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Guru Ji's "picture"

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P.S.  I think it also is the fact that sikhs try to make their faith like everybody elses, i mean you have the christians with their mary and jesus pics, hindus with their deity pics, so naturally sikhs gotta stick a pic of Guru Nanak dev ji in the wallet for good luck right?  Same goes with our religion not having a priesthood, but every gurughar has a full-time sikh "priest" women are equal in sikhi but of course we have our sewa issues going on...everybody is equal but then an amritdhari won't eat with a non-amritdhari...the list goes on and on...our religion has taken on so many different forms that it won't be long before we have more denominations that christianity....


excellent points..COMPLETELY TRUE!!

the tragedy lies that even after readin ur words and the actual real danger that exists from this 'innocent' acceptance of gurus pictures the majority of ppl after a few moment of sayin yes we agree to ur words will go back to the practice of showin 'sharda' to these pics. This practice is nothin recent in Sikhi, for it existed even during the time of Guru Amar Das Ji:

siqgur no sBu ko vyKdw jyqw jgqu sMswru ]

All the living beings of the world behold the True Guru.

ifTY mukiq n hoveI ijcru sbid n kry vIcwru ]

One is not liberated by merely seeing Him, unless one contemplates the Word of His Shabad.

The sole focus should be on the shabad guru and not the deh guru. But then again why would ppl wanna focus on the shabad guru? For contemplation of the shabad guru requires we sit down, read, and understand what is being said while focus on the sareer of the guru is an instantaneous reward. Seems this "fast-food" mentality has crept into the practice of Sikhi as well. Simply matha taik at the gurdwara, or fold ur hands in front of a pic, or touch the feet of somoene whose had the 'blessed vision' of nanak in their dreams and u can get instant access to waheguru.

Regardless of these disheartening distortions and deformations of true Sikhi, its encouraging to see that there still are a handful of ppl out there who arent so narrowminded to questioning these baseless practices and focusing on the true message of Sikhi. Let us pray and continue to work together so that one day we can all realize the true roop of Sikhi.

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

OKAY ALL U PEOPLE LISTEN HEREMy mom has been greeting(folding hands, and tilting head) to Guru Nanak Dev Ji's picture every morning since she was a child, I know it is wrong becasue we dont follow the Guru's image we follow his words which are in the Guru Granth Sahib. Is there any quote from Gurbani saying that it is a useless practice? Should I tell my mom that she is wrong, and if yes, how?There is nothing wrong, nothing nothing nothing……wrong at all

She is not getting down to do matha ek as she would to the SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI

She is doing as every one would and does do all the time that is to pay respect.

When going past a guruwara I fold my hands and tilt my head. (sorry I’m late for work I’ll make some time to go to my lords house in the evening ) When entering and leaving the main hall in the guruwara I fold my hands and tilt my head. (thank u all sat sungad fo letting me be amounts u )

When entering and leaving the lunger hall I fold my hands and tilt my head. (than you my brothers and sisters for making the food )

And then when on the way out of the building I I fold my hands and tilt my head. ( thank you lord for letting me come into your house )

All she is doing is a little respect…………… d_oh.gif

Love and peace to all..

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VaheGuru Ji Ka Khalsa, VaheGuru Ji Ki Fateh

Bani Guru Guru Hai Bani, Vich Bani Amrit Saare

(sorry for the english writing of the shabad, i don't know how post Gurbani Akar)

Most Sikh are familair with this Shabad and know it's meaning it pretty straight forward.

Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is our Guru the True Shabad Guru.

i want to start with saying; I agree with most everyone that the pictures we see in Gurudwaras and in most Sikh households are not of the Guru Ji's themselves but just drawn form someone imagination. They shouldn't be bowed down to or prayed to etc. They should only serve as reminders, Just like if you have pictures of Harimandir Sahib or Anandpur Sahib, when you look at them, you are reminded of the history behind them, their significances etc. Or they might just remind you of the time you spent at those places.

Now there are people who naam jap and are so much in gurbani that they don't such reminders. They constantley think of Waheguru and are so much leaned into thier simran. ( i wish i could be at that stage)

Then there are people wich includes me, who need such reminders, people who get cought up in worldley things or thoughts.

So throughout the day when i look at or see pictures of Guru Nanak or Guru Gobind Singh; it reminds me of them, there teachings, the sacrifices made, sakhis i've heard etc. So many thought go through my mind. BUT I DON'T BOW TO THEM. i just close my eyes and say "Waheguru"

Picture or no-picture it depends on the person's faith, Vishwaas, respect they have for Dhan Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Again i see pictures representing Guru Ji's as reminders drawn from someones imagination. Where as Gurbani (which Has come straight from the Lord himself) compiled in Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji As the True Guru who i Bow down to with the outmost respect.

My mom has been greeting(folding hands, and tilting head) to Guru Nanak Dev Ji's picture every morning since she was a child, I know it is wrong because we dont follow the Guru's image we follow his words which are in the Guru Granth Sahib. Is there any quote from Gurbani saying that it is a useless practice? Should I tell my mom that she is wrong, and if yes, how?

My parents and family members also have lots of photos of the Guru's hanging in our house but i've never seen them tilt head to them. but when they look at them i can't really say or know what they are thinking in there minds. but i know that they understand that the pictures are just pictures to serve as reminders and that the True Guru is Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

You should ask your mom what she thinks when she does what she does, Does she understand that they are just pictures?

Bhul Chuk Maf Karni


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I wish I could have asked her but I never got around to and now there is no one left in my family any more.

