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Punjabi Girl Marrying Gora

Guest Bradford

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Guest Bradford

Is it OK for a girl to marry a gora in a Gurdwara?

This appears to be acceptable for Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara - Bradford UK (Website : http://www.bradfordgurdwara.com/). The Committee are blatently ignoring Gurmat Maryada and going against the Sikhs Code of Conduct and Conventions because on the 2nd of January 2010 the mentioned situation has been organised.

At Guru Nanak Dev Gurdwara, Wakefield Road (Bradford), a Punjabi British girl a while ago now asked the gurdwara that she would like to arrange her viah on the premises with a Hindu bwoy however the committee sat her down along with her family and stated this cannot be because it goes against the very sikh conduct as according to Article XVIII, Section E :

When a girl becomes marriageable, physically, emotionally and by virtue of maturity of character, a suitable Sikh match should be found and she be married to him by Anand marriage rites.

The purdaan of the gurdwara is a fellow called puppoo or something like that, something to note is that he owns a off-license and is a "Amritdarhi"

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Guest Bradford

u r jokin??????ill be calling them tomorrow!!awful

I am not joking you! I heard it from a second hand source a few months ago, but I wanted to get it validated from first hand source. With Guru Sahibs hukam I bumped into the girls brother today and he stated that his sister is getting married to a gora!

I stated that it goes against the code of conduct. He mentioned that the boy is converting by changing his name. I confirmed that you dont convert to Sikhi but take amrit by respect and love for it.

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Is it OK for a girl to marry a gora in a Gurdwara?

This appears to be acceptable for Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara - Bradford UK (Website : http://www.bradfordgurdwara.com/). The Committee are blatently ignoring Gurmat Maryada and going against the Sikhs Code of Conduct and Conventions because on the 2nd of January 2010 the mentioned situation has been organised.

At Guru Nanak Dev Gurdwara, Wakefield Road (Bradford), a Punjabi British girl a while ago now asked the gurdwara that she would like to arrange her viah on the premises with a Hindu bwoy however the committee sat her down along with her family and stated this cannot be because it goes against the very sikh conduct as according to Article XVIII, Section E :

When a girl becomes marriageable, physically, emotionally and by virtue of maturity of character, a suitable Sikh match should be found and she be married to him by Anand marriage rites.

The purdaan of the gurdwara is a fellow called puppoo or something like that, something to note is that he owns a off-license and is a "Amritdarhi"

What's your point? all you're highlighting with your post is racial hatred and nindeya. Deal with your own issue's before you try to rid the world of theirs. I wouldn't be surprised if that "gora" is a better person than most "sikhs" nowadays, but that's besides the point. Nanak naam chardi kalaa, tere bhaaney sarbat da bhaala, if you can't help the situation don't try to aggravate it.

Gora, kaala, peela, neela, no matter who it is, who are you to judge him or his spouse? They want to marry in the guru's sharan, let them.. If guru maharaaj intends for it to be otherwise, he will make it so.

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In My Opinion,

ONLY RehitVaan Amritdhari Anand Karajs' Between True Khalsa Singh and True Khalsa Kaur Should be allowed. I don't consider those 'punjabis' who have 'marriage' in Gurdwaras in the mornings, and Sharaab and Kabaab at nights Sikhs Either. A Person is not Born a Sikh! A Person becomes a Sikh Through Khande-Pahul Amrit by RehitVaan Panj Pyareh, and Then Keeping the Code of Conduct and not committing Bujjer Kureits! Those that are born in families that introduce them to GuruGranth Sahib Ji, Sangat, Pangat, The Palace of Guru Nanak are Fortunate; but they Become Sikhs through Khande-Pahul by RehitVaan Panj Pyareh Only!

Thats' Right! Very Few Sikhs Out There! Lots of Nakalies!

Chardi Kala!!

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In My Opinion,

ONLY RehitVaan Amritdhari Anand Karajs' Between True Khalsa Singh and True Khalsa Kaur Should be allowed. I don't consider those 'punjabis' who have 'marriage' in Gurdwaras in the mornings, and Sharaab and Kabaab at nights Sikhs Either. A Person is not Born a Sikh! A Person becomes a Sikh Through Khande-Pahul Amrit by RehitVaan Panj Pyareh, and Then Keeping the Code of Conduct and not committing Bujjer Kureits! Those that are born in families that introduce them to GuruGranth Sahib Ji, Sangat, Pangat, The Palace of Guru Nanak are Fortunate; but they Become Sikhs through Khande-Pahul by RehitVaan Panj Pyareh Only!

Thats' Right! Very Few Sikhs Out There! Lots of Nakalies!

Chardi Kala!!

I'm sorry, I totally understand your viewpoint but I disagree with you. So dhan dhan shri guru nanak dev ji maharaaj was not a sikh as he was not amrit dhaari? dasam pita shri guru gobind singh sahib was not a sikh prior to 1699? We were given a code to follow because we are sheep, we are not lions capable of choosing our path. we deviate from the true way, so to make things easier the guru set out a distinct path. However our guru sahibaan's are against discrimination of gender, cast, creed.

Sangat ji why are you jumping on this issue to say "oh my god, this is appalling"? Do you know the people who are getting married? don't they have a right to a gursikh anand kaaraj? Like you say, we have to become sikhs. lets start doing that by showing compassion to others, helping to seed humility, kindness and love into the lives of those we know.

