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tables chairs and guru granth sahib


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why do sikhs bow down to the guru granth sahib isn't it sort of a hindu ritual same way hindus pay respect to statues of theri gods or their scriptures

i heard people say the guru granth sahib is a teacher and guides sikhs and that is why so much respect is payed to the guru granth sahib to covering it up with proper cloth or waving a wond over it or bowing down in front of it

but question if someone downloaded the guru granth sahib on their laptop or cell phone would you
bow down in front of the laptop or cell phone and wave the wond to fan the laptop or cell phone and cover it up in nice cloth to keep it clean or if somone printed the guru granth sahib off the internet and hole punched it and threw the papers in a binder and you had seen this binder would you bow down to it

now i hear alot of stories sikhs attacking certain places cause they believe the guru granth sahib is being disrespected now what do sikhs plan to do with people who download porn and the guru granth sahib onto their laptops are they going to go al quida on the internet

what seperates what sikhs do with the guru granth sahib from hindu rituals

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and regarding tables and chairs isn't the point to make everyone sit side by side to show all people are equal in eyes of god

it doesn't matter if someone was low caste or a king they had to sit side by side when eating in the gurdwara

theirs nothing in the guru granth sahib that says people have to sit on the ground and cannot use tables and chairs

and when people do sit on tables and chairs side by side are they not all equal and is it not the same as sitting on the ground side by side

when old people sit on the table and chair while everyone else sits on the ground doesn't that techniqually defeat the concept

when people say oh if you bring table and chairs into the kitchen soon everywere in the gurdwara is going to have table and chairs and you would have to climb the latter to keep the guru granth sahib above everyone well someone could say the same about accomodating old people by allowing old people to sit on table and chairs then can't the same argument be made that old people will soon be sitting on chairs in front of the guru granth sahib

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What separates us is that our Guru Sahib stated that They will eternally be with us, that their never-ending lustrous presence will always be there in Gurbani, because our Guru is Divine Light that takes the soul out of spiritual darkness. Hindu rituals focus on worshiping avtars who were born and died like human beings. Our Guru is unborn and eternal, not a body. What we bow to is not an idol, its the paavan pavitter saroop of our Guru Sahibaan.



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ive had hindus say they don't idle worship only poor hindus do they claim the purpose of why they bow down is to help them focus on that god their praying to more by stimulating itleast one of the 5 sences

but the way sikhs bow down to the guru granth sahib how is that different from hindus bowing down to their statues and scriptures

if someone downloaded the guru granth sahib on their computer would you bow down to that computer

and if you found out they watched porn on that same computer woudl you break that persons computer

christians look at the bible for guidence well the protestants do not to sure about the cathlics

muslims look to the koran

jews look to the torah

sikhs look to the guru granth sahib

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christians look at the bible for guidence well the protestants do not to sure about the cathlics

muslims look to the koran

jews look to the torah

sikhs look to the guru granth sahib

Sikhs don't look to the Guru granth sahib ji in the same way.

The Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is the GURU and it contains the jagdi Jyot or embodiment of light passed on from the Gurus.

Therefore it is not a book or idol in any sikh way.

What you download onto pc is the shabad guru or word which itself represents and holds the Guru, but it is NOT the guru. So you don't bow down to your pc !!

From the above religions you mention, only the jews treat their torah with very great pride and respect in terms of keeping it in an ark and having decorative noce covering on it..etc...

This is because they too see the WORD of GOD handed down literally to Moses in the Ten commandments !

Other than that Mehtabji has explained it very well in the above post.

You should be able to understand that ths same Jyot or light was passed on starting from Guru Nanak Dev ji to the successive 9 gurus and NOW it is present in the Guru Granth Sahib ji as the WORD of the SHABAD or word of Guru/God !!

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so guru granth sahib is ok to pay respects to and bow down to

but not a pc with the guru granth sahib downloaded on it

what about if somone printed the guru granth sahib off the internet and put all the pages printed in a binder

would you treat that binder with the same respect you give the guru granth sahib at the gurdwara

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Once a group of Hindus and Muslims asked a senior British officer asking why did they honor and regard the Sikhs more than other communities. The officer asked them to return the next day with their holy scriptures, and also informed the Sikhs to do the same. The next day the Hindu came with the Geeta tucked in his underarm, the Muslim came with the Koran pressed to his chest. They waited for the Sikh. The Maharaj of Patiala came with the paavan pavitter saroop of Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee Maharaj on an elephant and was doing Chaur Sahib seva himself. The British officer smiled, looked at those two and said "Now you know why?"

But I guess you would need a source for this as well, right? lol...

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You don't get the point sir. Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj is our SatGuru, not a book. The Guru in Sikhi is Eternal Knowledge, Eternal Light that takes away the soul's spiritual darkness. Why do you keep suggesting that our Guru is a book? Does anyone ever call his/her mom a piece of flesh and bones? Or does he/she run to her yelling mommy and grabbing her in a hug? How do YOU see Guru Sahib? As a book with pages? Or as your Father-Mother-Friend----Everything? YOU decide.

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yes mehtab singh i need evidence to the claim i don't believe things blindly

as well wasn't the maharajas of patalia always selling out sikhs for money for example didn't maharaja of patalia prostitute his as*

to the afghans and then to the british in 1799 and trying to bring the khalsa empire down

as well if someone printed out the guru granth sahib from the internet and put all the pages in a binder how would you treat that binder

and the pages in it/???

how do you treat the guru granth sahib at the gurdwara???

how do you treat a computer that has the guru granth sahib downloaded on it???

and if you would treat one of the three differently why is that

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yes mehtab singh i need evidence to the claim i don't believe things blindly

as well wasn't the maharajas of patalia always selling out sikhs for money for example didn't maharaja of patalia prostitute his as*

to the afghans and then to the british in 1799 and trying to bring the khalsa empire down

as well if someone printed out the guru granth sahib from the internet and put all the pages in a binder how would you treat that binder

and the pages in it/???

how do you treat the guru granth sahib at the gurdwara???

how do you treat a computer that has the guru granth sahib downloaded on it???

and if you would treat one of the three differently why is that

Go to a Gurudwara and see people bowing in front of guru granth sahib.That is the evidence.

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