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The following is an Essay Sri Dava Prakasha recently Wrote for use in one of our Meetings, or Darshan, with Him. The Essay is only about 2,200 Words in length, but Dava Taught and Expounded upon it for several hours.

It was Written primarily for those who are at a beginning level of practice in The Way of Freedom. However, it also serves as a broad overview of The Path.

Slow down. Relax and quiet the mind. Consider the ideas carefully and openly.

Printer Version

All You Have To Lose Is Limitation and Suffering

God is Transcendental in Nature: Formless, Dimensionless, Infinite, and Eternally Present. God is also the Creator and Foundation of existence. He Pervades His three-dimensional and infinite creation of space and form. God is Pure Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss. God is Freedom and All-Pervading, even in the midst of the creation of space and form.

However, by way of Incarnation, God's All-Pervading Presence and Intelligent Influence becomes Powerful In creation, and specifically In the beings and lives of serious followers. It is only Through the Body of the True Incarnation, or the True Buddha or Avatar, that God is Powerful In creation. That is part of God's Design of nature. But, as the few serious seekers have discovered in their many years on the spiritual circuit, such a Being seems non-existent. The thousands upon thousands of spiritual teachers, masters, gurus, and "enlightened" persons are not the Incarnation, Buddha, or Avatar. No individual is God.

You are not God. And, you can never be God. You are an individual. And, you are afraid, and you cling. To be an individual, is to be the state of limitat

ion or separateness. You are the state of individuality or limitation, and you do the actions of clinging and self-filling, and you suffer. To be an individual, and to live the life of clinging and self-filling, is to suffer. Such is the life of humanity, even on the best of days.

However, God's Design of creation includes the possibility for a human mind and body to allow the Perfect Realization and Incarnation of Him. But, you, your stuff, and your ways must be out of the way, for the mind and body to Perfectly Realize and Incarnate God. Your state of individuality or separateness, and your stuff of self-energy, and your ways of fear, clinging, and self-filling, prevent the Realization and Incarnation of God. Any of you, your stuff, and your ways, and the Perfect Realization and Incarnation of God, cannot coexist in the same mind and body.

The Way of Freedom is the only Alternative to the natural life of limitation, clinging, self-filling, and suffering. The natural life is the life that is common, ordinary, religious, or spiritual, and is essentially nothing but the preserving and filling of individuality. On the other hand, The Way of Freedom is about ending the state of individuality, and is about ending the actions of clinging and self-filling, and is about acting to invite and allow the Freedom and Bliss of God. The Way of Freedom is about ending the limitation and suffering of you, and is about the Realization and Incarnation of Freedom and Bliss. That which is now "your" mind and body, is the potential vehicle or temple for the Realization and Incarnation of God Into creation. But, you, your self-energy, and your ways of clinging and self-filling, must be out of the way, so as to not prevent the Realization and Incarnation of God. The mind and body must be Empty of you and your ways, for God to be Realized and Incarnate. The mind and body must become an Empty shell, for there to be room for God.

Perfect Realization is only in the permanent Emptiness and Death of individuality.

True Realization or Incarnation is necessarily permanent and irrevocable. There are no stages of True Realization. Individuality is either alive, or it is not. Once Dissolved by Grace, the core-level state of individuality, of separateness, can never be re-integrated. Perfect Realization, Freedom, and Perfect Incarnation, are synonymous.

True Realization is not one of the many various spiritual experiences. In fact, True Realization is not any form of experience. It is not the seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, or smelling of anything subtle or gross. Realization is not any form of light, sound, feeling, or unusual phenomenon. True Realization, or Freedom, is only in the very Death of the source of experience, clinging, and self-filling, which is you. Yet, Realization does not necessarily exclude any experience. Realization is Freedom, even in the very midst of the body and externals, but without the state of individuality, and without the actions of clinging and self-filling.