Do something productive for a change, there are much much much more pressing issue's to tackle, so expend your energy there.

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In My Opinion,

Guru Nanak is From Akal Purakh! Guru Nanak is Amrit Roop!! Guru Nanak Gave His Sikhs CharnaAmrit (you may veechar Bhai Gurdas Ji Bani). All Our Gurus' Gave Their Sikhs CharnaAmrit When they Became Sikhs. Guru Gobind Rai Was a Sikh of Guru Tegh Bahadur (and Son), and Had Very Most Well Had Taken CharnaAmrit From Guru Sahib as Well! Before the Light of Guru Nanak was Passed to Guru Gobind Rai, Guru Gobind Rai Was a Sikh!!! An Extra Ordinary Spirit!!!!! Guru Gobind Rai changed the Parampara of CharnaAmrit to Khande-Pahul Amrit of RehitVaan Panj Pyareh! And HIMSELF became Guru Gobind Singh!!!!! Thus from then on and Forever all Those to Become Sikhs would Take Khande-Pahul Amrit from RehitVaan Panj Pyareh to Become Sikhs. And Only Sikhs Should be Having Anand Karaj.

I believe ONLY Gursikhs have The Privilege of the Most Spiritual Dharmic Beauty of Anand Karaj.

There are many ways of showing compassion; sacrificing Dharma is NOT one of them!

There is Nothing More Productive than Bringing Back the Glory of Khalsa Dharma that has been Polluted by Bemukh, Manmukh and Patit 'punjabis' and anti-Khalsa Dharma agendas.

Khalsa/Sikh is a Dharma; why pollute it for culture/tradition/to feel good?? If one is not going to live as a Gurmukh, why have Anand Karaj around the Guru?

There are legal courts for such unions.

When they (anyone yet not committed to Rehit of Panj Pyareh Through Khande-Pahul) are Ready to Become Gurmukh through RehitVaan Panj Pyareh and Khande-Pahul, then they can have a Proper Gurmukh Anand Karaj.

But, 'legal unions' are not accepted in Dharma nor the True Court of The Lord; so one hand they can have a legal court marriage, which is not accepted in the True Court; and on the other in my opinion, do a Maha Paap of Making a Mockery of Khalsa Dharma, and Therefore Attacking The True Guru and The True Dharma Directly! Double Edged Sword!! Answer: Become Gurmukh through Khande-Pahul of RehitVaan Panj Pyareh; live in Rehit; Have Anand Karaj; Live Happily Ever After!!

Chardi Kala!!!

(Many People Believe that Helping the Poor get Married is a Great Act of Dharma! I totally Agree with This!!!!!)

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In My Opinion,

ONLY RehitVaan Amritdhari Anand Karajs' Between True Khalsa Singh and True Khalsa Kaur Should be allowed. I don't consider those 'punjabis' who have 'marriage' in Gurdwaras in the mornings, and Sharaab and Kabaab at nights Sikhs Either. A Person is not Born a Sikh! A Person becomes a Sikh Through Khande-Pahul Amrit by RehitVaan Panj Pyareh, and Then Keeping the Code of Conduct and not committing Bujjer Kureits! Those that are born in families that introduce them to GuruGranth Sahib Ji, Sangat, Pangat, The Palace of Guru Nanak are Fortunate; but they Become Sikhs through Khande-Pahul by RehitVaan Panj Pyareh Only!

Thats' Right! Very Few Sikhs Out There! Lots of Nakalies!

Chardi Kala!!

I'm sorry, I totally understand your viewpoint but I disagree with you. So dhan dhan shri guru nanak dev ji maharaaj was not a sikh as he was not amrit dhaari? dasam pita shri guru gobind singh sahib was not a sikh prior to 1699? We were given a code to follow because we are sheep, we are not lions capable of choosing our path. we deviate from the true way, so to make things easier the guru set out a distinct path. However our guru sahibaan's are against discrimination of gender, cast, creed.

Sangat ji why are you jumping on this issue to say "oh my god, this is appalling"? Do you know the people who are getting married? don't they have a right to a gursikh anand kaaraj? Like you say, we have to become sikhs. lets start doing that by showing compassion to others, helping to seed humility, kindness and love into the lives of those we know.

Do something productive for a change, there are much much much more pressing issue's to tackle, so expend your energy there.

So dhan dhan shri guru nanak dev ji maharaaj was not a sikh as he was not amrit dhaari? dasam pita shri guru gobind singh sahib was not a sikh prior to 1699?

Are you actually expecting someone to answer to this out right ignorance and total disregard of all the Gurus. IT's all about winning arguement at anyone stake. Just by your questioning you have insisted that Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji replaced Guru Nanak Dev ji's teachings and made his own up. Instead of spoon feeding the answer to you, here are some question that will help in answering your questions.

Which Guru introduced the first kakkar to us?

Was anything that Guru Nanak Dev ji taught taken out and replaced or just left out?

Did Sikhi take birth and did the Khalsa Panth take birth?

Who was Guru Nanak Dev ji?

Which Guru started the Khalsa Panth?

Which Guru picked up the sword?

Answer those above question honestly and you will have the answer. You'll appreciate the answer more this way, when one has to work to get it.

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