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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2018 in Posts

  1. Hello, I was curious if there are any groups of followers of Guru Nanak who do not necessarily follow the teachings of the full Guru lineage. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh -I.
    1 point
  2. Is it any wonder that Hari Singh Nalwa advised Maharaj Ranjit Singh to pass the Khalsa Raj to the panj pyareh. It makes perfect sense.
    1 point
  3. The Khalsa Panth had not, the General Sikh/Punjabi community did, sadly the once noble Khalsa titles that were earned have now become a cultural name.
    1 point
  4. I thought her name was Maharani Jindan. Had panth normalised Kaur name for women during Maharaja Ranjit Singh's rule?
    1 point
  5. Their character already speaks for itself. Maharaja Ranjit “Singh’s” era was so bad for Sikhi that it took the Singh Sabah Movement to stop the corruption, some of which still remains today. That by itself says a lot.
    1 point
  6. they are deluded in thinking that barking lies will make the sikhs forget their own history , Sikhs need to counter this mudslinging by actually learning from sikh scholars not firangi or other anti-sikh elements.
    1 point
  7. Have you noticed a trend in non-Sikh media to discredit the Khalsa?
    1 point
  8. At the end of the day Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Jind Kaur were King and Queen. They were not saints who we should look for spiritual guidance. We all know that Ranjit Singh liked a drink or five. Ranjit Singh had multiple wives and lived a complete life of pleasure just like all Kings do. Sure he did good things for the panth but we shouldn't idolise him too much especially not as a model Sikh. He's the only true strong King (in the literal sense) that we ever had and that is why we glorify him and have his portrait in Gurdwaras.
    1 point
  9. 1) If she was as accused ,she would not have been told she would not get money from the treasury to give to Sikhs on our tuhaars unless she gave double to brahmins as same time 2) she would not have been imprisoned as she would have been under hindu control 3) who would gain from besmirching her honour ? the dogras , the English as no one would side with her to get sikh raj back 4) you underestimating the depravity of the Brahmin paltus of Angrez , they have always sided with whoever is in charge until they are strong enough through wheedling to overturn the powers that be , the mughals knew this so kept them down also their Kitab teaches them to do that . The angrez have always used the Hindus greed to gain ground ,that's why they established themselves so quickly and fairly bloodlessly in the East of India and really despise them for lack of spine and obseqiousness. To serve their masters they put many many rumours about . 5) in that time all it took was one whisper or question and people would assume the worst , people used to kill themselves because other merely spoke ill of their females honour . so I doubt that was true . 6) when was this supposed tryst ? when she was assisting her son by being regent after her husband's death ? when she was under house arrest? when she was transported to Nepal ?
    1 point
  10. Well, I think there are two Sikh perspectives on the issue of Rani Jindan and her "lovers": 1) Extramarital relations are prohibited in Sikhism, and Rani Jind Kaur is to be condemned for her actions. In this narrative, her actions are of a piece with the general debauchery of Maharaja Ranjit Singh's court, which led to complacency, and ultimately defeat and humiliation at the hands of the British. The lack of rehit led to the fall of the Raj. 2) The "history" written by Mohammedans like Mohammed Latif and others is information warfare to impugn the character of actors of the Sikh Raj. In this narrative, the poor Sikhs having false history written about them is of a piece with the Sikhs being betrayed by various courtiers in the Anglo-Sikh wars. The problem is the moment somebody says Rani Jindan was a <banned word filter activated>, and you hear it, it affects you, whether you logically try to tell yourself there's no real proof or not.
    1 point
  11. Such a wonderful read!! This testimony has blown me apart. May I live for Him alone not for the things of this world._ ____ _--In the interview by *Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren,_ Rick said: --People ask me, What is the purpose of life? --And I respond: In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven. --One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body-- but not the end of me. --I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act --the dress rehearsal. God wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity.. --We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn't going to make sense. --Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, OR you're just coming out of one, OR you're getting ready to go into another one. --The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort; God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy. --We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character, in the prophet (saw) likeness. --No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on. --And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for. --You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your problems: --If you focus on your problems, you're going into self-centeredness, which is my problem, my issues, my pain. But one of the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to get your focus off yourself and onto God and others. --We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? Popularity? --Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? am I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my life)? --When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed and say, God, if I don't get anything else done today, I want to know You more and love You better. God didn't put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list. He's more interested in what I am than what I do. --That's why we're called human beings, not human doings. --Happy moments, THANK GOD. --Difficult moments, SEEK GOD. --Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD. --Painful moments, TRUST GOD. --Every moment, PRAISE GOD.
