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fateh all!!

il start off by saying im a 24 year old guy not reli done many wrong things in my life. im religious and loved it and things were great. reecntly ive been going gym a lot and having protein shakes and i feel a change in me. before ive treated all girls with repsect now i just cant stop flirting with girls all teh time day and night im textung calling girls meeting them up . its bad. al i want is sex! its so bad. is it coz of teh gym?what do i do people

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Guest Pumping Iron

Are you taking steriods? (even orally?) Generally exercising will increase free flowing testosterone in the body. But I did not notice any such thing when I started working out. (Perhaps I already had enough free flowing T in my body :rolleyes: ) I think the problem may be that since you have gained some muscle mass, you are just more confident talking to girls which will easily lead to other thoughts.

Unless you are taking steriods or some other testosterone enhancing drug, it does not make sense for a 24 year old to start having hormone surges. There must be a cause for this effect. What changes have you made to your diet since you started working out?

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i hoping u havent gone as far as sex since ur religous, Soybean and onions increase ur sex drive,

U are excerising so u need protein shakes i guess but dhaal also has a lot of protien so stop eating thorka, dont watch porn, stop flirting with girls, Pray to Maharaj that u feel his prescence evrywhere and that Maharaj is sada ang sang which means u dare not to flirt with girls and play with ur sexual emotions, if we believd God to be Inside us we would be ashamed at every kaami thoguht we have,

excercise harder so that energy calms down, u need meditation theres alot of energy in our lower chakra but we need meditation to bring it up and turn it into enlightment

Kaam ras to Amrit Ras

Maya is gonna make u fall into this deep pit of Kaam kaam and more kaam, and girls dont help becuz they will seduce u and the clothing they wear attracts males so Only Bani can Control ur Kaam so do ur nitnem

also try this: its a yogo meditation sat kriya http://www.mrsikhnet.com/index.php/2007/03/12/sat-kriya-dealing-with-sexual-energy/

also watch this http://www.mrsikhnet.com/index.php/2007/10/05/transforming-sexual-feelings-to-creativity/

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Guest maha paap

like someone mentioned before, it happened to me a few years back. i got really into shape, and without actually realising, i sorta started flirting with girls, cos i knew i was in shape n so was confident............. but its important to control your actions, because it will catch a hold of you and you will end up committing paap ........ always be humble, best thing to do is keep your distance from girls ............ lol they are trouble.............no offence girls........ lol nahh you cant blame anyone, every individual is different, but i did experience something similar, cut back on protein, let it be an aid to keep fit, you dont need to build a lot of mass, u just need to be healthy, do some simran and nitnem to ensure you have control over these things........and do ardas every time you matha tek to be saved from these things

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Heavy squats and deadlift on a regular basis. THat way, even if you are still under the influence of kaam, you'll be too tired to do anything about it. :-D

Sexual energy is still just energy (it comes naturally as an effect of regular exercise and increased testosterone and bloodflow), and it something you should be channeling into your workouts.


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Guest Pumping Iron
Heavy squats and deadlift on a regular basis. THat way, even if you are still under the influence of kaam, you'll be too tired to do anything about it. :-D
Singh Jee, I used to do heavy squats and heavy dead lifts in the past, like 225lb squat and 280lb dead lift while I weighed 160lbs. I know it's not much, but for me it seemed very heavy. However, even while lifting that much on a regular weekly basis, I never seemed too tired when it came to kaam...
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest prayer

If you pray with heart for these feelings to go away they will. I used to be like this really badly, could never sit and do paath cos thats all I could think about. One day I had enough and prayed with all my heart for Guru JI to stop these sexual feelings, like completely get rid of. Miracles happen and Guru ji will help you if it will help you push forward and if you want it enough.

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