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Giani Thakur Singh


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''Well, I was in El Sobrante or S.F, ca & then in LosAngeles but now I'm in Texas - Boy, I feel like a priest

traveling so much. I'm stuck in Texas right now.''

wow . u visited any gurudwaras in texas yet? met Sikhs there?

Nope Humkire - I was going to but U guys just broke my heart - being so critical of me -

not giving me no LOVE.

naaz, quick question, r u in the airforce??

and if u r, does ur name start with a "j" ????

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Nai re bhaiyya, hum airforce whereforce mei nahi hai, kahi nahi sirf WaheGuru ke dil mein =

Dil se re, Dil se.

sev karnee palchasaa na vicchu raa jan Nanak, daas tumaare jeo

Raam Naam aukhadee dia eku liv laaee

U know Shastr, since U mentioned "j". I will tell ya this much = my ex was arrested 4 being a terrorist & his

name is Jake & they confiscated him from his work in Berkeley Ca & shipped him to Eloy, Arizona after 911 cause

his name is Mohammed Khan cause one of the 'so called' terrorist name was khan.

They held him there for 2 weeks & I made 3 trips up there 2 get him out of jail cause the attorney told me if I

didn't hurry, they were gonna ship him 2 Guatanamo Bay & torture him. It cost us $10,000 2 get him out & they

didn't even have any charges against him but we still had 2 pay 4 all the costs, never got reimbursed .I got him out & he still backstabbed me so people, it's not the religion - it's the person. One rotten fruit spoils the rest of the crop unless U throw

him out the basket quickly. I wish it could be that easy for humans Ay. So, everytime we board a plane, they

say it's random search but they always pick hindustani or middle-eastern & Jake. WELL, here's the fun part - I got

on the plane & the stewardess comes 2 me & asks " Mrs Khan, I don't want 2 sound ....., but are U armed."

I just looked @ her & couldn't believe what I just heard - so, I had

2 calm myself down 4 a min cause I'm crazy, U mess with me & I will go off on U like a lion - Rrrrrrrrwwwww !!!

So, I looked at her & was about 2 tell her off when she said, " I'm sorry I have to ask Mrs Khan, but it's just

regular protocol & I needed 2 know if you're armed since you're on official buisness." Thank God cause I was

about 2 turn into a terrorist cause I had "had" enough getting Jake out of that mess.

So, I guess we can see the reason why I left him huh, lol. But just 2 make it clear, Jake is no where near 2 being a terrorist

cause he never prays or goes 2 masjid. Homeland security was just going around arresting whoever they felt like it

cause they had reason to because of 911 - they were targeting anyone who looked like a terrorist & I heard couple of

Singh bhai Jaan's who were driving Taxi's got really badly hurt cause they're mistaking turbans with Osama Bin Laden.

Nai Shastr bhai, I'm on WaheGuru's force !!

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who broke your heart,how and wen? we have all been loving to you as far as i can see hahaaaa.awwwww, is someone feeling tender today hahaa . if you was in UK ,i would make sum fresh gulab jamuns and gobi paronthe and bring them around to make u feel very very loved hahaa .

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who broke your heart,how and wen? we have all been loving to you as far as i can see hahaaaa.awwwww, is someone feeling tender today hahaa . if you was in UK ,i would make sum fresh gulab jamuns and gobi paronthe and bring them around to make u feel very very loved hahaa .