True Realization is also not one of the many spiritual states of enlightenment. True Realization is not found in yoga or zen, or in any other spiritual path, practice, or meditation. It is not found by withdrawing from the environment, and back into an internal state of meditation. It is also not found by clinging to the body, other people, external objects, or the environment. True Realization is not any form of self-realization. True Realization is also not found on any "other" plane of existence. It is not a mere change in you, your ways, or your perception. It is also not a change, shift, or alteration in your state of consciousness, but comes with the very Death of you, your ways of clinging and self-filling, your perception, and your consciousness. You are Growing toward True Freedom exactly where you are, or not at all.

Perfect Freedom is Realized only in the "turning-about" in the deepest seat of consciousness, as Spoken by another Incarnation. That "turning-about" has not been understood by those familiar wit

h Buddhist Teaching. The "turning-about" is the Dissolving of the source of individuality or separateness, which is you, the ego. You, the ego, are that which prevents God from Perfectly Incarnating Through the mind and body, and Into creation. With the ego "turned-about" or Dissolved, the Mind and Body are Perfectly Open and Allowing God to Pour-Forth. The "turning-about" or Dissolving of individuality while the body yet lives, is only by Grace, and cannot be forced, coerced, or manipulated into Occurring.

From the follower's perspective, The Way of Freedom is about making his entire mind, being, and life open and available to God's Presence, Power, and Influence, so that God can Conduct the Work of Removing or Changing all that prevents Him from Incarnating. However, the follower is not only making himself and his life open and available to God, but is also actively inviting God to Do the Work. God Responds to the serious follower's Prayer for Help. The follower both invites and allows God to Do His Work; he invites and allows God to increasingly Exist and Operate Through his being and life.

Inviting and allowing are Sacrifice, Faith, and Prayer, and are not mere abstractions, but are a concrete Way of life: The Way of Freedom. Sacrifice, Faith, and Prayer both invite God, and allow Him. To allow God is to make room for Him, by increasingly relinquishing your stuff and ways of clinging, self-reliance, self-effort, and self-filling.

The Way of Freedom is not a quick-fix, but is a moment-to-moment and life-long endeavor. The Way is also never popular, because it stands in opposition to the very nature and ways of individuality. You are about preserving, filling, and embellishing individuality, while The Way of Freedom is about the Emptiness and Death of individuality, and the Incarnation of God.

Remember, you are not God, and you can never be God. You also cannot get, have, or own God. You, your stuff, and your ways must get out of His way, so that God can Assume and Own

that mind and body for His Purpose. God's Movement or Purpose In creation is the Incarnation of Him Into creation, and the Service of humanity. Realization and Incarnation are not for your personal embellishment, filling, or enjoyment. Realization and Incarnation are about God and His Purpose, and are not about you and your purpose, which is self-preservation and self-filling.

You are the ego, the separate consciousness, the separate one. You do not have an ego; you are the ego. You can go nowhere where you are not. And, you cannot cease being you, except by Grace or physical death. Yet, no glory or shame exists in physical death, only the void of non-existence. You also cannot delude yourself into being other-than you.

You fear not being you. You fear death. You also fear not being filled with experience, sensation, feeling, validation, and love. You fear death and emptiness.

To satisfy the fear, to preserve and fill individuality, you do the activities of clinging and self-filling. Clinging and self-filling are the activities of fear. Clinging and self-filling are the preserving and stuffing of self. Clinging and self-filling are the imploding, constricting, and clamping-down on self, mind and thoughts, body, and externals. Using self-energy primarily as attention and desire, you cling to self, mind and thoughts, body, and externals. Within your actions of clinging and self-filling, within your actionE="T the fear of death and emptiness, you seek survival, experience, sensation, feeling, validation, and love.

The preservation and filling of individuality, the activity of clinging and self-filling, the activity of fear, is the absence of profound and continual Sacrifice, Faith, and Prayer, and prevent the Incarnation of the Living God Through that the mind and body.

