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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2011 in all areas

  1. I see the Niddar publicity machine in out in force again fooling gullible goray into thinking he is the last Sikh warrior! The journo seems to have swallowed the Niddar fairy story. http://www.sundaymer...66331-29643073/ What a joke! Compare Niddar the so-called 'last warrior' with the thousands of Kharkoos who gave their lives in the 80s and 90s while 'warrior' was in Punjab meeting his very own Mr Miyagi and acting out a desi version of the Karate Kid! Have a look at the two pictures and decide who the real Sikh warrior/s were or are.
    2 points
  2. So I just got back from Gurdwara and I had an interesting experience I feel like I should share. While sitting at langar, a singh came around to serve some food and seeing that I was gora and such, he promptly introduced himself, struck up a quick conversation, and shook my hand. To those of you who grew up in Gurdwara this may not seem like a big deal, but I can promise you this gesture means so much to an outsider. It honestly quit bothering me quite some time ago, but the insular nature of desis can be a bit jarring at first. I think this is even the case with other desis coming to gurdwara... people just tend to ignore them if they don't already know them. I think this is just as valuable a form of sewa as serving langar, if not more so. So if you are serving langar and see a new face, brown or white, be a gentleman/lady and kindly introduce yourself. I promise it will make quite an impression. *sorry mods, this should probably go in general*
    1 point
  3. From now on, the word "rompoo" means someone who licks dirt off the floor. Anyone who utters this word from now on is a manmukh.
    1 point
  4. There is no dharam: "No Hindu No muslim"- Baba Nanak. Only Truth which is Nothing which is the only treasure which is everything and anything which is God. It's so simple, yet we wage wars in our refusal and lack of humbleness to accept it. Take away all the worldly bullsh*t, image including religion and what do we get- Nothing. Thats him, most humble(To be nothing), all loving and fearless. He continuously feeds us pleasure and pain even if we end up hating him(Hes fearless- doesn't care, its for our own benefit in the end), so we accept this simple fact- all out out of love. Wipe away what society has told you, there is only 1 path because theres only 1 Truth- it cant be changed or made up, it remains the same and infinite throughout eternity. You cant f*ck with Truth and change it to your own liking, its too simple, humble and pure to care or change.
    1 point
  5. If they are really Mahapurush, then they will be humble enough to receive you no matter how low or high you are in society. We are all equal. No one is above or below anybody else; remember that. Ek Baba Nanak si, jinneh tur ke duniya gaa ti. Ek ajj kal babe ne batti lal gaddi te la ti...
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. There is no easy answer. However, as difficult as it may be, generally where someone is captured, incapacitated, wounded, unarmed, and harmless, they should put to trial. Otherwise, everyone has their own justification to kill and hurt everyone. Our complex emotions separate us from animals. Our ability think through those emotions should also separate us from animals. Mod Note: Above reply sums up pretty good about this thread and serves well as the closing statement of this thread.
    1 point
  8. Vahegurooo that was lovely! thanks jee. mÚ 4 ] ma 4 || Fourth Mehla: siqguru dwqw dieAwlu hY ijs no dieAw sdw hoie ] sathigur dhaathaa dhaeiaal hai jis no dhaeiaa sadhaa hoe || The True Guru is the Merciful Giver; He is always compassionate. siqguru AMdrhu inrvYru hY sBu dyKY bRhmu ieku soie ] sathigur a(n)dharahu niravair hai sabh dhaekhai breham eik soe || The True Guru has no hatred within Him; He beholds the One God everywhere. inrvYrw nwil ij vYru clwiedy iqn ivchu iqsitAw n koie ] niravairaa naal j vair chalaaeidhae thin vichahu thisattiaa n koe || Anyone who directs hate against the One who has no hate, shall never be satisfied within. siqguru sBnw dw Blw mnwiedw iqs dw burw ikau hoie ] sathigur sabhanaa dhaa bhalaa manaaeidhaa this dhaa buraa kio hoe || The True Guru wishes everyone well; how can anything bad happen to Him? siqgur no jyhw ko ieCdw qyhw Plu pwey koie ] sathigur no jaehaa ko eishhadhaa thaehaa fal paaeae koe || As one feels towards the True Guru, so are the rewards he receives. nwnk krqw sBu ikCu jwxdw ijdU ikCu guJw n hoie ]2] naanak karathaa sabh kishh jaanadhaa jidhoo kishh gujhaa n hoe ||2|| O Nanak, the Creator knows everything; nothing can be hidden from Him. ||2||
    1 point
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