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Just Kidding Humkire Bhai, nope, I'm not really going 2 Gurudwara here cause I've been running around trying 2 find GOD { with an endless Desire, I kept on searching, sure in time our hearts would meet } & I finally got that he's with me, right inside of me - SO, my heart is content & I'm GOOD !!! & I don't need to go to any temple or masjid cause my body is my temple & I just go within 2 be with me Lord God WaheGuru!!! But I miss keertan, I might sneak away 2 hear that. U guys don't have any idea, the heat that I have 2 take from my family cause I don't go 2 masjid & always at Gurudwara. They tell me " Oh, U jump 2 go 2 Gurudwara but don't care 2 come 2 masjid." My brothers very religious & I go to friday prayer with him every week here in Texas cause I'm staying with him. I just get ticked when people nit pick - don't do this, don't sit here, over here, over there, this way, that way, = drives me mad. I've been going 2 Gurudwara's for 3 yrs straight now - I've got my fill. I'm gonna back up now & just relax cause I NEED it but El Sobrante Gurudwara I can never get enough of - waha ke hawa kuch aur hai !!! = just like Bhaiyya says. U know, I prayed 2 GuruJi 2 find me another Gurudwara close 2 me cause I was so broken hearted that I wouldn't be near El Sobrante anymore. I landed in L.A & Gurdwara was very close & just as good as El Sobrante . Head Priest Kurdeep singh singhs SO Good & I'm hooked 2 his kirtan Arti. I'm LUCKY cause I saw the khazana Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave 2 Pir Bhudhu Shah = they say if U get the chance 2 see Guru Gobind Singh Ji's hukumnama, kirpan & his dastaar, samjho tum Guru Gobind Singh ko dekh liya. So I did & I felt so lucky & even made friends with the owner & went to her house 2 see Guru Gobind Singh Ji's nishani again. She told me to come by whenever I felt like it. Then again, I met Rai Kalla's family that Guru Gobind Singh gave his ganga saagar , his 8th generation of Rai Kalla who Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave his ganga saagar/lota to. I got to touch the lota - how lucky am I ! So Humkire Bhai, I'm good, the search is over & it's my duty now to help others like U say - to share & help in whatever way I can = which is spreading Love & Truth !!!

I have 2 tell U this story since I'm here with this little Suleimania we call him & he was like 4 yrs old then. My brothers kids always came over & stayed at my house whenever they visited my dad cause the kids love my son & mines is the oldest so the little ones always follow. The bigger boys didn't care for suleimaan & he started crying & I was just leaving 4 Gurudwara so I took him with me & WaheGuru simran is always playing in my car.. I told him there's lots of friends for U up there & so he was happy to come. I gave him these necklaces 2 give out 2 kids so that he could make friends. He's very friendly so off he went playing while I was meditating @ Gurudwara. He came back with an empty bag & said " fua, I made friends & gave all the necklace away." I said good & then he pulled money out of his pocket - it was like $4. I was like " Suleimaan, where'd U get this money from, & was about 2 ask if he took it from the pallakee" but before I could answer, he could see me so worried & stopped me with his hand & said, " NO fua, the momma's gave it 2 me."

I grabbed him & hugged him so tight & told him he did very good. He had a good time & I took him again next day. So, suleimaan wakes up in the morning singing WaheGuru which I didn't know & his elder brother tells me in the car - cause I have WaheGuru simran playing all the time - " Hey fua, so this is where he gets it from, I was wondering

what he's singing." I always sing in the car & suleimaan sings with me. There U go Humkire bhai, see I do keertan, alone so that I can belt it out & not worry about who's listening & the background music is perfect all the time. So there U go - I think I deserve a applause. LOOK, I got a little kid hooked 2 WaheGuru simran. I haven't seen them 4 a yr before coming here & Suleimaan hasn't heard the simran 4 2 yrs cause the last times they came, they never sat in my car, we always used their rental. SO, when I came here, Suleimaan heard WaheGuru simran & got so excited & said "HEY, thats my song - I missed that." & my son keeps turning if off &

Suleimaan keeps yellling "turn it back on, thats my favorite song." My son keeps turning it off because he's been hearing those 2 simrans for 3 yrs straight also, cause he's always in the car with me so I hope U understand. Look how my little nephew remembers & he sings all of his muslim songs too. He's gonna be close 2 God when he grows up - thank U Lord. I'm trying to teach him to meditate - he's 7 so he dosen't sit still 4 long but he listens. Kids are the neatest things - don't U agree ?