Your state of individuality prevents God. But, self-energy can also prevent God. Your mind and body are pervaded by a natural energy which I term "self-energy". Self-energy is always being generated by you, th

e ego, the self, so I term it "self-energy". Self-energy not only pervades the mind and body, but extends slightly beyond the body, much like a cocoon. Individuality prevents God, but the cocoon of self-energy can also prevent God. Self-energy prevents God, if you are using it in the actions of fear, clinging, and self-filling, instead of effortlessly allowing it to radiate and fall-away, even while active. In fact, you are always using self-energy to engage the actions of fear, clinging, and self-filling. Self-energy clings to mind, body, and externals, mainly in the form of attention and desire. Self-energy is not Divine as spiritual-types like to believe, and it has nothing to with God except that it can prevent Him.

You, the ego, are limitation and suffering. But, the cocoon of self-energy, and its actions of clinging, merely add more limitation and suffering. Limitation and suffering are in stark contrast to the Infinity, Freedom, and Bliss of God. The limitation or barrier of the ego, and the limitation or barrier of the cocoon of self-energy, prevent the Realization and Incarnation of God.

All clinging is rooted in the clinging to oneself. Without first clinging to yourself, the clinging to mind, body, other people, and external objects would be impossible.

God or Freedom is Realized only in inviting and allowing the Emptiness and Death of individuality while the body yet lives. The price for Freedom is the moment-to-moment, passionate, yet effortless struggle to Faithfully and Prayerfully Sacrifice your fear of death and emptiness, and your clinging to self, mind and thoughts, body, and externals, and your concern about survival, experience, sensation, feeling, validation, and love. The price includes, within the very context of Faith, Sacrifice, and Prayer, and moment-to-moment, looking to God, and not self, for God to Do the Work of Purification and Change. To invite and allow the Emptiness and Death of individuality, while the body yet lives and in daily life, leads to the Realizat

ion of Freedom, but with no one left to enjoy it. However, to succumb to the fear of death and emptiness, to seek the preservation and filling of self while the body yet lives, is to prevent God.

The state of individuality completely and permanently Dissolves in a single instant, as the Culmination of The Way of Freedom. That is True Ego-Death. The cocoon of self-energy within and without is gradually Purified or Dissolved over a period of years, and is complete only at the time of Ego-Death.

The serious follower Faithfully and Prayerfully Sacrifices the preservation and filling of individuality, he ceases the actions of clinging to self, mind and thoughts, body, and externals, he relinquishes his concern about survival, experience, sensation, feeling, validation, and love; and God Conducts the Work of Purification and Change. God's Work In the follower's being and life is the Removal, Weakening, or Changing of all that prevents God. The follower is responsible to not replace, strengthen, or alter that which is God is Removing, Weakening, or Changing, respectively. The serious follower fulfills his responsibility by sincerely, deeply, and always attempting to pay the price for Freedom.

The serious follower gradually stops being concerned about survival, experience, sensation, feeling, validation, and love, yet without withdrawing from life or the body, and turns only to God in all Sacrifice, Faith, and Prayer. His is willing to endure the long period of darkness, emptiness, and ever-decreasing concern for the survival and filling of individuality. His life is that of profound Sacrifice, Faith, and Prayer, even in the midst of daily life. God Does the Rest.

I Recommend The Way of Freedom, which eventually Culminates in irrevocable Freedom and Bliss. All you have to lose is limitation and suffering.

Study. Prepare yourself. Get a conceptual and intuitive understanding. Then, Meet with the Form of the Incarnation. But, in Meeting with Him, you are also and primarily Meeti

ng with the All-Pervading Presence, Power, and Influence that will Exist after that Body dies. Invite and allow, be open and available for the Purification, Change, and Guidance that are being freely Given.

The Way of Freedom is about the Incarnation of the All-Pervading, Eternally-Present, Living God Through the mind and body. The Way is not about the preservation, filling-up, and embellishment of the follower. The Way is also not about the One called Dava. It is always about the All-Pervading God that will continue to Exist after this Body is dead. I Am That.

