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Bush & Iran

Bachan Vidya

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Saddam Hussien wasn't worthy of what he got?
Hm, whos more of a threat, Saddam Hussein who has no WMD'S and is no threat to the U.S. National security, infact he doesnt even have any ties to Al Qaeda, or Kim Jong-II, the man whos self admittedly created a nuke that can reach the U.S. from North Korea??
Neither were the Insurgents who have be-headed innocent people, even Iraqis?

Whats the civillian death count caused by U.S. military? 120, 000? 130, 000?

How many killed from insurgents?


Let me break it down for you k? A guy comes into your house, starts eating your food, stealing your money and raping your women and your going to stand there and take it? What happend to being a Sikh who dont beleive in opression?

The U.S. is opressing Iraq, Iraq was no threat to them, the U.S. is its own greatest enemy, too much power, dont know what to do with it.

p.s. The province of Alberta in Canada is the greatest supplier to the U.S. for oil.

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Saddam Hussien wasn't worthy of what he got?

Hm, whos more of a threat, Saddam Hussein who has no WMD'S and is no threat to the U.S. National security, infact he doesnt even have any ties to Al Qaeda, or Kim Jong-II, the man whos self admittedly created a nuke that can reach the U.S. from North Korea??

Neither were the Insurgents who have be-headed innocent people, even Iraqis?
Whats the civillian death count caused by U.S. military? 120, 000? 130, 000?

How many killed from insurgents?


Let me break it down for you k? A guy comes into your house, starts eating your food, stealing your money and raping your women and your going to stand there and take it? What happend to being a Sikh who dont beleive in opression?

The U.S. is opressing Iraq, Iraq was no threat to them, the U.S. is its own greatest enemy, too much power, dont know what to do with it.

p.s. The province of Alberta in Canada

is the greatest supplier to the U.S. for oil.

Hm, whos more of a threat, Saddam Hussein who has no WMD'S and is no threat to the U.S. National security, infact he doesnt even have any ties to Al Qaeda, or Kim Jong-II, the man whos self admittedly created a nuke that can reach the U.S. from North Korea??
Al-Zarqwari...I'm sure you have heard that name before, was wounded by American Soldiers during the war in Afghanistan. He ran to Iraq and recieved full medical aid for free, recovered, and hid in Iraq with security. Now, if your a dictator, specially a ruthless one like Saddam Hussien...you know EVYERTHING that enters you borders. Your telling me Hussien did not know that the #2 Terrorist in the World was in his country? Years ago, Hussien also admitted to hiding the notorious #1 terrorist in the world, the one who planned to bomb the Eiffel Tower. Saddam tried to get Yellowcake from Nigeria.
Whats the civillian death count caused by U.S. military? 120, 000? 130, 000?

How many killed from insurgents?

Bring the sources, read the facts. Also, just wondering...how many did Saddam kill in a matter of days?

Let me break it down for you k? A guy comes into your house, starts eating your food, stealing your money and raping your women and your going to stand there and take it? What happend to being a Sikh who dont beleive in opression?

The U.S. is opressing Iraq, Iraq was no threat to them, the U.S. is its own greatest enemy, too much power, dont know what to do with it.

Let me break it down for you ok? Your "Leader" has been raping your wife, stealing your food out of your kids mouth, are you going to sit there and take it? or take the Democracy when it comes. More Iraqi's are happy now that Saddam is gone, LET THEM DECIDE on WHO WAS BETTER. And comparing this to anything related to what a Sikh should do or what Sikhs did in the past is ridiculous.

Whatever happened to being a Sikh and standing up against a ruthless dictator that massacred a muslim miniority at his own free will? It works both ways kid, dont compare something that doesn't belong.

And we are not OPRESSING Iraq. Check out these statistics.

WE (THE UNITED STATES) have built more HOSPITALS, and SCHOOLS than Saddam Hussien did in the last 20 years in a matter of 2 years. WE have built more HOSPITALS and SCHOOLS than any INSURGENT (AL-ZARQWARI) thats in IRAQ right now. All they want to do is control by fear, they do NOT want to give back to the citizens.

And now your going to make up some conspiracy on how we're only building Hospitals, so we can steal their oil faster, and schools so that way we can teach our version of history to them...