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You asked me if kids are the neatest things . well they can look innocent ,lovable and neat but hold your fire, because inside that baby's body is a soul from many many previous births carrying with it karmas good and bad from all these previous lifetimes. All you can do is to offer all your parental nurture, support,protection and love but without getting attached . As a child grows up ,the complex web of that soul's past karma, God's Will for that soul , and that soul's efforts to escape, or get further trapped in the matrix, all interplay in ways beyond your comprehension. You can never know if your innocent looking child is slowly going to unfold to become a saint ,or a sinner , or a prostitute , or a pope ,a puuper or paymaster ,a healthy or ill ridden human being . All you can do is to pray to Waheguru for the 'bhela' or good of that soul,. and provide the best spiritual,religous,physical ,emotional .educational etc for your child and leave the rest to God. This can be painful to swallow but is the truth.

Do keep going to Gurudwara because Gurujee(SHREE GURU GRANTH SAHIB) is in attendance there,bestowing Their blessings daily to all who come in Their presence ,even though you know God's presence is within ,as its Gurujee that will grant you more and more access to That which is within. All of SGGS encourages to actively seek satsangat, to be in sangat with other Sikhs as in gurudwara. And as i said before you have to be where God wants you now in terms of religion ,faith ,work ,family ,etc ,not where u were before . What you clung on to in the past has failed and driven you to what's present. Thats why you were made to meet the sikh from fiji ,gyani thakur singh,gurudwaras ,sikhs from this site etc etc so its good to make a clean break from your past and enjoy wots now in your life that is being bestowed to you ,i.e Sikhi and embrace it, no matter what the sacrifice. During the times of the Gurus ,countless Hindus and Muslims became Sikhs and never ever regretted or turned back but infact had to sacrifice their lifes for Sikhism .

Do try to get hold of a book called '' The Spirit Born People ' by Puran Singh. It summarises the beauty of being a Sikh in an honest but inspiring way. I was born in a very very staunch Muslim country where i had a choice if i wanted to stay a sikh or convert to Islam . I even studied Islam to a very very 'high' theological level under Islamic scholars ,even went through the Quran verse by verse starting from sura al fatiha to sura al baqarah and on ,the detailed life of Prophet Muhammad , the history of Islam, hadith ,sunna , etc etc . Had i converted i would have been given big monetary rewards ,big promotions in goverment, 4 wifes, etc etc .But i chose to stick to Sikhism and be baptised ,even though it meant i would be heavily discriminated against . Thats because there is nothing more beautiful in the whole universe than Sikhism.

As you said your search is off because now you have found the True Guru to guide you in your life i.e SHREE GURU GRANTH SAHIB . Gurbani says ''anand bheya meri mai ,satgur me paeah'',i.e i am in joy now as i have found the Satguru ,i.e the Eternally True Guru . As you journey on ,may Gurujee bless you to receive Amrit from Gurujee and become a Khalsa .

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You asked me if kids are the neatest things . well they can look innocent ,lovable and neat but hold your fire, because inside that baby's body is a soul from many many previous births carrying with it karmas good and bad from all these previous lifetimes. All you can do is to offer all your parental nurture, support,protection and love but without getting attached . As a child grows up ,the complex web of that soul's past karma, God's Will for that soul , and that soul's efforts to escape, or get further trapped in the matrix, all interplay in ways beyond your comprehension. You can never know if your innocent looking child is slowly going to unfold to become a saint ,or a sinner , or a prostitute , or a pope ,a puuper or paymaster ,a healthy or ill ridden human being . All you can do is to pray to Waheguru for the 'bhela' or good of that soul,. and provide the best spiritual,religous,physical ,emotional .educational etc for your child and leave the rest to God. This can be painful to swallow but is the truth.

Do keep going to Gurudwara because Gurujee(SHREE GURU GRANTH SAHIB) is in attendance there,bestowing Their blessings daily to all who come in Their presence ,even though you know God's presence is within ,as its Gurujee that will grant you more and more access to That which is within. All of SGGS encourages to actively seek satsangat, to be in sangat with other Sikhs as in gurudwara. And as i said before you have to be where God wants you now in terms of religion ,faith ,work ,family ,etc ,not where u were before . What you clung on to in the past has failed and driven you to what's present. Thats why you were made to meet the sikh from fiji ,gyani thakur singh,gurudwaras ,sikhs from this site etc etc so its good to make a clean break from your past and enjoy wots now in your life that is being bestowed to you ,i.e Sikhi and embrace it, no matter what the sacrifice. During the times of the Gurus ,countless Hindus and Muslims became Sikhs and never ever regretted or turned back but infact had to sacrifice their lifes for Sikhism .