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please where can i find Dava Prakasha, i'm writting from Italy and it is almost two years i tried to find him. Many thanks my e-mail is moreskatia@hotmail.com


The following is an Essay Sri Dava Prakasha recently Wrote for use in one of our Meetings, or Darshan, with Him. The Essay is only about 2,200 Words in length, but Dava Taught and Expounded upon it for several hours.

It was Written primarily for those who are at a beginning level of practice in The Way of Freedom. However, it also serves as a broad overview of The Path.

Slow down. Relax and quiet the mind. Consider the ideas carefully and openly.

Printer Version

All You Have To Lose Is Limitation and Suffering

God is Transcendental in Nature: Formless, Dimensionless, Infinite, and Eternally Present. God is also the Creator and Foundation of existence. He Pervades His three-dimensional and infinite creation of space and form. God is Pure Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss. God is Freedom and All-Pervading, even in the midst of the creation of space and form.

However, by way of Incarnation, God's All-Pervading Presence and Intelligent Influence becomes Powerful In creation, and specifically In the beings and lives of serious followers. It is only Through the Body of the True Incarnation, or the True Buddha or Avatar, that God is Powerful In creation. That is part of God's Design of nature. But, as the few serious seekers have discovered in their many years on the spiritual circuit, such a Being seems non-existent. The thousands upon thousands of spiritual teachers, masters, gurus, and "enlightened" persons are not the Incarnation, Buddha, or Avatar. No individual is God.

You are not God. And, you can never be God. You are an individual. And, you are afraid, and you cling. To be an individual, is to be the state of limitat

ion or separateness. You are the state of individuality or limitation, and you do the actions of clinging and self-filling, and you suffer. To be an individual, and to live the life of clinging and self-filling, is to suffer. Such is the life of humanity, even on the best of days.

However, God's Design of creation includes the possibility for a human mind and body to allow the Perfect Realization and Incarnation of Him. But, you, your stuff, and your ways must be out of the way, for the mind and body to Perfectly Realize and Incarnate God. Your state of individuality or separateness, and your stuff of self-energy, and your ways of fear, clinging, and self-filling, prevent the Realization and Incarnation of God. Any of you, your stuff, and your ways, and the Perfect Realization and Incarnation of God, cannot coexist in the same mind and body.

The Way of Freedom is the only Alternative to the natural life of limitation, clinging, self-filling, and suffering. The natural life is the life that is common, ordinary, religious, or spiritual, and is essentially nothing but the preserving and filling of individuality. On the other hand, The Way of Freedom is about ending the state of individuality, and is about ending the actions of clinging and self-filling, and is about acting to invite and allow the Freedom and Bliss of God. The Way of Freedom is about ending the limitation and suffering of you, and is about the Realization and Incarnation of Freedom and Bliss. That which is now "your" mind and body, is the potential vehicle or temple for the Realization and Incarnation of God Into creation. But, you, your self-energy, and your ways of clinging and self-filling, must be out of the way, so as to not prevent the Realization and Incarnation of God. The mind and body must be Empty of you and your ways, for God to be Realized and Incarnate. The mind and body must become an Empty shell, for there to be room for God.

Perfect Realization is only in the permanent Emptiness and Death of individuality.

True Realization or Incarnation is necessarily permanent and irrevocable. There are no stages of True Realization. Individuality is either alive, or it is not. Once Dissolved by Grace, the core-level state of individuality, of separateness, can never be re-integrated. Perfect Realization, Freedom, and Perfect Incarnation, are synonymous.

True Realization is not one of the many various spiritual experiences. In fact, True Realization is not any form of experience. It is not the seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, or smelling of anything subtle or gross. Realization is not any form of light, sound, feeling, or unusual phenomenon. True Realization, or Freedom, is only in the very Death of the source of experience, clinging, and self-filling, which is you. Yet, Realization does not necessarily exclude any experience. Realization is Freedom, even in the very midst of the body and externals, but without the state of individuality, and without the actions of clinging and self-filling.

