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young guys and girls relationship...

randip singh

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What Khalistani paji is trying to say is not in the literal form. You should look upon your fellow Sikh's as you would your brothers and sisters, without the buri nazaar. That would not mean that you would then be incestual (if ever there is such a word) if you were to marry someone. Because you're simly not looking at them in a way where you're forming an attachment.

As for should all marriages be arranged - veer ji, all sanjog are written from way before our lifetimes, if all marriages in the world were then to be arranged, Akaal Purukh would orchestrate the milni between the two people who's sanjogs are together. This would be regardless of whether they dated or not.

For instance, (completely hypothetically speaking) if I dated my husband and then married him, my sanjog are with him. Had I not have dated him, Akaal Puruk would have made are joining in anand karaj possible in some other way shape or form....

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What makes you think that? I'm fairly sure no one on this forum knows enough about destiny to know the specifics, whether it defines every detail, or if it's an outline that needs the details to be filld out by us. If destiny defines every detail, then some of us are already damned to hell, and suicide wouldn't be that big a deal, because it's in our destiny. My point here, is that no one on this world, let alone this forum, knows enough about destiny to really define it for us.

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im 17 years old...so u guys might think im too callous or niave, but if u think bout it, there is no reason why u need a partner (bf/gf) at a young age(15-20), its not to procreate(for which we need a parter). I mean, if u need sum1 other than God to "complement" your life u are pretty pathetic and insecure...thass my 2 cents

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im 17 years old...so u guys might think im too callous or niave, but if u think bout it, there is no reason why u need a partner (bf/gf) at a young age(15-20), its not to procreate(for which we need a parter). I mean, if u need sum1 other than God to "complement" your life u are pretty pathetic and insecure...thass my 2 cents

Well said :TH:

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Veer ji,

Please do not get me wrong. I am simply saying sanjog are written from dhur. We cannot change them. If we're not meant to be with someone, we're not meant to be with someone. If we are, we are.

Of course no one here know's about their destiny, if we all did, we would not need to live, as you say, a huge amount of the world would be conformed to hell the minute they take birth.

Our jeevans and the way we live of lives will ultimately control our destinies and our destinations. However, what's come from akaal purukh is ineviatable and will happen.

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Regarding the incredibly callous and senseless post on homosexuality:

We are all soul. Not a gender, not a <admin-profanity filter activated> orientation. In this life you may be male, in a past life you may have been female. Being gay is no bar to meeting God. However, God created male and female for a reason, we should abide by his will, and therefore gay marriage is not allowed in Sikhe. That being said, tolerance is importent and we should not ever discriminate against someone b/c of their <admin-profanity filter activated> orientation.

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I would like to add something I learned in my cultural psych class at uni. According to one study, people from love marriages are INITIALLY more satisfied than people who had arranged marriages. However, over time, the satisfaction rate for an arranged marriage surpasses that of a love marriage (increases) while the satisfaction rate for a love marriage actually decreases!

Don't get brainwashed by the western cultures bias views of arranged marriages (most seem to come from bollywood).

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

singh mc jeeO

**u need sum1 other than God to "complement" your life**

without sangat i feel in my life i am "pretty pathetic and insecure"

sikhi is all about sangat ,sangat, sangat & sangat

Guru ji inspired sikhs to assemble in the form of sangat

"hoye ikkattar milO mayray bhai

dubidhaa door karO liv laaye"

we can't meet God without sangat

Guru ji instruct that

"vich sangat har prabh vassaiy jeeO"

"satsangat kaisee jaanniae jitthaiy Eko naam vakhaanneeaiy"

"saadhsangat ki bheer jaO paaee taO Nanak har sang mireeaa"

one sikh is sikh but two are saadhsangat

even marriage of sikhs is mainly sangat at home

two sikhs who meet & develop physical relationship (other than marriage) besides having laahaa of sangat; are disobeying Guru ji . its manmatt.

mind keeps us enslaved through the five senses (Touch , Sight , Taste, Smell & Hearing).

with the sangat of gursikhs when we do naam abhyaas , enjoy keertan or do seva then we can enslave the mind.

"Un tey raakhaiy baap naa maaee

Un tey raakhaiy meet naa bhaaee

darab siaanap naa oye rehtey

saadhsang oye dushaT vass hotey"

(darab - smartness)

sun singh jeeO!! to bring more souls to planet earth genders were created

bhul chook maaf kar dena jee

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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