Do try to get hold of a book called '' The Spirit Born People ' by Puran Singh. It summarises the beauty of being a Sikh in an honest but inspiring way. I was born in a very very staunch Muslim country where i had a choice if i wanted to stay a sikh or convert to Islam . I even studied Islam to a very very 'high' theological level under Islamic scholars ,even went through the Quran verse by verse starting from sura al fatiha to sura al baqarah and on ,the detailed life of Prophet Muhammad , the history of Islam, hadith ,sunna , etc etc . Had i converted i would have been given big monetary rewards ,big promotions in goverment, 4 wifes, etc etc .But i chose to stick to Sikhism and be baptised ,even though it meant i would be heavily discriminated against . Thats because there is nothing more beautiful in the whole universe than Sikhism.

As you said your search is off because now you have found the True Guru to guide you in your life i.e SHREE GURU GRANTH SAHIB . Gurbani says ''anand bheya meri mai ,satgur me paeah'',i.e i am in joy now as i have found the Satguru ,i.e the Eternally True Guru . As you journey on ,may Gurujee bless you to receive Amrit from Gurujee and become a Khalsa .

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Yes Humkire bhai, I hear U - I know there's a reason why I was guided towards GuruJi but U have 2 also understand, like my brother says,I lived by the book but I was not religious. So, I have to study my religion also cause I know how to read Quran & all the prayers but I took it 4 granted & just because at my time of need Giani Thakur Singh came into my life & helped me & I fell in love with Gurbani dosen't mean I should convert. So, I leave it up 2 God - wherever he takes me , just like Giani Thakur Singh says. Changing religion really won't do nothing 2 me, it's whats in the heart. LOOK AT, Guru Nanak Dev Ji & Guru Gobind Singh Ji had muslim friends " were Gharah dost ", none of them changed their religion & got along so well = I'm just like them. I not looking 2 change or 2 show NOBODY = GOD knows who I am & thats all that matters !!! BUT Yes, if God tells me I should convert 2 some other religion, then SURE I will. I feel race, religon, sex or color dosen't matter = it's the LOVE of God we should have & spread - if we obey this there will never be no fighting & all religion would get along. I don't know, I'm not in no rush now, I finally have that knowing that I have GOD with me & I'm so Blessed - I just live on him & leave everything up 2 him - he will guide me 2 whereverI should be or need 2 do in my life. Mohammed sahib toh hamarey saath thai - Ab Guru Nanak bhi saath Aa gayey hai. Abhi hum toh dono ke Godh mei baet gayey hai aur dono hamarey sir par haath rakh diya - I feel double Blessed. Religion divides people, spirituality brings us together - I don't like fighting at all = even a little argument at home or with family or friends wreck my day. I need peace around me at all times to function right - I don't think I'm cut out for this world - REALLY !!! U know, after U asked if I had been 2 any Gurdwara's up here & talking about Suleimania, I decided 2 go 2 Gurudwara yesterday cause I did call up & found some around here when I 1st got here. I was ready 2 go couple of hrs before & then a storm hit here - it's Texas so it's such unpredictable weather. I was out shopping with my son & we had 2 rush home cause I don't like driving in this weather.

Just had 2 let U know Humkire that I'm 2 steps ahead of U brother !!! And U are right, we are supposed 2 go & listen 2 katha so we can learn - after all, why is God sending all these priests & saints 4 us at our temples - to teach us but it's so true - the more we talk about GOD, the deeper we get ( endless ) & we don't even come near the dust of his feet just like a bhai said on the forum here. I'm starting 2 listen 2 katha now, it's just when I'm in Gods house, whether Gurudwara or masjid, automatically simran & jaap takes me away & I'm in my papa's 'Godh"so I don't hear much. But yes, definitely katha is very important & we should make it a point 2 listen.