True Realization is also not one of the many spiritual states of enlightenment. True Realization is not found in yoga or zen, or in any other spiritual path, practice, or meditation. It is not found by withdrawing from the environment, and back into an internal state of meditation. It is also not found by clinging to the body, other people, external objects, or the environment. True Realization is not any form of self-realization. True Realization is also not found on any "other" plane of existence. It is not a mere change in you, your ways, or your perception. It is also not a change, shift, or alteration in your state of consciousness, but comes with the very Death of you, your ways of clinging and self-filling, your perception, and your consciousness. You are Growing toward True Freedom exactly where you are, or not at all.

Perfect Freedom is Realized only in the "turning-about" in the deepest seat of consciousness, as Spoken by another Incarnation. That "turning-about" has not been understood by those familiar wit

h Buddhist Teaching. The "turning-about" is the Dissolving of the source of individuality or separateness, which is you, the ego. You, the ego, are that which prevents God from Perfectly Incarnating Through the mind and body, and Into creation. With the ego "turned-about" or Dissolved, the Mind and Body are Perfectly Open and Allowing God to Pour-Forth. The "turning-about" or Dissolving of individuality while the body yet lives, is only by Grace, and cannot be forced, coerced, or manipulated into Occurring.

From the follower's perspective, The Way of Freedom is about making his entire mind, being, and life open and available to God's Presence, Power, and Influence, so that God can Conduct the Work of Removing or Changing all that prevents Him from Incarnating. However, the follower is not only making himself and his life open and available to God, but is also actively inviting God to Do the Work. God Responds to the serious follower's Prayer for Help. The follower both invites and allows God to Do His Work; he invites and allows God to increasingly Exist and Operate Through his being and life.

Inviting and allowing are Sacrifice, Faith, and Prayer, and are not mere abstractions, but are a concrete Way of life: The Way of Freedom. Sacrifice, Faith, and Prayer both invite God, and allow Him. To allow God is to make room for Him, by increasingly relinquishing your stuff and ways of clinging, self-reliance, self-effort, and self-filling.

The Way of Freedom is not a quick-fix, but is a moment-to-moment and life-long endeavor. The Way is also never popular, because it stands in opposition to the very nature and ways of individuality. You are about preserving, filling, and embellishing individuality, while The Way of Freedom is about the Emptiness and Death of individuality, and the Incarnation of God.

Remember, you are not God, and you can never be God. You also cannot get, have, or own God. You, your stuff, and your ways must get out of His way, so that God can Assume and Own

that mind and body for His Purpose. God's Movement or Purpose In creation is the Incarnation of Him Into creation, and the Service of humanity. Realization and Incarnation are not for your personal embellishment, filling, or enjoyment. Realization and Incarnation are about God and His Purpose, and are not about you and your purpose, which is self-preservation and self-filling.

You are the ego, the separate consciousness, the separate one. You do not have an ego; you are the ego. You can go nowhere where you are not. And, you cannot cease being you, except by Grace or physical death. Yet, no glory or shame exists in physical death, only the void of non-existence. You also cannot delude yourself into being other-than you.

You fear not being you. You fear death. You also fear not being filled with experience, sensation, feeling, validation, and love. You fear death and emptiness.

To satisfy the fear, to preserve and fill individuality, you do the activities of clinging and self-filling. Clinging and self-filling are the activities of fear. Clinging and self-filling are the preserving and stuffing of self. Clinging and self-filling are the imploding, constricting, and clamping-down on self, mind and thoughts, body, and externals. Using self-energy primarily as attention and desire, you cling to self, mind and thoughts, body, and externals. Within your actions of clinging and self-filling, within your actionE="T the fear of death and emptiness, you seek survival, experience, sensation, feeling, validation, and love.

The preservation and filling of individuality, the activity of clinging and self-filling, the activity of fear, is the absence of profound and continual Sacrifice, Faith, and Prayer, and prevent the Incarnation of the Living God Through that the mind and body.

