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I live in India where i happen to come across a lot of Anti-Sikh ridicule . I get into street fights very often .On two occasions my turban got pulled off unscrupulously by attackers when they couldnt do much at hand to hand .I am 5ft 9 inc. Its a different thing i wore a patka then . Can someone guide me as to what turban would be suitable for such stuff.The normal big turban o dont think is suitable enough. I doubt whether it will remain unbudged if jostled .

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I live in India where i happen to come across a lot of Anti-Sikh ridicule . I get into street fights very often .On two occasions my turban got pulled off unscrupulously by attackers when they couldnt do much at hand to hand .I am 5ft 9 inc. Its a different thing i wore a patka then . Can someone guide me as to what turban would be suitable for such stuff.The normal big turban o dont think is suitable enough. I doubt whether it will remain unbudged if jostled .

Damalla baba jee the site of a Singh being tyar Bitayar keeps anyone away

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Damalla baba jee the site of a Singh being tyar Bitayar keeps anyone away

Vereji, kinney metre da hunna chahida dumalla?

Damalla baba jee the site of a Singh being tyar Bitayar keeps anyone away

Could u elaborate on ``tyaar bi tyaar`, Should i keep a kirpan with me to discourage any such people .

Its not a good thing to get into regular street fights and having the dastar knocked off. If however you stay in such an area, a dumala with shastars, especially chakkar should be what you wear. Anyone touching your dumala would be left with cuts on his hand.

I like the idea, where could i get this chakkar.I ll go to the local gurdwara and find out.Any other pointers.Btw i havnt seen any normal sikh around wearing a chakkar other than nihang jis.Whats the difference between a bana and a dumalla.I dont think nihang jis wear du malla.Pardon my weak terminology.I have only worn the big turban while going to my office where i work.

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Vereji, kinney metre da hunna chahida dumalla?

Could u elaborate on ``tyaar bi tyaar`, Should i keep a kirpan with me to discourage any such people .

I like the idea, where could i get this chakkar.I ll go to the local gurdwara and find out.Any other pointers.Btw i havnt seen any normal sikh around wearing a chakkar other than nihang jis.Whats the difference between a bana and a dumalla.I dont think nihang jis wear du malla.Pardon my weak terminology.I have only worn the big turban while going to my office where i work.

Dumaala is 2 dastaars ineffect a smaller kesi type underneath with a larger dastaar tied on top...Theres no point carrying shaastar if you dont have shastar abhiyaas...learn how to defend yourself..starting at hands free combat techniques then move onto weaponry.

Im not talking about learning, the waste of time gatka..spin a stick around circus act either...I mean learn a proper art which is street effective... like Kali,Eskrima, Panatukan, Krav Maga etc etc...Shastar Vidiya in it's original form would be the best as taught by Niddar Singh Nihang ...but he is UK based..he teaches specifics like how to protect your dharee if it's grabbed, and also mentions that dumallas tied by nihangs are specifically tied to protect the head from minor blows, etc..Nobody else currently teaches or appears to have full knowledge of the original Shastar Vidiya system...

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Dumaala is 2 dastaars ineffect a smaller kesi type underneath with a larger dastaar tied on top...Theres no point carrying shaastar if you dont have shastar abhiyaas...learn how to defend yourself..starting at hands free combat techniques then move onto weaponry.

Im not talking about learning, the waste of time gatka..spin a stick around circus act either...I mean learn a proper art which is street effective... like Kali,Eskrima, Panatukan, Krav Maga etc etc...Shastar Vidiya in it's original form would be the best as taught by Niddar Singh Nihang ...but he is UK based..he teaches specifics like how to protect your dharee if it's grabbed, and also mentions that dumallas tied by nihangs are specifically tied to protect the head from minor blows, etc..Nobody else currently teaches or appears to have full knowledge of the original Shastar Vidiya system...

Would it be possible to elaborate on that point in bold just a little bit?

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Good topic, Many times minor scuffles can easily become a much worse if the Turban gets removed.

I remember when I was at school, this singh kid got into a minor fight during football. The other guy pushed him, and unfortunately his Dastaar came off. 20 or so people witnessed it, and it badly knocked his confidence. Enough for him to have a hair cut during the summer break.

Sometimes fathers do and teach the same style they know on their sons. Typical big V-shaped Dastaar. This is all good but during school/college days can be difficult to handle.