Anand bheya meri mai - satguru mei paaya, satgurta paya sahaj seti mun vajia vadia

Raag ratan parwar paria sabad gavan Aia, sabdota gavoh Hari kera mun jini vasaiya

Kahai Nanak Anand hua satguru mei paaya , Eh mun meriya su sadaa raho har nale

Har naal raho tu mun mere dukh sub vicarna, Angi kar (u) Oh (u) kare tera karj sabh savarna

Sabhna gala simrath swami so kio munho vicare, Kaho Nanak mun mere sada raho har nale

U know, I read thru a post reg how some muslim was passing out flyers corrupting other muslim men 2 trap girls into converting to Islam - especially sikh girls cause if it wasn't 4 Guru Gobind Singh Ji standing up to their Barbarism, the whole would would be muslim = I have 2 speak up just 2 let some of the members know that that is not Islam - thats my duty. It's been bothering me ever since I read that post cause in that flyer it says the name Khalifa & the name Khan & everyone knows me as Khan here now so they gonna judge me as one of them. I am NO where near 2 them or associated with them or know them - I HAVE to make that CLEAR !!! And now especially how U say yo sister was coerced & how U dealt with the pressure of being discriminated. And there's a new post of how'" the punjabi - not sikh" girls being converted 2 muslim, not Islam cause Islam does not do all that they're doing, at least not my leaders. Sikh girls know better, they would NEVER convert after knowing how our Guru Ji's died fighting those killers.

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Dear brothers & sisters on this forum, my name is Naaz khan & I was somehow lead 2 this site & have posted some comments. I also came across a topic here that mentioned a incident where a muslim man was handing out flyers 2 fellow men on how 2 target girls into converting to Islam & on the flyer it stated Khalifa & Khan. The Khalifa meant orders from our leader & khan insinuated towards some man named khan who is promoting this. Pyaarey sanghat, U don't have 2 believe this but please hear me out. I am muslim but THANK THANK GOD I was born in Fiji cause there's too much fighting going on in India, pakistan or muslim countries. The only fights we had in Fiji was with the fijians & it was over goverment leadership not religion & NEVER EVER amongst us indian - who were punjabi, gugurati, muslim or hindu. I NEVER knew that there was a war against mulims & punjabi's until Giani Gurdeep Singh told me - I believed what he said but didn't really intercept it. He also mentioned how forceful muslim men were - where they would just go grab punjabi girls from their houses but I didn't get it. I was searching thru this forum & came across this topic & have 2 say something. Never EVER EVER did our leader - our Huzoor - Khalifatul Masih Masroor Ahmed taught us, encouraged or promoted this evil. We are followers of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed & belong 2 the sect Ahmadi = Ahmadiyya movent in Islam. Our sect teaches us 2 Love one another & NO HATRED, not 2 fight or even hurt another thru words but most of all 2 forgive cause I'm having a hard time with that right now. I know cause thats what they're telling me. They tell me it's Haraam 2 hold Anger & not 2 forgive - most of all 2 control Anger cause once we loose control - it's very hard 2 repair damages or to take back what U say. PLEASE, please know that there is like 70 sects of muslims, YEAH, 70 - so if one does bad in the name of religion - the whole name gets tarnished but I realize that OrangeZeb has done that already. There's like 4 main well-known ones, Ahmadi, Sunni, Shia & Lahori & they have different rules & fight amongst themselves - so don't worry. How they gonna fight against another religion when they can't even stand together in the name of their religion. I can't go pray @ their masjid, they shouldn't come pray @ my masjid , I won't go eat at their house, they won't touch the water from my house - what does that show you or me. And there's thousands of Khans, Ali, Shah & choudri - just because my name is Khan dosen't mean I'm Wazir Khan. There were good ones like Gani Khan & Nabi Khan & look, I'm Nazi Khan , ha ha lol. I know that if someone comes into our mosque interested about our religion, people get happy & hope that they will join Islam but there is no force - REALLY, the only thing bad that maybe I'll say I've seen in my mosque = hounding them with literature & getting them 2 come 2 mosque regularly . Thats it - that kind of force - not this ignorance of converting. I have been going 2 mosque since childhood & here in states but I have NEVER EVER heard of this kind of idiocy. Those rotten men who target girls & trap them into converting 2 muslim is not from Islam - & that saying that they'll get 4 virgins in heaven - the only place they gonna end up is in Hell & they gonna be the Devils maiden !!! These are imposters of islam & they're Hard Core fanatics & we don't agree with any of their lunatic behavior. These are mostly saudi's or Afgani's, not us - these people must be decendants of stupid Orangehead. The priests that we have leading our mosques are from Pakistan & lots of pakistani's in our sect but they are like us, always promoting peace. We have lots of black muslims in our community just to let U know & the priest that we're closest to is black muslim & so Loving but he's moved 2 some another state now so we miss him a lot.

