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Guest simran singh

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Guest simran singh

sat sri akal,my name is simran singh,i live in amritsar,i am a non-keshdhari,but i did not cut my hair myself.ok i will explain,my father is a keshdhari sikh,and my belonged to hindu family.due to some reasons tensions started in our family,later my brother and i was born,one day when my mom took me to nanake the cut my hair.and then later they tell dad that they want one son to be keshdhari and one not.later we grown up,but my brother do not show interest in sikhi.so he also cut his hair.also as i was raised in company of hindu boys i known not thing about religion.but when i was in 8th class my dad fell too ill,then at darbar sahib i took sukhna that pls cure my dad.my become healthy,(also due to many other people sukhna,s).later i started wishing many things and took sukhna of that.then guru ji make my life a heaven,i become topper in my school, where ever i goes people praise me.my parents also started praising me.two years i felt like a king.the i also become better in sikhi i used to go to darbar sahib on gurupurabs sometime even at amritvela.then i think that someday i will become keshdhari.then the second part of my life,then i passed my 10th.got admission in non medical first everything seems to be ok ,then after 1st semester things become hard then i started skipping tutions and school,so my mind got free time to do bad things,then i got problem of wet dreams.then suddenly i do not know what happens,every things becomes reversed i become bad at studies,family started hating me,my health become poor,dreams of guru nanak dev ji replaced with jamdoots,then i do not go to school countinously for about a month.i started spending whole day in bed crying.then this situation countinues and becomes worse in two more months.then third part (see post under title third part)pls read it i beg to u.

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Make sure you fulfil any promises you made during the 'sukhnas'. You shouldn't really do them, just rely on Ardas.

Focus your mind on what needs to be done, and do it - both spiritually e.g. Nitnem, Simran, Paath, Sewa, and study hard as well. You know what your weaknesses are, so deal with them and keep doing ardas.

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Guest simran singh

pls read (pls help me) post,before reading this.ok, then the things become worse,the school principal did not kick me out because she is our relative.then i passed my passed my plus one exams.at that time i thinks that non med is the problem but i was wrong.then i got admission in same school in plus 2 art but after attending 2,3 days i once again dont go to school for a month,spent this time crying in bed,then one more month passed,then i thougt of doing sucide,then some one said me that admission of schools is now closed.then by guru,s grace i got admission in a school that war very far in village,so i am unable to go to school.but as the principal was also family friend.no prob of attendence,then one day i ask my sister to teach me how to do path, then i start doing patha,then some months later i decided to become kesdhari,then 3 months i did not cut my hair.then my first semester exams came.then i got irrtated by people,as i do not know how to wear a turban or patka.one day i went to exam hall and a teacher make fun of me she said that u look like both a boy and girl.then this fool cuts his hair.then by guru's kirpa i got 80% marks in exams.then by guru's kirpa i started wake up at amritvela.then things become better.now at present ,1 month remaning in 2nd semester exams.now the problem is this that i want to become a keshdhari but i unable to do due to people.i have spent two years at home just idel.now what if i failed in exams or collage do not accept me.now due to guru's kirpa i am somewhat cured in wet dreams as i do not watch kammi things for 2 years but tommorow my mind got mad.also i starting fearing ppl.what if i once again i do not go to collage for months.i know this all is due to my karams.the worst prob is that i fear of doing pap.i beg to u to u for help.sorry for wasting ur time.sat sri akal

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  • 12 years later...
Guest Gupt RK

Sat Sri Akal saareya nu ..... Mai delhi to haa, born and brought up in Hindu Punjabi family..... Shuru to Guru Nanak Devji naal pyar hega , par bhot vaddi vaddi galtiya kr baitha mai zindgi ich ..... Rabb ji ne kch dinaa toh thoda paath kraana shuru kitta mere toh , par mai Halle v keshdhari ni aa , n schi gall ae h k mere ich aene guts ni hege k mai ban saka ..... Ki waheguru ji meri seva te paath kabul karange ???

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  • 10 months later...
Guest HumAkaali
On 4/5/2023 at 10:48 PM, Guest Gupt RK said:

Sat Sri Akal saareya nu ..... Mai delhi to haa, born and brought up in Hindu Punjabi family..... Shuru to Guru Nanak Devji naal pyar hega , par bhot vaddi vaddi galtiya kr baitha mai zindgi ich ..... Rabb ji ne kch dinaa toh thoda paath kraana shuru kitta mere toh , par mai Halle v keshdhari ni aa , n schi gall ae h k mere ich aene guts ni hege k mai ban saka ..... Ki waheguru ji meri seva te paath kabul karange ???

hanji tuhaadi seva ate path zaroor qubool hougi; and mainu ik gall daso, tucci bachpan toh pehla toh keshdhaari ni ho? 

jadd gurusahib di kirpa hougi unhaade hukam anusaar hi sab houga tucci bas love ate trust na shaddo.


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