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New Bhindranwale Track


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I just couldn't enjoy it....maybe it was the fact that they didn't follow any of the teachings of Sant Ji and cut their hair.

I don't get it, why tie a dastar, if you don't have any khes?

yer i kno ur right, but i see this as a sign to wake us up...

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We are all Sikhs the day we start all this oh we're better they're not and so on is the day for victory for India against Sikhs,we need songs like this and singers like this to reach out to the mainstream population of Sikhs who can't relate to say a Kathavachik in a Gurdwara any propaganda in favour of Shaheed Sant Bhindranwale or Khalistan should be appreciated as it will help gain support and awareness of the movement of freedom

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It does have a good message (somewhat) but I can just see the alcohol drinking monkeys jumping up and down on this track at their monkey bashes. The problem today is that this new monkey generation is all about living in the moment and in this moment this track is the new thing and next couple of days or weeks another track about alcohol and girls will come out and these dancing monkeys will start jumping up and down to it. This track will be forgotten like it never was sung. The singers themselves will sit around a table with open alcohol talking about Sant ji and in the same moment pick up a glass and pound back a couple of shots and then go on with their lives, with nothing changing in their lives. Same old wacky hair cuts and same old drinking habits.

Sikhi is not about singing about great Saints or telling others about great Saints or even about a Dastaar. It's about moving forward in Sikhi permanently. Not to keep a dastar for a song and then take it off. What does that show? Don't you think the guy listening doesn't know your just doing it for one song. If anything this is moving backwards in time when the brahmin used to display they are the holy men.

Here is an example, Babbu Maan in one interview said I used to do drugs when I was in my teens and everyone does them then, at that age. Then in a different interview he says I never did them at all, take a sample of my blood.

These singers surely have become those holy men. They denounce anything in Sikhi which does not make sense to them and for their shows come out with a dastar for one show and then off for the next. These tracks barely do anything for the Sikhs that just wear a kara. These Sikhs need the kathavachiks and granthis and gyanis to explain the deeper meaning of Sikhi. I have heard on many occasions that Sant Maskeen Singh ji's Katha has been the main source why many people have dropped their monkey dancing ways and taken up Sikhi PERMANENTLY.

Freedom is only good as it's people. And the state of Punjab does not have to be repeated here.

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And on the other hand you have many keshdhari/amritdhari Sikhs who are the biggest pakhandi's ever and only use Sikhi as opportunist use anything for gain. Atleast mone don't go around pretending, we are what we are at face value. My love for Sikhi is such that I can't commit myself fully because I know inside I still have issues to deal with.

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