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Echo chamber of hate and misinformation


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I subscribed to Redditt recently and came across some sub-reddits from India.

This one in particular has a lot of hate and nonsense written in it: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/

It is deeply disturbing to see how many users there are in the forums which are spewing lies and fabrications about Sikhi (ex. Sikhs are snatani, Sikh Guru's worshipped Hindu gods and goddesses, british came up with 5 Kakkars, Sikhs are really Hindus etc.), about Punjabi history from 1947-onwards and how anyone speaking about any issue in Punjab (water-riparian rights, drug issue, language rights, nation within a nation status - or anything related to the Anandpur Sahib Resolution) is a 'Khalistani terrorist' without any consideration for factual historical events----rather they gaslight on false narratives like how Sikhs massacred thousands of Hindus in the 80s??? which never happened etc.

There are so many people on these forums, that even when you try to set the facts straight with them with evidence, they swarm you like hyenas with more lies, insults and gaslighting...

You try to report these users to the Reddit Moderators and nothing happens...

It's clear the indian state apparatus is somehow making these groups untouchable for spreading disinformation, and hate and threats...

It seems like they are taking their propaganda campaign global with how they are targeting Sikhs in the diaspora, and using their sleepers in Governments across the world to promote this anti-Sikh, false 'Khalistani' narrative... (ex. 










I wonder what can be done to effectively counter this?

The state apparatus in india is an extremist organization spewing hate, and setting up conditions for something which seems like a Rwanda 2.0 (embed hatred for minorities to the point where it may tip over and result in severe communal violence).


You can look at Jewish and Ismaili communities, who are a minority, however have insulated themselves from being targets to an extent (granted Jewish synagogues are regular targets for shootings and stabbings by extremists) There must be a method to how they do this.


Any thoughts on what the most effective way would be to set the record straight and counter the disinformation being peddled?


1 billion+ people is a lot of people to wake up to the truth, and they seem to be happy in their hate filled echo chamber. (They are immigrating in mass all over the world, bringing this hatred with them - it will only be a matter of time before they overtake the Sikh diaspora in sheer numbers, and influence in local governments, and start to harm Sikhs by virtue of power and influence)


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