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Eh Ki Ho Gaya Eh

Guest sim

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i dnt knw whats happening to me.pata nai ki ho gaya eh mei amritdhari nai aa par paath kar da va.par hun meri life aajeeb ho gayi a meinu khud hi nai pata lagda ki mei ki kar reha va te kyo kar rhea.jado mei paath karda va te mei aapne aap nu eh khenda va ki baas rab hi meri jindagi hai tei mei esi raste te chalaga. par phir je koi dost mil jaave te ghuman phirn chale jaye te man vi khayal anda va ki mere kol paisa hove vada ghar hove soni kudi hove te life vich maza aavega phir je koi hor banda mil jave te life di tensun bare gal chal pave ta is tara lagda vi ki jindagi ik burden to elava kugh nai a te mera dil kar da ki aagee life vich ini problems aan valia va te kaash ehthe hi life khatam ho jaye.mera man bhaut cheti badal janda va hun te aajeeb hi lagan shuru ho gaya va is tara lagda ki mei aap nai koi hor menu control kar reha va kadi aape hi paath vich man jur janda va. kadi raati 2 vaje taak need nai aandi par phir 4:30 vaje chakar vi aande ne need vi annde hai par phir vi uth ke paath karan bhe janda va te kadi 9 vaje tak need hi nai khul di.kadi mei raab nu eh ardas karda va ki mei papera vich pass ho java te kadi eh ki fail hona hi vadia ravega.mei sharab nai peenda par phir vi naashe vali feeling aandi a :)

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Bro / sis, could you please re-write your post in normal English or at least summarise in English? I find it very difficult to read this romanized Panjabi as the words used aren't standardised spellings so it's tough to ascertain what exactly is being said.

Although if someone comes along who can understand it all then fair enough. :biggrin2:

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Ill try summarizing for someone who can reply better than me with Gurbani, also typing from a phone.

The poster says when they recite Gurbani they feel that they want to dedicate their life to God. However when they are around their friends, they crave materialistic things (house, cars etc). Their mind does not take a stand and keeps changing. Lately they've had insomnia, and anxiety ( im assuming). Also, they feel like something is controlling them ( maya?) , and they feel high but they dont do drugs. Also sometimes they do ardaas to pasd their school tests, and sometimes to fail?.....

Phul chuk maaf

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its ok to kamaa the world, but be ready to giv it all to guru G. wecan have the house n cars etc.. but we cant get attached to it. thas where the proplems start. ardaas.. the only true ardass is the ardass that is in bani.. yes we do ardaas for exams etc cuz we hav faith in god to help us. its not a bad thing. it is bad however, if u do the ardas and thas it.. no more ardass.. u just wanted to hav the help, n now that uv got it, ur not gona thank guru G through naam simran.. etc... this is the only way its bad.

u dont need to do ardass to fail an exam.. we can fail al by ourselves! or jus dont go to the exam! but, the bigger question here is, y wud u wana fail in the firsl place?

and, if u feel high, its guru ji telling you to look this is what u will get if u jup naam simran. and also, guru G is saying, put this happiness on naam and u will be rewarded even more.

as for feeling controled, you aer not. this is in ur mind. i know sum 1 else hu has this same thing.. but worse. and its all in their mind.. feeling controled.. what u hav to do is spend time around amazing people. good people. take it sasy, understand that if u hav guru G with you, nothing bad can touch you.. 1 mool mantar will push away all badness away from you. doing chaupi sahib paat 5 times, and bani like basant ki vaar M : 5.. 1 oangkar satgurprasaad .. har ka naam dheyaae kai.....

the controlled feeling is in your mind. the feeling high is guru G showing u what to do with it (to jup naam with it), and ardaas... bani is the only true ardass.. but its ok to pray for things like exams.. as its bharosa on guru G.

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