    1 point
  12. PCOS sufferers and Endometriosis sufferers have a heavy burden apart from the extreme pain, the male hormones/androgens getting ramped up , they get secondary hidden symptoms of infertility for which if they are not depressed from appeareance comments push them over the edge from complaints by in-laws and husbands . Both conditions need strict control on carbs , no processed foods as many are contaminated with chemicals which make symptoms worse , lots of cruciferous vegetable will naturally control the extra androgen production , so lots of leafy greens are a good idea (full of magnesium which helps with cramps ), the substance DIM (Di-Indoly Methane) which protects against the effect of estrogens which is the main cause of both diseases... the excess estrogens are converted to androgens by the body thus the hair thickening and male pattern growth. if you eat too much carbohydrate also this causes insulin resistance which also effect androgen production...
    1 point
  13. Heavy Metal singers never sang about shooting and stabbing people in the same manner that rap does. Those heavy metal bands that promote racism, satanism were never played on mainstream radio or TV like rap music is. But the biggest issue is boys growing up in fatherless homes.
    1 point
  14. Learn to read at a second grade level, then we can continue this discussion.
    1 point
  15. Welcome to.this forum! Youve been asking lots of interesting questions. For which im grateful as it livening up the forum. Also u ask questions that make us think deeply cuz weve just taken things for granted. The reason for being a householder started with Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of the religion. That time is described as very dark and sad times. India was invaded by mughals who were pushing islam and taxing the population. The religious leaders had become corrupt. The ppl had no one to turn to for help. The legal system, the kings and nobility, the religious leaders were all out to fleece thw common man. And most ppl as happens in hard times were becoming hard hearted and cruel themselves. Guru Nanak Dev ji traveled and met with all ppl. Trying to make them not think of religious differences and which religion was superior but to connect to God and do good deeds. Guruji also went to the mountains and met the renunciates, the hermits, the yogis and the monks. Guruji asked them You guys r holy ppl. Good and godly ppl. Dont u see how the comman man is suffering. Help them. The yogis replied that if they had sense, they would leave the materialistic world and come meditate in the mountians. Guru ji asked and if all of them did come meditate in the mountains, where would u go to beg for ur food? Also guruji said, u go and ask food from them but you call them false. Stuck in mud and other bad names. And in their time of need, do not help them. Also all the good ppl of the world who have a thirst for God, come live in the mountains. Who is to lead the common ppl? Also dont be so scared of maya(materialism) that u run away from it. Thats not true renuncuation. True renunciation is having all the goods of the world, but being ready to share them and renunciate them when and if needed. If u hide from the world, how will u fight anger,pride, lust? You must live in the world, fight this battle daily and slowly but surely win. So after guruji had traveled all around the known world. Guruji made a community called Kartarpur. Where he farmed. And he showed ppl how to live a worldly life while meditating. And he taught ppl to form satsangs. Or gatherings where Gods praises were sung, ppl helped each other on spiritual and worldly matters. There was much resistance to this. That householders could be holy and meditate and progress spiritually. There are many sakhis/stories about it. Also guruji gave us a practice that fits around householder. Work from sunrise to sunset. Then we have meditations/prayers before sunrise and in the evening.
    1 point
  16. whichsoever fool is doing so, is just a coward proud confused donkey
    1 point
  17. There might be few slight variations in puratan saroop of sri guru granth sahib/aad guru granth sahib usually at the very end but the main point remains essence message is not lost, here is one out of many example- for example- IkOngkar Satgurparsad: IkOngkar-One non dual being Satgurpursad-which is eternal awareness bliss realized by satgurparsad - grace of true guru (inner guru-wisdom-awareness and outer-ishat guru- sri guru granth sahib) IS mentioned 523 times in sri guru granth sahib, I think this can be considered common theme/essence message from sri guru granth sahib ji so everyone can agree on, and deeply contemplate on it go through stages- of deep listening-sarvan of gurbani essence truth, following /acknowledging (manan), applying-deeply abiding( nidhashan) in gurbani essence.