Your state of individuality prevents God. But, self-energy can also prevent God. Your mind and body are pervaded by a natural energy which I term "self-energy". Self-energy is always being generated by you, th

e ego, the self, so I term it "self-energy". Self-energy not only pervades the mind and body, but extends slightly beyond the body, much like a cocoon. Individuality prevents God, but the cocoon of self-energy can also prevent God. Self-energy prevents God, if you are using it in the actions of fear, clinging, and self-filling, instead of effortlessly allowing it to radiate and fall-away, even while active. In fact, you are always using self-energy to engage the actions of fear, clinging, and self-filling. Self-energy clings to mind, body, and externals, mainly in the form of attention and desire. Self-energy is not Divine as spiritual-types like to believe, and it has nothing to with God except that it can prevent Him.

You, the ego, are limitation and suffering. But, the cocoon of self-energy, and its actions of clinging, merely add more limitation and suffering. Limitation and suffering are in stark contrast to the Infinity, Freedom, and Bliss of God. The limitation or barrier of the ego, and the limitation or barrier of the cocoon of self-energy, prevent the Realization and Incarnation of God.

All clinging is rooted in the clinging to oneself. Without first clinging to yourself, the clinging to mind, body, other people, and external objects would be impossible.

God or Freedom is Realized only in inviting and allowing the Emptiness and Death of individuality while the body yet lives. The price for Freedom is the moment-to-moment, passionate, yet effortless struggle to Faithfully and Prayerfully Sacrifice your fear of death and emptiness, and your clinging to self, mind and thoughts, body, and externals, and your concern about survival, experience, sensation, feeling, validation, and love. The price includes, within the very context of Faith, Sacrifice, and Prayer, and moment-to-moment, looking to God, and not self, for God to Do the Work of Purification and Change. To invite and allow the Emptiness and Death of individuality, while the body yet lives and in daily life, leads to the Realizat

ion of Freedom, but with no one left to enjoy it. However, to succumb to the fear of death and emptiness, to seek the preservation and filling of self while the body yet lives, is to prevent God.

The state of individuality completely and permanently Dissolves in a single instant, as the Culmination of The Way of Freedom. That is True Ego-Death. The cocoon of self-energy within and without is gradually Purified or Dissolved over a period of years, and is complete only at the time of Ego-Death.

The serious follower Faithfully and Prayerfully Sacrifices the preservation and filling of individuality, he ceases the actions of clinging to self, mind and thoughts, body, and externals, he relinquishes his concern about survival, experience, sensation, feeling, validation, and love; and God Conducts the Work of Purification and Change. God's Work In the follower's being and life is the Removal, Weakening, or Changing of all that prevents God. The follower is responsible to not replace, strengthen, or alter that which is God is Removing, Weakening, or Changing, respectively. The serious follower fulfills his responsibility by sincerely, deeply, and always attempting to pay the price for Freedom.

The serious follower gradually stops being concerned about survival, experience, sensation, feeling, validation, and love, yet without withdrawing from life or the body, and turns only to God in all Sacrifice, Faith, and Prayer. His is willing to endure the long period of darkness, emptiness, and ever-decreasing concern for the survival and filling of individuality. His life is that of profound Sacrifice, Faith, and Prayer, even in the midst of daily life. God Does the Rest.

I Recommend The Way of Freedom, which eventually Culminates in irrevocable Freedom and Bliss. All you have to lose is limitation and suffering.

Study. Prepare yourself. Get a conceptual and intuitive understanding. Then, Meet with the Form of the Incarnation. But, in Meeting with Him, you are also and primarily Meeti

ng with the All-Pervading Presence, Power, and Influence that will Exist after that Body dies. Invite and allow, be open and available for the Purification, Change, and Guidance that are being freely Given.

The Way of Freedom is about the Incarnation of the All-Pervading, Eternally-Present, Living God Through the mind and body. The Way is not about the preservation, filling-up, and embellishment of the follower. The Way is also not about the One called Dava. It is always about the All-Pervading God that will continue to Exist after this Body is dead. I Am That.

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