I think singhs should upload some videos on tamper proof dastaars.

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Dumaala is 2 dastaars ineffect a smaller kesi type underneath with a larger dastaar tied on top...Theres no point carrying shaastar if you dont have shastar abhiyaas...learn how to defend yourself..starting at hands free combat techniques then move onto weaponry.

Im not talking about learning, the waste of time gatka..spin a stick around circus act either...I mean learn a proper art which is street effective... like Kali,Eskrima, Panatukan, Krav Maga etc etc...Shastar Vidiya in it's original form would be the best as taught by Niddar Singh Nihang ...but he is UK based..he teaches specifics like how to protect your dharee if it's grabbed, and also mentions that dumallas tied by nihangs are specifically tied to protect the head from minor blows, etc..Nobody else currently teaches or appears to have full knowledge of the original Shastar Vidiya system...

I have been thru a basic course in KickBoxing.I keep myself well acquainted with Hand Breaking Techniques by subscribing to Various Martial Combat Forums.I am well conditioned as far as body is concerned..It was just the adrenaline rush during such situations makes me forget all that i learned and i just turn into an aggressive maniac.Its not that I was overpowered .Sometimes the Patka becomes loose during a fight and then during a struggle it just comes off.But at 1 instance,the other guy just took it off.But i just didnt notice him doing it.I was just pummelling the other guy with all the force that i could muster.The bloody Hindus are such cowards.

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Would it be possible to elaborate on that point in bold just a little bit?

I dont tie that style of dastaar myself, so im not 100% sure on the full argument, 1 part was with some dastaars the top covering on the skull is very thin sone times just one larr opens and spread across the top of the head and tucked in. so the top of the head is virtually unprotected against danda strikes etc.

Dumalla has multiple wraps around this portion of the head is also tighter better protected agains minor strikes, obviously not going to help if yuo get hit on the head with a mace or iron bar though..

Theres also the blade tied into the front which comes into play if anyone tries to grab from the front theyre going to get cut, good for low posture forms where you can rise up from under necks etc and cut throats etc in a battle field mentality. You shpuld ask Niddar Singh if you ever come across him very knowledgable individual..Fair enough certain factions disagree with his religious views...theres no doubting his knowledge of indo persian weaponsry and traditional Khalsa fighting arts though,

I have been thru a basic course in KickBoxing.I keep myself well acquainted with Hand Breaking Techniques by subscribing to Various Martial Combat Forums.I am well conditioned as far as body is concerned..It was just the adrenaline rush during such situations makes me forget all that i learned and i just turn into an aggressive maniac.Its not that I was overpowered .Sometimes the Patka becomes loose during a fight and then during a struggle it just comes off.But at 1 instance,the other guy just took it off.But i just didnt notice him doing it.I was just pummelling the other guy with all the force that i could muster.The bloody Hindus are such cowards.

This is where kickboxing and a lot of western arts fail;..theyre not designed to consider fighting more than one opponent. Theres no concept of 1 vs muliples or formation fighting etc..

I agree.adrenaline rush is difficult to control when you suddenly find yourself in a situation.

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I dont tie that style of dastaar myself, so im not 100% sure on the full argument, 1 part was with some dastaars the top covering on the skull is very thin sone times just one larr opens and spread across the top of the head and tucked in. so the top of the head is virtually unprotected against danda strikes etc.

Dumalla has multiple wraps around this portion of the head is also tighter better protected agains minor strikes, obviously not going to help if yuo get hit on the head with a mace or iron bar though..

Theres also the blade tied into the front which comes into play if anyone tries to grab from the front theyre going to get cut, good for low posture forms where you can rise up from under necks etc and cut throats etc in a battle field mentality. You shpuld ask Niddar Singh if you ever come across him very knowledgable individual..Fair enough certain factions disagree with his religious views...theres no doubting his knowledge of indo persian weaponsry and traditional Khalsa fighting arts though,

This is where kickboxing and a lot of western arts fail;..theyre not designed to consider fighting more than one opponent. Theres no concept of 1 vs muliples or formation fighting etc..

I agree.adrenaline rush is difficult to control when you suddenly find yourself in a situation.

You seem to be well aware of Multiple Attacker Fighting.Where did u learn this ?

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