    1 point
  18. I think you just summed it up perfectly. The best thing you can do is be an example and as the child grows up he will be influenced by you as an example. I have two perspectives on this though: 1) from an adult convert to Sikhi and 2) as a parent of a baby whose mother is not Sikhi. First, I am Sikhi now, but I am 34 and have only been Sikhi for several months. I have always been "spiritual" starting as a child and have a long, maze-like, journey from being raised Christian to bouncing from atheism to Judaism to Buddhism (for the longest stretch) and now Sikhi. I wouldn't have been ready for Sikhi before now. I don't even think I knew about Sikhi until I was in my late 20's when I met a Sikh for the first time in my life and still didn't really know what Sikhi was. I still found Sikhi for myself though! This is Waheguru's plan for me - everything has a reason. The important thing now is that I am on the Sikhi path and for me to stay on this path. Second, I have a baby and that means thinking about the future for my baby. My fiance (his mother) isn't very spiritual, but her family is Catholic and she wants to expose him to Catholicism. I'm OK with that as long as I am able to expose him to Sikhi, as well. It is completely non-traditional and I know many here will probably shake their heads about that, but I am OK with it. I wasn't raised Sikhi, but I am now and I think the path I took set me up to be Sikhi and as I said, I don't think I would have been ready at an earlier age. My main plan is to lead by example. If he chooses Sikhi at an early age - great, if he finds it later in life - good, if he never finds it this life, well that is Waheguru's plan and I will accept it. As you said earlier, it's all Waheguru's hukam. I find myself saying that a couple times every day! I hope that my take from my couple perspective is helpful. I thank Waheguru daily for letting me find Sikhi - I hope that your new brother finds it, as I hope my son also finds it. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh -I.
    1 point
  19. The link is static on the sgpc site. It may auto update. If not I will, or anyone please, update it daily.
    0 points
  20. Well, your choice, bro. Although I do think you will admit that waiting more time will not elicit less responses, right? One of the reasons I say so is the admin changed up the homepage a few months ago to where it doesn't show the recent topics on top right of the homepage. It shows the top contributors (which is useless), and then the most recent posts (not topics). Posts move fast, the most recent ones obscure the older ones. Topics are more long-lived, but still, the more active topics there are, the more chances they will be obscured. And we all know that huge numbers of people never go into the forums, they just check out what's on the homepage. Anyway, I'd like to ask you to ask the admin to move the "top contributors" back to the bottom left wide column, and put the "recent topics" back in the top right narrow column.
    0 points
  21. Well, the only difference between the Damdami saroop and the original (Aad) granth was the addition of Guru Tegh Bahadur ji's bani, meaning a difference of only 1.95%. We're not talking about the difference between a originally it was a granth praising Jehovah and stories of the prophets and now we've got a granth (Guru Granth Sahib) praising the all-pervading God and having hymns, not stories. The fact is Guru Tegh Bahadur ji's bani is basically giving the same message as the Aad Granth, with some differences in style and focus. It is not a radically different message. So, what's the worry? Well, isn't it just cute that the Muslims are talking about us not having the Damdami saroop, since its because the jihadis that we lost it in the first place! It's like killing somebody's dad and then taunting him for being an orphan. Also, it is thought that the saroop given Gurgaddi is a different one from the one created at Damdama. So there's that.
    0 points
  22. I think if you want to solicit "the truth" about various topics, you should slow down your pace of posting topics to allow discussion on all sides in-depth.
    0 points
  23. 1. Well there are people who, in their mind, accept the "peaceful" Guru Nanak ji, but not the "warlike" Guru Gobind Singh ji. They would mostly describe themselves as Hindus. A lot of them go to gurdwaras in Delhi and Amritsar, and elsewhere. Some don't go to gurdwaras, but simply sometimes turn on the Gurbani channel on TV, and turn on Hindu devotional channels other times. But there are also other Hindus who respect Guru Gobind Singh ji but don't desire to be "full-time" Sikhs. 2. There are an exceedingly small number of "Sikhs" who think that Guru Nanak Dev ji didn't pass on the Guruship so the other 9 Gurus are illegitimate (and by extension so is Guru Granth Sahib ji). These people are out of their minds. 3. There are the Sindhis, who were Hindus from the Sindh region now in Pakistan who were taught love of Guru Nanak ji and Gurbani by Sikh saints and preachers. They install and read Guru Granth Sahib ji but don't take Khanda Amrit or keep hair. Interestingly, LK Advani, former Indian BJP party #2, is a Sindhi. 