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bhuller please have some respect and say shaheed instead of dead 
Sorry SSB i changed it. Sorry, Wasn't thinking. :wub: @ ohmy.gif :
aha what a joke. sant jarnail singh jee made a speech at one time, i believe it was in bombay or something like that. im not sure. but he said something along the lines of there would come a time when people thought that i would be gone, but id still be here with them. its been a while so i forget. but still take that how you want. and then there was another speech sant jee made. in that speech sant jee said if anything were to happen and he was gone, listen to EVERYTHING sant takhur singh jee says. and what sant takhur singh jee says is sant jee will return. like you (kandola) said, why would someone in such a high state lie? you answer this question. what reason does sant takhur singh jee have to lie? and on top of all that, all them dates that people have been coming, none have come directly from sant jee. its ju

st other singhs speculating. but near the end of 2003, sant jee asked the singhs how far is 2004...the singhs replied that its only a couple months. sant takhur singh jee said the time is near when sant jarnail singh jee will be returning.

taksal believes that sant jee is waiting for hukam from dhan dhan siri guru gobind singh jee. so once sant jee gets hukam, he will return.

and about the 'body' that the government had. i believe it was sant jarnail singh jees mother or wife that said it wasnt sant jee because sant jees hair was not that long. i forget the exact details of that.

again, ask yourself why a mahaan gursikh like sant baba takhur singh jee would lie...

Now i question the truth... I don't know why he would lie. If he is alive then....

nirgun Posted: Jun 12 2004, 09:56 AM 


Posts: 57

Joined: 10-October 03

Yes, I've also heard about some scary predictions that Guru Gobind Singh Ji supposedly wrote down somewhere, maybe they're in the Sarbloh Granth?

I've heard that Guru Jee predicted 1984 and mentioned how Indira Gandhi is going to cause havoc to Sikhs (but he didn't mention her name, he just referred to her somehow, I think he referred to her as the "evil widow" or something like that). I was told that Guru ji supposedly predicted 1984 and compared it to a horse, saying that there would be so much blood shed, that there would be a river of blood all the way up to the horse's ankles. The scary thing is, according to these predicitions, Guru ji supposedly said that a much harder time is going to come up after 1984 (which means it must be coming soon ), where there will be SO MUCH more blood shed for Sikhs, that the river of

blood will be up to the horse's stomach.  (that's a lot of blood)...

So basically it is saying that pretty soon (after the 1984 attacks) the Sikh Panth will have to face another major holocaust or genocide, where there will be unbelievable amounts of blood shed and lives lost. (I guess that means it's coming up soon, so we should be prepared for anything). Maybe we all WILL be able to obtain shaheedi!!! 

I am not 100% sure of these "predictions", but this is just what I have been told. I do not know whether these are the same "predicitions" that are in the Sarbloh Granth. Can someone please clarify??? It would be good for the sangat to know! 

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Khãlsã Posted: Jun 12 2004, 10:10 AM 

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Nirgun bro, if 1984 prophecy was true, then this ought to be true as well (Khalistan perhaps?  ), I haven't even begun to understand Sri Dasam Granth let alone Sri Sarbloh Granth, although I read a few pages, and from what I hear, its about the ustat(praise) of the Khalsa.

There are also sections where Guru sahib talks about how the warriors are ready for battle, their axes, swords, barchay in the air, full of vairag, and ready to get their throats slain, and how the ghoray sense the feeling of war, etc.

I was sooo astonished by just reading a bit of it, but I couldn't read more as something came up and I had to leave, but will definately go back and read some more.

From another post, this may show that sant ji will bring a big uprising, and in the Washington Sikh jornoul, it said last year "Khalistan will be made before 2008" I dont remember who said it but it was a Sikh scholar......Maybe we will be free! Maybe it is time for revolution.... :hmmm pray.gifpray.gifpray.gif

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

If this happens, All try to go to India to fight. someone once told me that Guruji said if you face fear and die in war,you will truly be blessed. pray.gif^_^ :wub:

:v :g :g :v :g :g

Mods. And members who have power, may i please post a theroy on "World war 3" of mine?


fedit "update":

clarify me if im wrong. The point of the video was saying "He was told by 5 singhs to leave and hide, and he will return when God summuns him to"?

Also what if he does come back...your reaction will be??

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

didnt takur singh say hes in chardi kala rather than say hes alive and will come back?

no. ive heard numerous times myself that he will be back. nice day....

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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man u need some serious help if u think hes coming back

im sorry to cause offence,just feel strongly on this matter

Why would anyone lie? At such a high pos? And why do you doubt? Have you seen his body?

Never doubt. If he doesnt return, his bravery and spirit will. Never doubt. Its almost time. rolleyes.gif

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man u need some serious help if u think hes coming back

WHAT THE edited ohmy.gif look you trying to say all the people who belive sant ji will return NEED SEROUS HELP. you should really read ur post over 5 times and think what your sayin im abit mad becausr ur insulting a marpusrsh sant baba thakur singh.

bhul chuk maaf

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yo tenth regiment dude... think about what ure sayin.. u shouldnt even say that to an old person and ure saying it to Baba Takhur Singh Jee whos old and reaalllly up their close to god.. think before u speak .. itll always help.... and also u better stop calling any old person by their first name.. you might be gettin some chittars from ure pita jee

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