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Vhp Leader Seeks Guidance From Akal Takhat Jathedar, And Says Sikhs Are Hindus

Mehtab Singh

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VHP President seeks spiritual help from Sikh High priest for Ram temple in Ayodhya : http://www.punjabnewsline.com/content/vhp-president-seeks-spiritual-help-sikh-high-priest-ram-temple-ayodhya/23865

VHP President Ashok Singhal says Sikhs are born out of Hindus : http://www.punjabnewsline.com/content/vhp-president-ashok-singhal-says-sikhs-are-born-out-hindus/23860

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Guest SarabjeetSingh

VHP President seeks spiritual help from Sikh High priest for Ram temple in Ayodhya : http://www.punjabnew...e-ayodhya/23865

VHP President Ashok Singhal says Sikhs are born out of Hindus : http://www.punjabnew...ut-hindus/23860

They say many things . For nearly 2 years , I had a severe hinduphobia tongue.gif after I came to knew of what these RSS people are doing .

But , now I realise that not all hindus are like them . Many even come to gurudwara and pay reverence .

RSS takes pangtis from Guru Granth sahib from here and there and fabricate their own story . No one believes them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What was Akal takhat Jathedars reply? Any statement answering or clarifying Vhp's claim sikhs are hindus?

Did you read the links above?


However, later Jatehdar Akal Takht Gyani Gurbachan Singh categorically contradicted the statement of Singhal said that Sikhs were never part and parcel of Hindu religion, since Sikh religion was always a separate Community and would always remain separate as it had no links with any religion.


However, Gyani Gurbachan Singh categorically contradicted the statement of Singhal said that Sikhs were never part and parcel of Hindu religion, since Sikh religion was always a separate Community and would always remain separate as it had no links with any religion.

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I'm not sure it is good practice to jump every time someone makes a remark about Sikhi we may not like, surely our religion is stronger than that?

I feel the way forward is to learn the lessons of our Guru's lives and try and make Sikhi more approachable and inclusive, only if we attract more Hindus to Sikhi will we survive.

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Sorry to disagree, but Sikhi is not a marketable commodity that we have to sell it by making it attractive. Its a diamond which is discovered only by one who has the sense of recognition, its a blessing that Vaheguroo jee Himself bestows upon whoever He chooses to. Making Sikhi convenient for others just to attract them loses the entire point. If that was the case, Gurujee could have made keeping kesh optional, but NO, He set it as a mandatory Rehit.

Yes Sikhi is a lot more stronger than that, however, if we don't shut a person up when he/she makes an irrelevant comment on Sikhi, they will take it to the next level. If then we protest, they will question us as to howcome we never said a word before. Therefore yes, each time someone says anything inappropriate, we have to make sure we express our disagreement and protest. Sikhi is not a shop that it will need customers to survive. Whenever the time has come, whenever the hour has demanded, enough fearless GurSikhs have come forward with their heads on their palms, and the same will continue to happen forever.

All Sikhs and all non-Sikhs are always and equally welcome to the house of Sahib Siri Guru Nanak Dev Jee Maharaj, however, nothing here will happen as per their convenience, rather it will happen by Gurujee's Hukam (Gurmat siddhaant).

No offense intended

If anything I said sounded harsh, I apologize, but I stand by what I said

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That is a lovely romantic view of Sikhi, but unfortunately not true.

Sikhi is a religion that our Gurus marketed and sold to our ancestors, it is now in decline because silly, self righteous people go around misinterpreting the SGGS Ji and making it unappealing to the young.

Bir Khalsa Gatka group have probably raised more awareness and interest in Sikhi than most of todays 'Leaders' put together!

I was led to believe that Guru Ji bestowed upon us the right to be Sehajdhari Sikhs?

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Khoolasice, may I ask what have you learned from Bir Khalsa Group? Something from their name itself perhaps? Did you notice their Kakkars at all?

About being Sehajdhari, the whole point is to prepare ourselves and move forward towards Guruji's feet in 'Sehaj', so that one day we can also prove to our Guru Sahib that we have got what it takes to be initiated into Sikh faith. We cannot call ourselves Guru Da Sikh until we participate in the 'Guru-Sikh' Maryada, in which we give our head to Guru Sahib as the 'entrance fee' for admission into Sikhi school of thought.

Think about it: We can keep roaming about in the University all we want, but nobody is going to allow us to sit in lecture hall unless we have got appropriate ID hanging in our neck. The ID proves we have paid the fee and are on roll, and that allows us to sit in the lecture halls, learn and give exams, and so on. Without the ID, we are nothing more than a visitor. We might fool others into thinking we are attending the University, but not the Authorities. So the question is, do we want to sit exams and Graduate, or keep fooling others, and ourselves, that we are students?

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