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Remember 84 Or Fireworks Celebrations In Gurdwaras?


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Being we should be remembering shaheeds of 84, i see gurdwaras having fireworks for DIWALI? Bandhi shor divas?

Can sangat on this board pls inform me, i may be wrong should we not be remembering our shaheeds and all attrocities which occured in Nov 84?

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on fireworks (wasting $$$) should we not spend our money in bringing justice were being needed?

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The problem is nobody really cares about 1984 and they have forgotten about the shaheeds and also what happened thats why everyone is busy spending money on fireworks and celebrating every year. I think we should all remember and also help the ones that suffered through the tragic time but the the only ones that do are the ones that lost there family members during the riots and they are the ones still trying to get justice. I think anyone that wants to do fireworks and have a good time should instead donate that money to sikhsforjustice.org and help in getting justice for our brothers and sisters that went through a horrible time in there lives or the ones that lost someone.

Being we should be remembering shaheeds of 84, i see gurdwaras having fireworks for DIWALI? Bandhi shor divas?

Can sangat on this board pls inform me, i may be wrong should we not be remembering our shaheeds and all attrocities which occured in Nov 84?

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on fireworks (wasting $$$) should we not spend our money in bringing justice were being needed?

Please, share your views?

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The problem is nobody really cares about 1984 and they have forgotten about the shaheeds and also what happened thats why everyone is busy spending money on fireworks and celebrating every year. I think we should all remember and also help the ones that suffered through the tragic time but the the only ones that do are the ones that lost there family members during the riots and they are the ones still trying to get justice. I think anyone that wants to do fireworks and have a good time should instead donate that money to sikhsforjustice.org and help in getting justice for our brothers and sisters that went through a horrible time in there lives or the ones that lost someone.

i think instead of spending the money on fireworks, sikh sangat should donate money to the victims families who suffered so much from 1984 genocide.

waheguru kirpa karan sikh kaum te

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What we all need to understand is that both things are important.

It is not a case of we will spend our $'s or £'s on fireworks and we won't give to anything else. If Sikhs wanted they can fund both.

If you see the Shaheeds as your own family and feel the hurt i guess there is nothing to celebrate. But not everyone makes this connection or has thought of it in that way.

Bandi Chor is a way of doing parchaar. It pulls in people to the Gurdwara who don't go all year round. Lets face it most of them don't even know what they are celebrating. But the queues are long and they all have fireworks. Really for those who are actively doing parchaar it is a good time to educate people about Sikhi. Maybe an idea would be to hand out leaflets about 84. Educate those poor souls who don't even know about Bandi Chor and also educate them about 84.

That said i won't be having fireworks. I will instead be in a sombre mood and don't think Sikhs have anything to celebrate. I always remind myself that not everyone feels the way you do.

There is no point being upset about other people not caring.

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It is not a case of we will spend our $'s or £'s on fireworks and we won't give to anything else. If Sikhs wanted they can fund both.

Millions of pounds are spent on building Gurdwaras on the same street as existing Gurdwaras, thousands of pounds are raised in Gurdwaras for humantiarian aid charities but when it comes to looking after our own we fail miserably, this is the sad state of our kaum today.

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Being we should be remembering shaheeds of 84, i see gurdwaras having fireworks for DIWALI? Bandhi shor divas?

Can sangat on this board pls inform me, i may be wrong should we not be remembering our shaheeds and all attrocities which occured in Nov 84?

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on fireworks (wasting $$) should we not spend our money in bringing justice were being needed?

Please, share your views?

Veerji i agree with you there are so many things that aren't the way they should be.. it frustrates you but then you get used to it and sorta start doing waht everyone else does.. this world is a messed up place. for example: at our gurudwara we don't even talk about the shaheeds we don't talk about taking amrit because most of the committee people are those that arent even into sikhi.. they run the gurudwara like its some social place..

it was the ghallughara anniversary when we decided to set the background on the laptop to photos of sant ji and other shaheeds. because even doing something so little in our gurudwara is big. so we were doing sikhitothemax and we got mean looks..

gyani ji doesnt do ardaas for the shaheeds so this auntyjee told him to do it.

he didn't talk about it during keertan or acknowledged that it was a big day..

i was sitting there crying because it was so sad to see people forget those kurbanian..

gyani ji didnt mention the shaheedi divas in ardaas either and my friend yelled it out loud he heard it but he went on with ardaas and totally ignored her she said it 3 times.. but then it was sad because he still dont acknowledge it..

then she started crying too..

its not gyani jis fault its our fault actually because we havent made enough effort to aware our fellow sikhs about what happened in 84 we need to unite as a panth we need to stop fighting amongst each other only then we will be able to make a differencewhen you ask someone to donate for a sikhi cause.. they dont donate because they are liek o.. i dont know if my money is gona be used for the purpose its being donated to... this is bs.. they dont care about that money when they are gambling in las vegas!!

i guess we all that do feel for those shaheed families need to collabrate and bring that change, be that change together as a community...

its not responsibility of one person or one group its responsibility of us all.. because this is a big task one person has to initiate the change and those who care will follow.

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