergo rigorous studies, meditations and seva, thus a wholesome Sikh lifestyle is developed and maintained.

The Taksal has always been a key strategic player in the activities of the Sikh Nation, with Baba Deep Singh & Baba Gurbaksh Singh (respectively 1st & 2nd Jathedars) both being martyred defending the sanctity of Sri Harimander Sahib, Amritsar, they were both beheaded yet still fought on until the Mughals had to run in fear.

The sixth Jatheder, Giani Bhai Sant Singh was the Head Granthi of Sri Harimander Sahib and a close aid of Maharajah Ranjit Singh. The famous Sikh Historian Bhai Santokh Singh (author of Suraj Parkash) was also a student of the Giani Bhai Sant Singh Jee. During the British Raj Sant Sundar Singh played a considerable role in the Gurdwara Reform Movement, by participating in the peaceful demonstrations.

Sant Gurbachan Singh did the complete katha of Sri Guru Granth Sahib many times and today we find that a lot of his students are Granthis at Sri Harimander Sahib and many of them held positions of esteem and were Jathedars of the Takhats. Sant Kartar Singh started the movement against the anti-Sikh Nirankari Movement and the whole Sikh world knows of what Sant Jarnail Singh did in the early 80’s.

After the 1980's Sant Baba Thakur Singh Jee Served the khalsa panth and the khalistan movement in various ways, uner the guidance of Damdami Taksaal and Baba Jee the Panth Observed the Sarbat Khalsa in 1986. Baba Jee helped the familys of the shaheeds and inspired many thousands of youth into the khalsa fold.



The tenth King Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji was at Sri Anandpur Sahib delivering His Sikhs to Sachkhand. A Gursikh who would complete his daily prayer of the Panj Granthi (a collection of prayers from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) with love and respect made a mistake. The Gursikh was made to realise that Gurbani is an ang (limb) of Guru Ji, and making a mistake while reciting Gurbani is like hurting Guru Ji. Following this Pyare Bhai Daya Singh, along with other respected Gursikhs requested the following to Guru Ji. "Oh keeper of the poor! Bless us with the understanding of Gurbani. Without an understanding we don't whether what we do is correct or incorrect."

Satguru Ji would never return the request of a Gursikh. After all the battles where He sacrificed all His family. Upon leaving Muktsar Sahib and arriving at Sabo ki Talwandi. Guru Ji gave the following command to his Gursikhs. "Go to Dhir Mal (he was the elder brother of Sri Guru Har Rai Sahib Ji and grandson to Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji) who is at Kartarpur Sahib.

The fifth King Sri Guru Arjan Dev Sahib Ji who has compiled the Aad Granth has left room for the inclusion of the ninth Kings Bani. I will do that and bless you with the understanding of Gurbani." Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji along with 24 other Singhs were turned away by Dhir Mal with the following message. "If your Guru is the same roop (form) as the first and fifth Kings, then why doesn't he fashion Gurbani from memory?"

Guru Ji answered this taunt of Dhir Mal in the following way. The true King Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave a great honour to Guru ki Kanshi, Takhat Sri Damdama Sahib, Sabo ki Talwandi. Shaheed Bhai Mani Singh was the scribe as Guru Sahib Ji compiled Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji from his sacred tongue. There were such great blessings that Jap(u) Ji Sahib, Rehraas Sahib and Kirtan Sohila were written on the first morning. On that evening the Gursikh Sangat listened to the meanings of the completed Gurbani. The understanding of the Gurbani that was written at amrit vela (ambrosial hours of the morning) would be explained in the evening to the 48 Singhs and the rest of the Gursikh Sangat. Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji with firm faith would complete the seva of providing the paper, pens and ink. In this way within 9 months and 9 days, on the full moon of Katak, Samat 1762, till until 1763 Bikrami 23 Savan, the understanding of Gurbani was taught. With the inclusion of the ninth Kings Bani, from Ik Oa(n)kaar to At(h)arah Das Bees, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji was completed. A great benevolence was done to the world.

After seeing and listening to this limitless, powerful knowledge, the Gursikh Sangat as well the atheists were astonished. By listening to Guru Sahib Ji, the Gursikh Sangat were given the opportunity to rectify their lives. The 48 Singhs gained Brahm Gianta (the knowledge of God) and were liberated while living. The Singhs reached such spiritual states that they lost all care of the world. Seeing this Satguru Ji ordered Shaheed Bhai Mani Singh Ji not to lose care, but to continue in selfless service teaching others what he had learnt. Guru Ji said that he would not forget a thing even if he were to get cut piece by piece. Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji was also given this command and was told that he wouldn't forget a thing even if his head were separated from his body.