U can send one of your brothers 2 go to Huzoor's jalsa - Whoa, sound like Khalsa - sorry I'm off beat here but that just popped up & I see so many similarities in sikh & Islam that I feel it's almost alike. I know I'm gonna get lots of comments about this statement of mines but thats how I feel. I always tell Giani Gurdeep Singh of Toronto & Giani Thakur Singh this - actually I point it out 2 them & they say " we're all the same, Raam aur Rahim." But back 2 the subject, send a sikh there to Huzoor's jalsa or seminar or meeting in London & U will see what kind of men he is. Brother Humkire, have U heard of our sect - Ahmadiyya movement is Islam - tell us what U found about them or their teachings - would be greatly appreciated. Like I said, I'm from Fiji & it's such a peaceful country that I had no knowledge about the war with muslims & punjabi & I was so hurt & embarassed when my AbbaJi - Giani Gurdeep singh told me - I was shocked. The boy who I played with in school in childhood was punjabi, Tasveer - I loved his name & had a big crush him. When we came here 2 states from Fiji, we rented from a punjabi family & right away, my mom & her became good friends & still are - they worked together & even went 2 Gurudwara with her. Manjeet unty & Amma worked 2 jobs together, just 2 let U know how close we were. Also, my moms half sister is punjabi. Again, I apologise to all 4 what OrangeZeb = orangehead / pumkinhead did to your people but I am no way related 2 them or know them- I know my great grandparents were from India but we don't know others before them. We haven't even been to India but one day I hope to so I can trace my roots but mostly 2 grace Golden Temple. I hope 2 God I'm not in any way related 2 them. I don't think so because I wouldn't be talking 2 U right now. My moms brothers names are choudri & Shah so I think we're from a good lineage - hope so.

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You asked me if kids are the neatest things . well they can look innocent ,lovable and neat but hold your fire, because inside that baby's body is a soul from many many previous births carrying with it karmas good and bad from all these previous lifetimes. All you can do is to offer all your parental nurture, support,protection and love but without getting attached . As a child grows up ,the complex web of that soul's past karma, God's Will for that soul , and that soul's efforts to escape, or get further trapped in the matrix, all interplay in ways beyond your comprehension. You can never know if your innocent looking child is slowly going to unfold to become a saint ,or a sinner , or a prostitute , or a pope ,a puuper or paymaster ,a healthy or ill ridden human being . All you can do is to pray to Waheguru for the 'bhela' or good of that soul,. and provide the best spiritual,religous,physical ,emotional .educational etc for your child and leave the rest to God. This can be painful to swallow but is the truth.

Do keep going to Gurudwara because Gurujee(SHREE GURU GRANTH SAHIB) is in attendance there,bestowing Their blessings daily to all who come in Their presence ,even though you know God's presence is within ,as its Gurujee that will grant you more and more access to That which is within. All of SGGS encourages to actively seek satsangat, to be in sangat with other Sikhs as in gurudwara. And as i said before you have to be where God wants you now in terms of religion ,faith ,work ,family ,etc ,not where u were before . What you clung on to in the past has failed and driven you to what's present. Thats why you were made to meet the sikh from fiji ,gyani thakur singh,gurudwaras ,sikhs from this site etc etc so its good to make a clean break from your past and enjoy wots now in your life that is being bestowed to you ,i.e Sikhi and embrace it, no matter what the sacrifice. During the times of the Gurus ,countless Hindus and Muslims became Sikhs and never ever regretted or turned back but infact had to sacrifice their lifes for Sikhism .

