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what if akali phoola singh ji was the maharajah instead of ranjit singh?


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On 1/26/2021 at 8:11 AM, superkaur said:

I been reading about how akali phoola singh was a fanatical strict sikh who lead equally fanatical akali nihung warriors who hated non-Sikh presence and interference in Sikh governance and lands captured by them. Such was their readiness, daring recklessness and desire for war against the enemies of Sikhs that they often defeated enemies many times their number and strength. Whereas maharajah ranjit singh was more strategically cunning, less about spreading Sikhi, more diplomatic and pluralistic in his approach in matters of religion and the political affairs of the state.

Maharajah ranjit singh made treaties with the british invaders (east india company) in the vain hope that:

1) one day there will be a right time to militarily strike the Sikh princely states under british protectorate and unite the whole of punjab region under his rule 

2) if that was not possible then the sutlej border between his government and them would be the permanment border and they will be allies in peace with each other.

On the other hand akali phoola singh wanted to attack and wipe out the british presence in northern india. And I believe had he had got his way and the Khalsa army was put in his command then the british would have been wiped out within weeks therefore enabling the expansion of Sikh rule to be unchecked and unmatched meaning afghanistan and iran could have easily come under Sikh rule the ruler of persia at the time admitted as such when hearing of battles lead by general nawla and akali phoola singh. The regional powers of the time afghans, Marathas, mughuls were no match for the Sikhs. I believe it was some idle hesitancy of maharaja ranjit singh in not striking while the iron was hot and rather enjoying the good life without having secured his rule is what lead to the downfall of his legacy, the Sikh empire and overall Sikh sovereignty eventually because the British had always eyes on taking over punjab as they needed it in order to get to afghanistan and counter russian empires expansionist plans.

Sikhs would have lost their raj in 1806 if akali phoola singh was the maharaja. No hate, but a new sikh state wasnt capable to defeat the mighty british. Mahajadi Scindia, a maratha chiefs entire army was routed by a contingent of the well trained brits. Sikhs could have defeated Brits in 1857 if they fought for their own raaj. 

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On 1/26/2021 at 9:13 PM, ASingh8 said:

1. Can you share the source of this reading? So we can all get some more context and verify the validity of this reading material please?


2. Raaj isn't really preached in the teaching of the Gurus. If so, I'm sure the 10 Guru's would've clearly made this apparent in their teachings and would have accomplished this objective themselves. 


Sri Guru Granth Sahib - Ang: 534 (Guru Arjan Dev Ji):

Raaj Na Chahou Mukat Na Chahou Man Preet Charan Kamalare.

(I do not seek power and I do not seek liberation. My mind is in love with your lotus feet)


Sri Dasam Granth Sahib - Ang: 57 (Bachitar Naatak):


Ham Ih Kaaj Jagat Mo Aae. Dharam Heth Gurdev Patthai.

(I have set foot on this Earth for this one reason; to propogate righteousness)


Jahaan Tahaan Tum Dharam Bithaaro. DushT Dokheean Pakarr Pachharro.

(The Lord has asked me to spread Dharam and vanquish tyrants and evil-minded individuals)


I could reference countless other tuk's from Gurbaani but i'm sure these two suffice.


Akali Baba Phoola Singh Ji was walking in the steps of the teachings of the Gurus; on a mission to eliminate the enemy; in this case being the British who tried ever so hard to eliminate our teachings by performing disgusting acts such as but not limited to:

Creating the SGPC

Spreading propaganda of the Khalsa

Issuing 'shoot on-sight' orders to kill Singhs

Spreading propaganda on our scriptures

Sending in paid Sikhs to spread nonsence and create divisions

Polluting the Khandeh Di Pahul maryada by introducing other cults to participate

Removing the Nihang Singhs from the Akaal Bunga Sahib aka Akaal Takhat Sahib and therefore the whole Jathedaari system that has been in place since the time of the Gurus.



http://<banned site filter activated>/movements/Nihangs/Nihangs.htm


Seems like the event in 1809 was instrumental in changing how the Khalsa army was to operate. In seems like a particular event that year changed Maharajah ranjit singhs mind fundamentally because the casualties of akalis was greater than the british coconut native hindustani sepoy troops who were better armed and disciplined then the maharajah decided that day he will "modernise" his armed forces based on the european military models and so enlisted italian, french and spanish mercenaries and generals in his army.

Whereas if we look back into history the toughest battles Sikhs ever faced were against with the likes of the mughuls and afghans and were mostly done by suicide squads of fanatical battalions of akali nihungs who were hard to control but were war ready and determined for martyrdom and achieve victory for Sikhs and Sikhi at all costs. When the khalsa army was "modernised" on the european model the troops became more of a private army of Maharajah Ranjit Singh and his secular Sikh state for a regular income than religious dharmic warriors who went to war for religious ideological reasons.

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