Both Shaheed Bhai Mani Singh Ji and Baba Deep Singh Ji stayed with Guru Sahib Ji (when They went to Takhat Sachkhand Sri Hazoor Sahib) teaching the understanding of Gurbani to other Gursikhs. Just before Guru Ji ascended to Sachkhand He sent Shaheed Bhai Mani Singh JI to Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar, and Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji to Takhat Sri Damdama Sahib to continue teaching the understanding of Gurbani. Damdami Taksal has been operating under the leadership of Brahm Gianis until now, and will forever more.

Names of the 48 Singhs:

Bhai Mani Singh Ji

Giani Kaan Singh Ji

Giani Binod Singh Ji

Giani Gurbaksh Sinshad

Baba Deep Singh Ji (Damdami Taksal’s 2nd Jathedar)

Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Ji

Giani Dan Singh Ji

Bhai Param Singh Ji

Bhai Dharam Singh Ji

Bhai Shameer Singh Ji

Bhai Daya Singh Ji

Bhai Bhevan Singh Ji

Bhai Piara Singh Ji

Bhai Bir Singh Ji

Bhai Dheer Singh Ji

Bhai Sundar Singh Ji

Bhai Amar Singh Ji

Bhai Tara Singh Ji

Bhai Jagjeevan Singh Ji

Bhai Gopal Singh Ji

Bhai Dhian Singh Ji

Bhai Binshvar Singh Ji

Bhai Hargopal Singh Ji

Bhai Dhanna Singh Ji Kaviraj

Bhai Nand Singh Ji

Bhai Mani Singh Ji

Bhai Rai Singh Ji

Bhai Makhan Singh Ji

Bhai Madan Singh Ji

Bhai Dharam Singh Ji

Bhai Sujan Singh Ji

Bhai Jeevan Singh Ji

Bhai Akal Singh Ji

Bhai Pritpal Singh Ji

Bhai Dyal Singh Ji

Bhai Bakhtavar Singh Ji Sodhi

Bhai Deva Singh Ji

Bhai Meva Singh Ji

Bhai Dhian Singh Ji

Bhai Achal Singh Ji

Bhai Jai Singh Ji

Bhai Bishan Singh Ji

Bhai Bhag Singh Ji

Bhai Vasava Singh Ji

Bhai Ghanea Singh Ji

Bhai Ram Singh Ji

Bhai Trilok Singh Ji

Bhai Maliagar Singh Ji

Declaration of Khalistan & Constitution of the Panthic Committee

On the 26th of January 1986 the Damdami Taksal organized a Sarbat Khalsa (Sikh national gathering) at the Akal Takht in Amritsar, Punjab where a resolution for Khalistan was passed. Later that same year on April 29 a second Sarbat Khalsa was held, also at the Akal Takht in Amritsar, where a declaration of the independence of Khalistan was made and a 5 member Panthic Committee was constituted in order to carry out the objective of overseeing the independence of Khalistan.

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Damdami Taksaal's First Jathedaar

Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji & Bhai Mani Singh Ji

(Joint Jathedars)



Baba ji was born in the village of Pahuvind district Amritsar, in the year 1682. Baba ji's fathers name was Bhagto ji and mothers name was Jioonee. From a young age Baba ji had practiced reciting Gurbani, singing Kirtan and doing sangat of fellow Gursikhs, morning and night. He regularly went horse riding and training, in Shastar Vidya (weapons training). He was a lovable and popular character, who conducted himself very well. The people in his locality treated him with great respect because of his religious nature.

After the battle of Muktsar Sahib in 1704, Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj reached Damdama Sahib-Sabo Ki Talwandi, here Guru ji compiled Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, Shaheed Bhai Mani Singh ji scribing all that Guru Ji uttered. Baba Deep Singh ji carried out the seva of providing the paper, pens and ink, for this great task of preparing Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Baba ji did this seva with the utmost love and respect. When Guru ji went to Sri Hazoor Sahib, Baba ji went along with Maharaj. Baba ji was present in the Panj Pyare when Guru Sahib ji gave the Gurgadi (the Throne of the Sikh Guruship) to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji at Sri Hazoor Sahib ji, Nanded. Along with Baba ji, Pyare Dharam Singh ji, Bhai Har Singh ji, Bhai Santokh Singh ji, and Bhai Gurbaksh Singh took part in this great seva, and completed the Ardas that passed the Gurgadi to our everlasting Master, Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. Just before leaving the world Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji ordered Baba Deep Singh ji to go back to Damdama Sahib and continue the Taksal (school) that taught Gursikhs the correct meanings and pronunciations of Gurbani. All the Gurdware at Damdama Sahib were also put under the management of Baba ji by Guru ji. Here Baba ji prepared Gurbani Pothis/Anthologies and sent them to numerous Sikh shrines and thus made a massive effect on promoting/spreading the message of the Guru. Baba ji also assisted Baba Banda Singh ji Bahadar in all of his battles between 1708 and 1715.

