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How The Authorities Attempted To Bribe Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale And Failed: Sant Dhadrianwale Tell The Unique Remarkable Account

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Sarkar Di Chall - Sant Bhindranwalean Da Jawab



18th August 2012

During the monthly Sangrand Samagam which takes place at Gurdwara Parmeshar Dwar Sahib in Patiala, standing on the stage in front of the thousands of people present on 16th August 2012, Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale spoke about the Jeevan of the great fearless Saint Soldier, Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale during their years of conflict with the Central and Punjab Government in the 1980's, particularly during the Congress rule of Punjab Chief Minister Darbara Singh.

In an effort to inspire the Sikh youth of Punjab, Sant Dhadrianwale discussed an account that was given in a book written by General Brar who commanded Operation Bluestar in 1984. The general, who was in opposition to Sant Jarnail Singh Ji, in actual fact himself gave away how the great Saint Soldier was simply beyond any bribe. Sant Dhadrianwale spoke about the initial threatening challenges of Darbara Singh to Sant Jarnail Singh Ji, which failed, and then the subsequent offers and bribes from the authorities, which also failed.

In the meanwhile, there have recently been expectations in the UK for Sant Dhadrianwale to visit the country during this summer for a few days due to immense demand from the Sangat and from the organisers of a number of events taking place in the coming weeks and events that have already taken place. However, Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale, who live and breathe for Gurmat Parchaar and Amrit Sanchaar, have had a very tight schedule which has been fully booked until at least next year. Unless where an international Gurmat Parchaar Visit has been scheduled, Sant Dhadrianwale is believed to have said there is a greater need for them to remain in India at this moment in time as per their schedule where Gurmat Parchaar and Amrit Sanchaar must remain to be the number one priority. Gurdwara Parmeshar Dwar Sahib sends out an apology to any Sangat and organisers who may have been expecting them to be present in the UK for a few days this summer, but if and when a window in their schedule is available, then the UK will be considered for Parchaar purposes. In any event, the main UK Visit for Gurmat Parchaar, which takes place every two years, will be scheduled for the summer of 2013, confirmation and dates for which will be released mid-next year by the UK Visit organisers.

The full August 2012 Sangrand Diwaan can be seen online and a short clip that every Sikh should and must watch is viewable at the following link:

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Interestingly, there is not an ounce of evidence that Brar ever said those things that Dhadrianwala is promoting on stage.

I am not talking about Sant Ji's Nitnem, but stuff like the challenge from CM Darbara Singh, the bribe of lunatic amount of money plus citizenship in other countries.

Brar has already stated he never wrote that book that the Sant-Smajis are promoting. We Sikhs love to make up such fairy tales.

* If there is any evidence, then can anyone please name the 14 "officers" sent in by the govt that joined Sant Ji on that one day?

*When Darbara Singh was the CM, Sant Ji was in Nanak Nivaas. When Sant Ji was at Akal Takht Sahib, Darbara Singh was not the CM. So who ever made up this story does not even know the proper events of history.

*Outside the reference to the fake book, is there any ounce of evidence that the ridiculous example of that bribe took place?

Even the amount of army men killed that is quoted in the book are a gross exaggeration. Do we really need to lie to show our prowess?

When did lying and making up tall tales about of great Singhs become part of Sikhi and Gurmat? There is plenty of proof our Singhs were great without resorting to lies and writing fake book under other people's names.

It is videos like this that give further credence to the GOI agencies that we Sikhs live in fairy-tale land and not in reality.

Dhadrianwala is a great story teller, but this does not make him a historian only an entertainer.

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Interestingly, there is not an ounce of evidence that Brar ever said those things that Dhadrianwala is promoting on stage.

I am not talking about Sant Ji's Nitnem, but stuff like the challenge from CM Darbara Singh, the bribe of lunatic amount of money plus citizenship in other countries.

Brar has already stated he never wrote that book that the Sant-Smajis are promoting. We Sikhs love to make up such fairy tales.

* If there is any evidence, then can anyone please name the 14 "officers" sent in by the govt that joined Sant Ji on that one day?

*When Darbara Singh was the CM, Sant Ji was in Nanak Nivaas. When Sant Ji was at Akal Takht Sahib, Darbara Singh was not the CM. So who ever made up this story does not even know the proper events of history.

*Outside the reference to the fake book, is there any ounce of evidence that the ridiculous example of that bribe took place?

Even the amount of army men killed that is quoted in the book are a gross exaggeration. Do we really need to lie to show our prowess?

When did lying and making up tall tales about of great Singhs become part of Sikhi and Gurmat? There is plenty of proof our Singhs were great without resorting to lies and writing fake book under other people's names.

It is videos like this that give further credence to the GOI agencies that we Sikhs live in fairy-tale land and not in reality.

Dhadrianwala is a great story teller, but this does not make him a historian only an entertainer.

I have to agree with this. I was thinking about not posting, but I'm just quoting to say I agree.

The problem isn't that Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwala is intentional/unintentionally promoting this misinformation, it's that some groups try to sway what the truth is and change what history is. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what the agenda of these groups are until a lot later on.

The Indian government attacked Harmandir Sahib to kill Sikhs, why would they want to stop the attack or bribe Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale? Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale and the other Singhs of 1984 were babbar shers and knew very well what the indian government wanted to do and were there to defend Harmandir Sahib complex.

S.K. Sinha said if they attack the Sikh's holiest place, SIkhs have a right to defend it like Sikhs did of past.

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