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Bhai Surinder Singh Ji Sodhi


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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

i wanted to ask the sikh sangat if the have information on shaheed bhai Surinder Singh Sodhi he woz killed in 1984 on Apr 14 he was called sant bhindranwale righ hand man i dont know much about him has anyone got more information about him ??? :T:

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa

vaheguru ji ki fateh


All i know about Shaheed Bhai Surinder Singh Sodhi was that he was an ex nihang from baba nihal singhs jatha. He was truly amazing gursikh, he was Santji's main hit man he could master any weapon plus at one time he dressed up as a navel officer and went to see bhajan lal the chief minister of haryana state. This bhajan lal had committed gross human rights abuses on the Sikhs living in his state and during the Asian games of 81/82 he stopped all sikhs no matter what their status from entering delhi, this humiliation was heaped on ministers, generals of the Indian army, basically any one with singh in his name. During the 80’s bhajan lal killed many Sikhs and burnt down Gurdwaras. Bhai Surinder Singh ji got past his security and sat down and had a cup of tea with this evil person, Santji’s orders were only kill him if he (Bhai Sodhi) could escape, Bhai sodhi did not go against Santjis hukam as he was very disciplined Saint/Soldier he left without killing bhajan lal. Bhai Surinder Singh Sodhi was like Baba Bidhi Chand a master of disguise and had nerves of steel.

May Guruji bless us with more Gursikhs like him. It was the akalis who got Bhai Surinder Singh Sodhi shaheed, the singhs took revenge killing all those involved in less than 24 hours. The one person they didn’t kill was the general secretary of the Akali Dal Gurcharn this was because Santji didn’t want the Sikhs fight with themselves, he saw the bigger picture of getting Sikhs their rights, but when the Indian army attacked Sri Darbar Sahib Santji sent some singhs to give justice to gurcharn and they killed him there.

There’s loads mor

e stories about bhai sahib one day we will sit down and type them up for the sangat to read and inspire us to walk the path of Sikhi no matter what lays ahead off us

Dhan Guruji

Dhan thera Panth Khalsa

Never forgot 84


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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Ji

I know a story about Shaheed Bhai Surinder Singh Ji Sodhi. I do not have the full details and I may be off a little bit, because I heard it a long time ago, but I'll try my best to explain it.


One day Sant Jarnail Singh Ji went up to Bhai Surinder Singh and told him that he needed him to deliver a message to a Singh in a far away pind (village). The message was very urgent. Sant Ji said that the military was scattered all over Punjab and that it will be hard to go through them. Bhai Surinder Singh Ji asked if they could do Ardas together in front of the Great Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj.

Sant Ji and Bhai Sahib did Ardaas together, asking for Bhai Sahib to be in Chardi Kala and to safely deliver the message as it was important for the safety of the Panth.

After Ardas, Bhai Sahib left for the village on his motorcycle. In order for Bhai Sahib to enter the village and to deliver the message, he had to go through several other villages because they had no big roads.

As Bhai Sahib was driving, he noticed that the military was already there and they were blocking the road ahead. Then turned around and tried another road, there too the military was blocking the road. He tried going back and trying to go through another village, but there too, the military was blocking the road.

Then Bhai Sahib got an idea, he saw railway tracks. He knew the military wouldn't block the railway. So he went up to the railway tracks. He noticed the wood blocks between the rails were very large and hard and it was not possible to drive with the motorcycle over th

em. He would surely get a flat tire to say the least.

So Bhai Surinder Singh Ji then DROVE his motorcycle ON ONE OF THE RAILS !!!!!!

He managed to balance the motorcycle on the rail and he even drove fast cause he had to deliver the message fast. Bhai Sahib safely delivered the message, regardless of all of the obstacles he faced. All of this due to the KIRPA of GURU MAHARAJ.

As Bhai Sahib was driving, it's said that some people were farming in their fields and they saw him on his motorcycle, driving on the rail. They were stunned as this was said to be impossible.

It's hard for a person to even walk on the rail and keeping their balance, without falling off. Driving a motorcycle on it is beyond thinking.

It's all possible with KIRPA. This shows an example of the kind of Sharda Bhai Sahib had.


Bhai Sahib was also a very good student in the Taksal. His knowledge of Bani was very very good and he kept full faith in GURU MAHARAJ. Sant Jarnail Singh Ji loved Bhai Sahib very much. Bhai Sahib, on a later date was killed by the military and attained Shaheedi. Sant Jarnail Singh Ji spoke about Bhai Sahib's Shaheedi in one of his speeches and showed how much he loved him as he said we have lost a GREAT GREAT GURSIKH.

I hope this story helps further explain the greatness of Shaheed Bhai Surinder Singh Ji Sodhi.

Bhul Chuk Maaf.

Tejinder Singh Khalsa

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!


Next time I'm in India I'll try collating info on Bhai Sahib, as I know someone who was a close friend and aide of his. Hopefully this will bear fruit but it is only with the Ardas of Gursikhs that such things come to transpire.

Most Gursikhs who did great seva like Bhai Surinder Singh Jee Sodhi tried their best to remain gupt and keep their actions gupt, not even telling people close to them - which is a loss for us as we can't really fathom their true greatness.

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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