In 1716 Baba ji prepared four more Saroops (editions) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. They were taken to the other four Takhats; Sri Akal Takhat Sahib Amritsar, Takhat Sri Harmandir ji Patna Sahib (Bihar), Takhat Sri Kesgarh Sahib Anandpur Sahib and Takhat Abichal Nagar Sach Khand Sri Hazoor Sahib Nanded (Maharashtar).

Baba Deep Singh ji was not only a great scholar in Gurmukhi (the language created by the Sikh Gurus), but also a great scholar of Arabic and Persian, he was the first writers of the Sikh Panth. Baba ji wrote a Saroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji in Arabic and sent it to the Middle East. This was a great service that was done by Baba ji for the Sikhs of these countries.

The Gursikhs of the Panth had and have great respect for the great scholar, philosopher and saint soldier Baba Deep Singh ji. The title of Nawab given to Bhai Sahib Kapoor Singh ji by Zakariaa Khan, out of respect was placed at the feet of Panj Pyare before it was taken up, Baba ji was present in these Panj Pyare. After Deewan Darbara Singh ji left the world for Sach Khand, two Jathe (battalions) in the form of Budha Dal and Tarna Dal were formed. Tarna Dal was made up of five sections each having a jathedar. Shaheed Baba Deep Singh ji, was appointed one of these five jathedars by the Sikhs. There were 2000 horse mounted Gursikhs in Baba ji's jatha. When Masr Rangar was disrespecting Sri Harmandir Sahib it was a Gursikh, Jathedar Budha Singh ji, from Baba ji's jatha that sent Bhai Sukha Singh and Bhai Mehtab Singh to avenge the sacrilege that was occurring (Masr Rangr had turned Sri Harimandir Sahib into a party hall, with prostitutes). Bhai Sukha Singh and Bhai Mehtab Singh decapitated Masr Rangar and his head at the feet of Jathedar Budha Singh ji when they came back. Baba ji heard news of Jahan Khan continuing atrocities against the Sikhs and the sacred Sarover (nectar pool) of Sri Harmandir Sahib. Baba ji reached Taran Taaran Sahib and bathed in the holy Sarover along with a jatha of 500 Gursikhs, all wearing clothes in the sacred colour of saffron and ready for battle. After making Karah Parshad (an offering made to Guru ji, made using butter, sugar, flour, water and Gurbani) and making the following ardas: "Until Sri Harimandir Sahib is free from the tyrants, I will not become shaheed." Baba ji along with their jatha set off for Sri Amritsar Sahib.

Both armies met each other in battle, with the battleground becoming full of blood. Yakoob Khan and Baba ji met each other on the battlefield, Baba ji hit Yakoob Khan's head so hard that he collapsed right there and was killed instantly. Upon seeing this Pathan Jahan Khan confronted Baba ji, both their heads were cut off as they struck each simultaneously. A Gursikh called out, "Baba ji, you promised to place your head at the feet of Sri Guru Ram Das Sahib ji at Sri Harimandir Sahib." When Baba ji heard this he picked up his head in his left hand, took up his sword in his right and continued fighting. The tyrants were so astounded by this event that some started to run away, as they left the battlefield they told their fellow soldiers that the General of the Sikhs is fighting without his head.

While fighting Baba ji progressed to the parkarma (the outer circle) of Sri Harmandir Sahib, with the Sikhs shouting war cries. Baba ji placed his head at the feet of Guru Sahib ji and after completing an ardas left the world for Sach Khand

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Yeh, i kno. . . its that time of the year again, cant stop thinking about what they have given to all the youth, how many inspired to keepp kesh, take amrit, do nitnem. Beant bakshish of a true sould, a pure soul, one who was one with the jyoot of akaal purkh

Dhan Dhan Baba Thakur Singh Jee

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

The Jathedaar - The unbroken lineage of Saint Soldiers

Dhan Dhan Baba Deep Singh Ji. There isn’t enough ink, or paper or pens to praises this beloved Sahibzada of Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj.