Let the conspiracies begin!

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erm, to those who think that saddam and the taliban were great freedom fighters.


now thats funny.

ok, now lets look at great muslim fighters.

muhammed zahir shah... king of afghanistan, 1930 (i think), until his overthrow, in 1979. that was probably one of the most happiest times for any person in afghanistan, modern clothes, looked like america some parts did. from what i believe, minorities caled zahir ji a great man (i add ji to zahirs name, because he built certain gurdwaras i think, not sure, but point being, he allowed people to do as they wish).

now lets look at the when the communists tried to take over afghanistan, the mujahadein sprang, and they were supported by the US, now they made the communists retreat and thats probably the main reason why communisim fell in russia. oh sure, it was ok in some aspects, like you got rations and everything was basic, but come on people a nation without a religion as you drove around in the same car as everyone else and wear the same clothes as others, is what you call..., (ill let you fill up on that).

so now we have the civil war in afghanistan, and then the taliban spring up somehow in someway. islam is a peace loving religion, and the proof of that can go back as far as emperor saladin ruled egypt, and as the crusades were going on. did you know, that though richard the I of england was shot by an arrow, saladin sent him ice water from the mountains and fruit to comfort him? and then you have that wiped away from people who said they were doing what they did because they accepted islam. if mulaah muhammed omar was defending his nation, he would never have taken 7 bil

lion dollars from the afghani economy before he did a runner.

now we have hamid karzai, with the defence minister a woman. and afghanistan has no oil supplies.

now iraq, saddam hussein, yes, he used the taxpayers cash to build his own palaces, and used it for his own sake. and his sons. actually, saddam did have WMD's, the US captured his scientist, who said he did have WMD's, but he blew them away and wiped the evidence away. even saddam said he did not expect the US to attack, he was counting on the UN as they fought with one another, and that was it.

now if saddam was so chardikala as one is making out, i ask you, would a chardikala person have 7 people that looked exactly like him, make them have plastic surgery like him, talk walk and act like him, and the list goes on. because thats not chardikala in my books.

now lets look at iran...

ok maybe not as fanatical, but there are muslim laws in there. but they still worship freely (i think). as for the nukes, well i am not too sure. but saddam did gas his own people in hajabala (source, the Sun, showed images of dead people before the war took place).

gustaphi maaf

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Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh..!!

As much as I dislike the U.S. and George Bush.. I personally would have to side with him on goin after countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran (which sum1 said he is soon to go after)...his reasons for goin after those countries don't really make sense.. but if u think about it he's actually doin a good thing.. and remember.. i's not ONLY the U.S. .. i's Britain and even now Canada as well... other countries are also in the mix...but yah the U.S. plays a LARGE majority... the people who lead those middle-eastern countries and the people who put fear into their citizens (i.e. taliban) deserve what they are getting.. (my personal opinion)... i don't care how 'wrong' you think bush and the allies are by attacking those countries but bottom line, i's their OWN people that are killin them... not the U.S. .. even though there weren't any WMD, does that really matter?... saddam hussein and his associates MURDERED countless number of people and TORCHERED countless more... now those people who have been cought are gettin off easy... personally .. i see it i like this.. they saddam torchered others.. so torcher him... what goes around comes around 10 times harder... treat others how u like to be treated... and i'm not being racist or nothing but those middle-eastern/arabic/islamic countries are all messed up, in the sense they have NO respect for human rights, they NO respect for women.. and they have NO respect for HUMAN LIFE... I back George Bush for goin into the middle east to 'put demcoracy' into those countries.. some people argue why go in their and change their way of life?... we

ll.. their way of life is KILLING and TORCHERING.. (and i'm jes speakin bout the leaders, and terrorists, not the actual normal citizens).. but that being said... even the NORMAL MALE citizens aren't too diff.. they treat their women as slaves and treat em like shyt.. as Sikhs, we are supposed to fight oppression... and tha's what the Allies are doing (indirectly).... we should be supporting the U.S. for something like this.. now i know not everythin that they do is right.. but if u look at the big picture.. i would personally think i's a good thing.. but tha's jes my point of view...

what bout everybody else..??

Getae, i am curious as to what u have to say to this....

Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh..!!

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