Do try to get hold of a book called '' The Spirit Born People ' by Puran Singh. It summarises the beauty of being a Sikh in an honest but inspiring way. I was born in a very very staunch Muslim country where i had a choice if i wanted to stay a sikh or convert to Islam . I even studied Islam to a very very 'high' theological level under Islamic scholars ,even went through the Quran verse by verse starting from sura al fatiha to sura al baqarah and on ,the detailed life of Prophet Muhammad , the history of Islam, hadith ,sunna , etc etc . Had i converted i would have been given big monetary rewards ,big promotions in goverment, 4 wifes, etc etc .But i chose to stick to Sikhism and be baptised ,even though it meant i would be heavily discriminated against . Thats because there is nothing more beautiful in the whole universe than Sikhism.

As you said your search is off because now you have found the True Guru to guide you in your life i.e SHREE GURU GRANTH SAHIB . Gurbani says ''anand bheya meri mai ,satgur me paeah'',i.e i am in joy now as i have found the Satguru ,i.e the Eternally True Guru . As you journey on ,may Gurujee bless you to receive Amrit from Gurujee and become a Khalsa .

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    • was researching this and came back to this thread. Also found an older thread:    
    • Net pay after taxes. If you don't agree, think about this: If you were a trader and started off in China with silk that cost 100 rupees and came to India, and you had to pay total 800 rupees taxes at every small kingdom along the way, and then sold your goods for 1000 rupees, you'd have 100 rupees left, right? If your daswandh is on the gross, that's 100 rupees, meaning you have nothing left. Obviously, you owe only 10% of 100, not 10% of 1000. No, it's 10% before bills and other expenses. These expenses are not your expenses to earn money. They are consumption. If you are a business owner, you take out all expenses, including rent, shop electricity, cost of goods sold, advertising, and government taxes. Whatever is left is your profit and you owe 10% of that.  If you are an employee, you are also entitled to deduct the cost of earning money. That would be government taxes. Everything else is consumption.    
    • No, bro, it's simply not true that no one talks about Simran. Where did you hear that? Swingdon? The entire Sikh world talks about doing Simran, whether it's Maskeen ji, Giani Pinderpal Singh, Giani Kulwant Singh Jawaddi, or Sants. So what are you talking about? Agreed. Agreed. Well, if every bani were exactly the same, then why would Guru ji even write anything after writing Japji Sahib? We should all enjoy all the banis. No, Gurbani tells you to do Simran, but it's not just "the manual". Gurbani itself also has cleansing powers. I'm not saying not to do Simran. Do it. But Gurbani is not merely "the manual". Reading and singing Gurbani is spiritually helpful: ਪ੍ਰਭ ਬਾਣੀ ਸਬਦੁ ਸੁਭਾਖਿਆ ॥  ਗਾਵਹੁ ਸੁਣਹੁ ਪੜਹੁ ਨਿਤ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰ ਪੂਰੈ ਤੂ ਰਾਖਿਆ ॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ The Lord's Bani and the words are the best utterances. Ever sing hear and recite them, O brother and the Perfect Guru shall save thee. Pause. p611 Here Guru ji shows the importance of both Bani and Naam: ਆਇਓ ਸੁਨਨ ਪੜਨ ਕਉ ਬਾਣੀ ॥ ਨਾਮੁ ਵਿਸਾਰਿ ਲਗਹਿ ਅਨ ਲਾਲਚਿ ਬਿਰਥਾ ਜਨਮੁ ਪਰਾਣੀ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ The mortal has come to hear and utter Bani. Forgetting the Name thou attached thyself to other desires. Vain is thy life, O mortal. Pause. p1219 Are there any house manuals that say to read and sing the house manual?
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