Many people come into this world and vow to die for a cause. But Baba Ji’s jeevan was such that instead of vowing to die he had vowed to live until his mission was accomplished. Rather than writing Baba Ji's jeevani in this post, I will only focus on his shaheedi and the events which led up to it.

As news filtered through Punjab of the desecration of Sachkhand Sri Darbar Sahib, Sikh hearts began to cry tears of blood. The world stood quiet as this ghastly act took place. The Earth and the Sky readied themselves for the Khalsa’s swift response as time itself had stood witness to the fact that no matter how few Sikhs were left they would always pick up their arms to fight against tyranny.

The land of Punjab stood in a state of stillness as Baba Ji sat at Sri Damdama Sahib immersed in Naam Simran. Baba Deep Singh Ji finally got up and taking the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji on his lips and carrying the Khanda of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in his hands came out of his tent.


Suddenly a stir beginning from where Baba Ji was standing, and running like a wave along the line, it brought the Khalsa to its feet. A silence fell on everyone at once, for each felt that the momentous `now' had come to stand up to those who had dared to blemish the house of God.

This decision of Baba Deep Singh Ji was flashed from village to village in the Malwa belt. The fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters of the Khalsa Panth rose up in large numbers and answered this valiant call of Baba Ji by placing their services at his disposal.

The army of Akaal Purakh adorned themselves with his colours, and picked up his weapons, and sung his praises as they began to march towards their guru and his house.

When these beloved Sikhs of Guru Sahib reached Taran Taaran Sahib they bathed in the holy Sarover. Baba Deep Singh Ji then took the Khanda of Guru Gobind Singh Ji out from its scabbard and drew a line through the earth.

Baba Ji in a loud voice addressed the Ladlee Fauj of Guru Sahib as follows, “Whoever fears for their life, whoever has any attachment, whoever does not want to walk towards their guru with their head held in the palm of their hand can turn around and go back to their homes. Whoever has love for their guru and for sikhi should step forward and cross this line, but beloved Khalsa of Guru Gobind Singh Ji once we cross this line there will be no turning back. There will be no rest and there will be no food or water or any of our loved ones. There is only death past this line. To liberate Sri Darbar Sahib every Sikh who steps over this line will have to give all their blood to this cause. We will make a river of blood which will drown these tyrants and wash them away from our land forever.”


As soon as Baba Ji had finished all the Singhs began to run across the line. Baba Ji then led the sangat in an ardas to Guru Sahib. The Singhs asked Maharaj to bless this marriage of theirs and to prepare for them as they readied themselves to return to his kingdom. During this ardas Baba Ji made a vow that no matter how much blood he would spill, no matter how many times he would be cut, no matter how many arrows pierced his body, no matter how much pain he had to endure, he would not become shaheed until SachKhand Sri Darbar Sahib was liberated and its sanctity restored.

As the ardas concluded all the Singhs bellowed Jaikaray and began to sing, “Jo to praym khaylan ka chaao, sir dhar talee galee mayree aao.” (Those who wish to play the game of love, come to me with your head in your palm.)

“It maarag pair dhareejai, sir deejai kaan na keejai.” (If you wish your feet to travel this path, don't delay in accepting to give your head.)


As Jaikarays thundered through Punjab, the world shook and the Afghan spies quickly sent reports to Jahan Khan that a blue and saffron wave of steel was pouring towards Amritsar. At once 20,000 Afghan troops were mobilised and dispatched towards Taran Taraan Sahib in an attempt to crush the brave hearts of Punjab.

As the Afghan army reached the village of Goharwal, they saw the blue and saffron uniforms of the Khalsa appearing amongst the trees. As they watched the approach of this wave the numbers began to increase, and the field of blue and saffron grew larger and larger until it seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see, and from the tops of the hills down to the edges of the stream gathered the Ladlee Fauj of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The Nishaan Sahibs were furling and the beat of nagaaraas was echoing throughout the skies.


Upon seeing the Afghan army the Singhs vied to go ahead of each other to drink the nectar of martyrdom. The Singhs charged forward and met the Afghan Forces in a fierce battle 5 miles away from Amritsar. They fell upon the Afghans like a lion on a deer, despite the fact that they were hopelessly outnumbered. The Khalsa fought with such potency that the Afghans slain lay in rows precisely as they had stood in their ranks a few moments before. Victory seemed at hand for the Khalsa but just then Afghan reinforcements arrived in their thousands.