4. Then there are "Sikh" splinter groups who depart from the Guru line when their own particular guru went off in a huff and a puff from the main Guru line. For example, the Meenas accepted the Guru line up to the 4th Guru Ramdas ji, but accepted their own Pirthi Chand in place of Guru Arjan Dev ji. Similarly, the Ram Raiyas (followers of Ram Rai) accepted the Guru line upto the 7th Guru, but don't accept from the 8th forward. Also, the followers of Sural Mal, who mounted an attack on Guru Teg Bahadur ji (9th Guru). And the Naamdharis don't accept Guru Granth Sahib as Guru. Sikhs believe that the jot (spirit) of all the 10 Gurus (and Guru Granth Sahib ji) is one. About the unity of the Gurus, Guru Gobind Singh ji wrote that the saints know the Gurus are one, and the fools do not: ਅਮਰ ਦਾਸ ਰਾਮਦਾਸ ਕਹਾਯੋ ॥ Amar Daasa Raamdaasa Kahaayo ॥ ਸਾਧਨ ਲਖਾ ਮੂੜ ਨਹਿ ਪਾਯੋ ॥੯॥ Saadhan Lakhaa Moorha Nahi Paayo ॥9॥ Amar Das was called Ram Das, only the saints know it and the fools did not.9. ਭਿੰਨ ਭਿੰਨ ਸਭਹੂੰ ਕਰਿ ਜਾਨਾ ॥ Bhiaann Bhiaann Sabhahooaan Kari Jaanaa ॥ ਏਕ ਰੂਪ ਕਿਨਹੂੰ ਪਹਿਚਾਨਾ ॥ Eeka Roop Kinhooaan Pahichaanaa ॥ The people on the whole considered them as separate ones, but there were few who recognized them as one and the same. ਜਿਨ ਜਾਨਾ ਤਿਨ ਹੀ ਸਿਧਿ ਪਾਈ ॥ Jin Jaanaa Tin Hee Sidhi Paaeee ॥ ਬਿਨੁ ਸਮਝੇ ਸਿਧਿ ਹਾਥਿ ਨ ਆਈ ॥੧੦॥ Binu Samajhe Sidhi Haathi Na Aaeee ॥10॥ Those who recognized them as One, they were successful on the spiritual plane. Without recognition there was no spiritual success.10. ਬਚਿਤ੍ਰ ਨਾਟਕ ਅ. ੫ - ੧੦/(੪) - ਸ੍ਰੀ ਦਸਮ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ
    0 points
  24. Hmm, Chahal is a Jat surname. Extremely strange to see a Jat as a Buddhist. They are usually Muslim, Hindu, and Sikh. Or maybe it was an Ambedkar follower who worked for a Chahal family and adopted the name when they had to get a passport.
    0 points
  25. When you clean or polish the blade, those little black areas are left in the little pits, at least in my experience. They're in amazing condition and are cutting blades. I'd be honored to own them, I'm just not in the market. They were just given some tender loving care at some point to remove a bit of corrosion. At their age that's not a surprise. Beautiful pieces. Almost undoubtedly better than any modern sword you could buy, and they have rich history. I'm in no way encouraging people not to buy them. Just if they are getting them to trade in antiques the antique value decreases with the proper care they've been given, and whoever is lucky enough to own them will have excellent, old, authentic weapons with some really minor pitting that in no way effects the blade quality.
    0 points
  26. women in India tend to put themselves last in terms of nutritious food if poor . Men as main breadwinners are given best and first choice then kids then the wife/mother , this means in poorer families mothers will go hungry to enrich their kids plates . So they are more likely to get cancers as their immune systems are less supported , the fact they are genetically built stronger allows them some protection and also explains the higher male death rate ...however everywhere is worsening becaus e of environmental pollution
    0 points
  27. For the confused bootha. Those dark spots are what pitting corrosion leaves when you restore a blade. Since the petina was removed it doesn't matter. The antique value is already decreased. As legit shastars though it's no big deal, the rust was removed and they're fine blades. I've restored blades before. That minor pitting doesn't effect their value as a relic or weapon just as an antique. Even polishing the blade and removing surface corrosion effects the antique value. In some ways it's hard to tell from a photo, but I do metal work for the air force, and that definitely looks like it pitted. I still encourage anyone who wants them as weapons to buy them just don't think of them as antiques.
    0 points
  28. Those ones did though. The restoration looks good.
    0 points
  29. Are there any projects, or finished works, of translations of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, or parts there of, into languages other than english and french? Japanese for example? I can only seem to find various english translations, and news about a french translation.
    0 points
  30. Wow...confused bootha is after Veer ji Harsharan's wellness posts now too? Yeesh. Well Veer Ji, I appreciate your posts. Keep them coming please.
    0 points
  31. Hello confused face. @GuestSingh Why did you decline to speak with me when invited and instead hide and confused face my posts this whole time? No amount of ill will or posting my private info is going to help you.
    0 points
  32. Bump. Could we perhaps wipe and sticky this thread @ADMIN?
    0 points
  33. Hey, good morning confused face.
    0 points
  34. This auto updates succesfully. Can the admins remove my comments and lock it? Or get rid of the thread and sticky a new version somewhere?
    0 points
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