The sat sungad are my family, a discreet nod to photos yes But I only Bow down to Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji As the True Guru …

Love and peace to all……..


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with all due respect to everyone who has pics or has family members who keep pics in their house...i do not question the sincerity or love of any of u or ur family members for the Guru..im sure they all have equal pyaar for the Guru...however, pyaar alone is not sufficient...for someone with pyaar without bibaik budhi can easily be led astray by those wishing to profit from their sharda...

even during time of guru nanak, most ppl had love for god and wanted to be one with him...thas why they made so much effort, albeit misplaced....but because the average person was forbidden to study (even read) the scriptures and understand the truth for themselves, they were being misled and exploited by the few smart, clever ppl who actually knew the truth (the brahmins)...they were made to believe first that pics of Gods/avtaars were aite, then slowly that statues of them were ok, until finally that even bowing or praying to these statues was ok...the guru didnt just magically put all this love in the ppl for god...the love was there, as is in everyman...Guru Nanak merely opened their eyes to the truth and made each person realize the actual pointlessness of their religous rituals...thus he BANNED ALL WORSHIP/PRAYING of any photos, statues...n this includes merely folding hands n sayin waheguru in front of a picture for this is still a form of prayer, even if it jus a short quick one

now most ppl say what the harm if we dont worship the pics but just keep them as reminders of our guru..well there are many harms

1. like the hindus, who started with only sharda n love, it wont be long before sikhs too fall down the path of them n start doin idol worship...even know many ppl bow n matha taik before photos, when we are to bow before no one but the shabad guru....n there are actually places in india which have already produced some small statues of the gurus n tried selling them and installing them, but thankfully they were stopped before they reached their goal...if its happend once, u can be sure this attempt will happen again

2. the pics are not even of the gurus...they were all made AFTER the demise of the gurus...every guru STRICTLY FORBID anyone from making a painting of them while they were alive....so if the guru told us NO then, does this mean its ok to disobey the Gurus order now and do whatever we want?

3. if u wanna have a reminder of the guru, isnt gurbani enough? we have ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED pages of gurbani, is that still not enought to remind u of the GUru? Is singing the jap ji sahib not enough to make u feel the love of Guru Nanak in ur heart? Is reciting teh gift of anand sahib that the guru amar das gave every sikh not enuff to remind u of the guru?

4. Its funny, that tho the sikhs have been around for over 500 years, and lived lives fully in tune with guru and god all this time...that they were able to keep the guru on their mind even as they were being cut up into pieces...that they were able to remind themselves of the love of the guru as they were being opnely killed every day...that suddenly now, in the past 50 years we need pictures to remind us of our gurus? Why do we suddenly need them now yet no sikh needed them before? CUZ EVERY SIKH BEFORE HAD THE SHABAD OF THE GURU IN THEIR MIND AT ALL TIMES

And today what do we find? Forget remembering the shabd of the guru, most cannot even read or understand the shabad...so how can anyone except them to remember the guru? That is why they seek other, easier quicker methods to fool themselves that they are remembing the guru...Did Baba Deep Singh have to look at photo of Guru Nanak to get inspiration? Did Banda Singh Bahadur have to keep a wallet photo of Guru Gobind Singh to remind him of his virtues? Did any of the mothers and sisters who saw their own sons murdered in front of them, yet refused to give up Sikhi need pictures or painting of any Guru to keep their faith focused on the Guru? NO! The only thing they needed was what really matterd. The shabad guru vibrating at all times in their minds and heart. And that is where we need to focus the minds of evey Sikh today. If we dont, then we can be assured that the day wont be far where statues will become commonplace in Sikh households.

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Why do we suddenly need them now yet no sikh needed them before?  CUZ EVERY SIKH BEFORE HAD THE SHABAD OF THE GURU IN THEIR MIND AT ALL TIMES

  The shabad guru vibrating at all times in their minds and heart.  And that is where we need to focus the minds of evey Sikh today.

very excellent points, but really easier said than done. don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that it should not be done, IT HAS TO BE DONE if we want to meet Waheguru. my only problem is that i find it really hard to do when the mind keeps on wondering in every single direction. there is no way that i can compare my self to the Baba Deep Singh, the amount of bhagti that he did. to keep control on his mind, and keep Shabad Guru in his mind and heart.

Maan Jeete Jag Jeet!

the Panj Chor's keep pulling the mind in all different directions but i'm sure with Guru ji's Kirpa i will be able overcome them.

well it's good to know that in this day in age that there people who are able to keep Shabad Guru, Waheguru in there minds throughout the day and are spreading the message of gurbani to others.

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...however, pyaar alone is not sufficient...for someone with pyaar without bibaik budhi can easily be led astray by those wishing to profit from their sharda...


I totally agree with you!!! If you make the effort of understanding the Shabad Guru, then nothing can stop you from experiencing it day and night. Shabad Guru will be radiating all around you. In your mind, in your heart, and in your surroundings. We will begin to perceive God everywhere.

I love your analogy of “fast food” and Guru’s pictures. These days, people do think a quick glance at Guru’s picture is enough darshan to keep them satisfied for a short amount of time until hunger strikes again. But what they fail to realize is that Guru is within us, and by reading Shabad Guru we, in fact, are feeding our hungry soul.

But like GuruKaLaL said, it’s “easier said than done”. The mentality of many has become so engrossed in depicting Guru’s pictures as of themselves, that they cannot let go of that notion. Majority of people I’ve talked to feel guilty if they do not show ‘respect’ to the Guru’s Pictures, and they seem quite appalled when I say that that picture is not my Guru.

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