The Afghan Army seeing reinforcements arrive began to launch several attacks on the bravest battalion of the Khalsa Army headed by Baba Deep Singh Ji, but these warrior lions of Guru Gobind Singh did not lose faith. Raising his Khanda Baba Deep Singh Ji’s thundering voice gave power to the battle cry Jaikara - "JO BOLE SO NIHAL", Every single Singh roared the response "SAT SRI AKAAL" . The Khalsa’s spirits rose, new life was injected into them with each jaekara. They faced the Afghans with rejuvenated spirits, just seeing the fire in the army of Akaal Purakh eyes was enough to send the Afghans running in all directions.


United, like the waves in the ocean, by their deep blue battle-dress and turbans, they fought against all the odds and faced the rain of enemy bullets, stones, and arrows. Hacking their way through treacherous terrain, they hammered their way towards Amritsar.

Baba Deep Singh Ji’s body at this time had been pierced with hundreds of arrows and bullets but still he was marching forward at a relentless speed. His once blue chola was now completely red and soaked in his blood. It is said that Baba Deep Singh Ji’s movements as he single handily cut through the Afghan ranks reflected the Taandav dance of Shiva.


Seeing his men falling to the floor one of the commanders of the Afghan army, Jamal Khan attacked Baba Deep Singh Ji with his sword. As Jamal Khan’s sword stuck, so did Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Khanda and in that split second both their heads were severed from their bodies. As Baba Ji’s head fell towards the Earth, a Singh shouted out, ‘Baba Ji you had vowed to drink the nectar of martyrdom only when Sri Darbar Sahib is liberated, there are still thousands of enemy soldiers.’


Before Baba Ji’s head touched the floor his body knelt down and with his left hand he caught his head and held it in the palm of his hand. With his right hand he began to swing the Khanda of Guru Gobind Singh Ji with such force that those soldiers around him began to be chopped to pieces.

No longer could you see the body or the radiant face of this saint soldier, all that was visible in the battle field was a giant ball of steel which was leading the Khalsas push towards the house of Guru Ram Das Ji. Upon seeing this river of blood destroying anything which stood in its way, most of the soldiers in the Afghan army began to repent and fled away in terror. Those that remained on the battle field were decimated as the Khalsa storm approached Amritsar.


When the battle was over Baba Deep Singh Ji and the few Singhs who were left stepped on the parkarma around Sachkhand Sri Darbar Sahib. Baba Ji did a final ardas to Maharaj before he placed his head at the feet of Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj.


The Singhs who were with Baba Ji had all suffered mortal wounds but through the power of ardas and amrit they were able to fight on. After ensuring that the Kesri Nishan Sahib was hoisted above Sri Darbar Sahib these Singhs waited for Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji to come so that he could take them back home. Bhai Mahit Singh and Baba Naudh Singh are two other Singhs who also fought in this battle without heads.


Today every second Baba Deep Singh Ji draws that same line through the world. Will you cross it and live to the standards of the Khalsa or will you continue to sit in silence as this beautiful path of Guru Nanak Dev Ji is set on fire by those enemies of humanity?

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


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    • Bro, reciting a shorter Chaupai Sahib is hardly "anti-Dasam". It's fine to argue that the longer Chaupai is more traditional, but the short one isn't anti-Dasam. That's like claiming shorter Rehras is anti-Guru Granth Sahib ji just because there are fewer selections from Guru Granth Sahib. It might not be traditional, but it's not anti-Guru Granth Sahib. I prefer the longer versions, but let's not exaggerate. Every tradition has a slightly different Rehras version. Nanaksar vs Taksal vs Nihangs and so on. The basic template for Rehras is at the beginning of Guru Granth Sahib ji. Later, Chaupai Sahib was added and Anand Sahib always follows as the end of a process. Then some sangats added more saloks to start Rehras and others were added at the end. Some additional selections from Dasam Bani were also added, but it wasn't the same ones for every sangat. The important thing is to not hate on each other for these variations.
    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
    • It's the same here in Toronto. Alot of the gudwaras here are political orientated and get tons of funding from the government-probably want them stay hush hush with all the BS that has been happening with India.  These guys are skewing gurbani. A complaint was sent to a ragi singh a couple of days ago in regards to a hukamnama. 
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