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Are We The Mind?


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Are we the mind or are 'we' completely separate from it?

Eckhart Tolle's Power of Now (very good book) states that we are not the mind and that it is a tool. Peoples association with their thoughts and identification with the mind is what keeps us trapped in suffering.

As per Sikhi, how true is this? Are we completely separate from the mind and is it a tool or is there a part of us that 'is' the mind itself?


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That's a tough question to answer. I don't think we are seperate from the mind, have you heard that saying always listen to the heart and not mind. Probably because the mind is full of bad things in a person and the heart leads you to do right things. In terms of sikhi we are connected to the mind because we were placed in this body so we are connected to what comes with it hence people with disabilities. Our soul inside is whats real then when it's placed in a certain body then all the parts inside and out are connected to form a humans behaviour in a certain way.

I hope that makes some sort of sense, I hope I helped answer what your looking for :D

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Ok, we are connected to the mind. But do you think 'we are the mind'?

Or, are we 'only' the soul and the mind is a tool for getting our soul somewhere i.e. to god? Maybe we believe we are the mind and that is what keeps us bound in reincarnation?

Like a car that is getting its occupant somewhere. Maybe the mind is the car and we (the soul) are the occupant. I know this analogy has been used for the body (body as car, and we are inside) before but I'm trying to take it a step further.

What do people think, any more views?

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The false mind is hunted by the Messenger of Death; it carries its faults along when it goes.

man jhoothaa jam johi-aa avgun chaleh naal.

The mind turns inward, and merges with mind, when it is with virtue.

man meh man ulto marai jay gun hoveh naal.

Crying out, "Mine, mine!", they have died, but without the Name, they find only pain.

mayree mayree kar mu-ay vin naavai dukh bhaal.

The mind is the ego, everything that we claim to be. But on this path we must offer our head to the Guru(Gyan of Gurbani) (100% surrender of mind, body, wealth- tan, man, dan- the death of self). When the mind is eradicated/silenced there is no Ego.

The whole point of naam simran(which brings virtue along with good deeds) is to silence the mind, in fact the whole point of life is to silence the mind/ Ego for it is only when the mind is silenced that we can truly discover who and what we really are. Away from the Maya programming and worldy wisdom(manmat) and worldly thoughts and distractions, we can really begin our journey to Truth. When the ego (mind) is silenced, so are the other theives as they can only survive as long as we have a sense of I and mine.

The way to silence the mind is through samadhi(deep meditation through naam simran). At first thoughts will crop up here and there, then finally one will get to the stage of such a deep samadhi that there are no thoughts. This is where the Brahmgyan begins to be expererienced, the bhagat begins to gain knowledge contained in gurbani on their own, and is able to write up passages as bhagats in gurbani did, as the Truths they are discovering are the same as those that the Gurus and bhagats in Guru Granth Sahib Ji experienced(truth is the same everywhere).

In reality there is no mind, God lives in a state of nothingness which actually means there is Nothing. Hence your answer is that we are not the mind as there is no mind, or soul, just Truth.

sehaj saalaahee sadhaa sadhaa sehaj samaadhh lagaae ||

In the state of intuitive balance, praise the Lord forever and ever. With intuitive ease, embrace Samaadhi.

Page106 Line 15 Raag Maajh: Guru Arjan Dev

I am intuitively absorbed in the state of Samaadhi deep within. God alone knows this sweet pleasure. ||1||

Page122 Line 8 Raag Maajh: Guru Amar Das

ho vaaree jeeo vaaree sukh sehaj samaadhh lagaavaniaa ||

I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who intuitively enter into the peace of Samaadhi.

Page130 Line 3 Raag Maajh: Guru Ram Das

ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਮਿਲੈ ਮਨੁ ਭੀਜੈ ਸਹਜਿ ਸਮਾਧਿ ਲਗਾਵਣਿਆ ॥੩॥

guramukh naam milai man bheejai sehaj samaadhh lagaavaniaa ||3||

The Gurmukhs obtain the Naam. Their minds are enraptured, and they easily and intuitively enter into Samaadhi. ||3||

Page265 Line 4 Raag Gaurhee Sukhmanee: Guru Arjan Dev

saragun niragun nirankaar sunn samaadhhee aap ||

He possesses all qualities; He transcends all qualities; He is the Formless Lord. He Himself is in Primal Samaadhi.

Page290 Line 18 Raag Gaurhee Sukhmanee: Guru Arjan Dev

jeevan mirath n dhukh sukh biaapai sunn samaadhh dhooo theh naahee ||1||

No life or death, no pain or pleasure is felt there. There is only the Primal Trance of Samaadhi, and no duality. ||1||

gagan nivaas samaadhh lagaavai ||

He dwells in the Tenth Gate, immersed in the Samaadhi of deep meditation.

Page416 Line 9 Raag Aasaa: Guru Nanak Dev

houmai rog gaeiaa dhukh laathhaa har sehaj samaadhh lagaaee ||

The disease of egotism(the mind) has been eradicated, suffering has been eliminated, and I have entered the Lord's state of celestial Samaadhi.

Page574 Line 18 Raag Vadhans: Guru Ram Das

ਅਨਦਿਨੁ ਸਹਜ ਸਮਾਧਿ ਹਰਿ ਲਾਗੀ ਹਰਿ ਜਪਿਆ ਗਹਿਰ ਗੰਭੀਰਾ ॥

anadhin sehaj samaadhh har laagee har japiaa gehir ganbheeraa ||

Night and day, one remains absorbed in the Perfect Poise of Samaadhi; meditate on the Name of the Lord, the inaccessible and unfathomable Lord.

Page578 Line 4 Raag Vadhans: Guru Arjan Dev

eaehu manooaa sunn samaadhh lagaavai jothee joth milaaee ||16||

Their minds enter into the deepest state of Samaadhi, and their light is absorbed into the Light. ||16||

Page932 Line 9 Raag Raamkalee Dakhnee: Guru Nanak Dev

thaaran tharan samrathh kalijug sunath samaadhh sabadh jis kaerae ||

The All-powerful Guru is the Boat to carry us across in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. Hearing the Word of His Shabad, we are transported into Samaadhi.

theen thilok samaadhh palovai ||

The three qualities and the three worlds vanish, in the state of Samaadhi.

Page995 Line 11 Raag Maaroo: Guru Ram Das



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