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Everything posted by garch

  1. This guy is a troll or completely illiterate close minded prat.
  2. No sikh of our beloved would make such a pathetic statement. U r a disgrace!
  3. Stupid topic... Who knows if it was the same guy or if he went in? U r disgracing somebody without any credible evidence/insight.
  4. Dhumma is nothing but a but a sarkari agent. He thinks nothing, everything he says is scripted, each speech he gives is like he's reading a manual. He is dragging taksal and the kaum through the mud. What idioots for using shabeel as a cover - they have no sharda. This stunt is designed to destroy inter-sikh harmony and strike fear into those who speak up against injustice. Well timed to hurt the sarbat khalsa momentum. Every taksali around the world needs to condemn this and push get this fraud removed. The rest of the kaum needs support ranjit singh on this.
  5. Respectfully bhai sahib, I disagree about there being no credible evidence. His alignment with babur sarkar is evidence enough. It is a fact that he is a stain on the ddt. Shame nobody on the taksal had yhe courage/sense to do what they have attempted with bhai ranjit Singh. Under dhumma ddt has been seriously maligned, this incident and the comments made by dhumma and culprits have taken their disgrace to a new level. RSS/Govt agencies must be wetting themselves at this new turmoil the kaum has got in. Unfortunately the kmai of maya is clouding any kmai he has done of gurmat.
  6. Agree too many of our lads are unable to do basics in kitchen and in other domestic areas I.e. diy. I think this will change as the modern woman won't nurse these type of blokes and rightly so As for not leaving our parents, thats deep routed into our culture and it shouldnt be any other way. Parents should have their seva done by son AND daughter-inlaw as they grow old. Actual problem is there are too many daughter in laws that don't respect their in laws enough to do that and far to self centred and selfish. Sons are are also getting to wrapped up in their 'romances' and 'independent/free lives' and turning their backs on their parents far to readily - worst legacy of the westernised world on us. Lads and lasses need to wake up and rediscover their roots (Singhs and singhnia all do same seva in guru ki kitchen) and be more responsible towards each other and their parents and stop trying to keep-up with the Jones's!!
  7. Are you serious?????? Have ever read bani and contemplated what the gurus message is? The evidence is undeniable- modi is complicit in the sectarian murder of hundreds of INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS and has forcibly removed hundreds of Sikhs off their land in gujerat. A guru ka sikh wouldn't lend support in return for something it is our duty to stand up to tyrants like modi. Absolutely disgusting channel of thought and comments... Nanak naam chardikala tere bhaane sarbat da bhalla!
  8. Which two nihang dals not attending? Budda n tarna by any chance? I wish simranjeet maan akali dal amritsar had took a back seat n let parcharaks drive... akali dal amritsar are a bunch of maverick cowboys.. The Canadian singhs at forefront would have also lent it more credibility.. Any word on rest of sant samaj I.e. hari singh n sidekicks?
  9. Where are the 'jagde jameer' wale taksalis??? Y don't they stand up to this blemish on the name of taksal??? Time for folks to break ranks and speak out. Rabh karey ehda koi sohilla pardevey... Dhumma and makkar are todays mahants!
  10. Even after he misused his position and put a stain the tradition of 5 singhs and akal takht. He knew what he was doing and needs punishment.
  11. " How long did you expect them to make sacrifices whilst the rest of you played happy families and ignored the issue? If some of them are forced to drug sell now after having served time - well where the hell were the rest of the apparently affluent community to help them when they were free? Think of that before you go momma's boy on them. No one is saying anything against the other approach you are mentioning but don't try and belittle the sacrifices and bravery of people who were ahead of the pack, way before people like you came in. " Seriously deluded if u think this is true.
  12. *softly softly approach? Saint / Soldier.... both facets are an aspiration of a singh. This is what sets us apart. Maybe history has misinterpreted the the meaning of miri/piri??? You seem to obviously favour a strictly hooligan type of approach. The leaders of the group u are referring to are a drug running bunch of cronies that are now in a 'business' alliance with those 'sullay', im sure even u know this. ur comments about bandwagons and who dealt with issue how and when are nonsensical and based on nothing but a poor uninformed perception. U have no idea who is doing what and where. I see the singhs u are refering to as 'naram patole' taking a sympathetic approach with families and youngsters in a rut (how else will u get through to them) and then going nose to nose with the abusers when police fail to support. Where are your SP then? Guys like u misguide youth and take them away from the gurus teachings and towards an edl mindset... time to grow up MATE!
  13. For your information I volunteer for a national sikh volunteer group that works to support the victims of some of the issues u have mentioned. You do not need to be a foul mouthed, racist thug to work against these problems, in fact the opposite is the requirement. Brother everything we do under the banner of sikhi has to be routed in gurmat, you are seriously misguided if you feel that when somebody reminds u of this is burying their head in the sand or is a pacifist. The biggest prevention is gurmat education, strong parenting and a firm answer to those that prey on our young. Preaching racism and bigotry is not. Fateh
  14. Big difference between education for self preservation and condemnation of an evil act v ignorance, bigotry and damn right racism. Living in the chikar isnt an excuse to start throwing/eating it... its exactly what we need to rise above.
  15. Stupid debate. What is the point of this point scoring and mud slinging? Apart from to add more falseness to our perceptions. Great picture of bigotry, elitism and judgmentalism shown by folks that say they are followers of the perfect gurus. "Changeh nehi hum, burra nehi koi"
  16. Expect to hear of a lot arrests, claims of bribery and mud slinging before diwali. The current leaders need some heavy handed punishment from the kaum! Hopefully the kaum / major jathe use this opportunity and show some conviction! Truth be told I don't expect it to go ahead and if it does I suspect there will not be widespread participation... hence voiding its acceptance as a sarbat khalsa. I pray the opposite..
  17. Time kick them out of their kursia... hope someone makes the move!
  18. I think the issue has more to do with folks challenging the rehit maryada, gurus bani, muddying recorded Sikh ithaas with their lies and trying to fragment the kaum further. What DDT got to do with the price of bread?
  19. Are we producing bright, intelligent, progressive leaders in the west? Not droves but theres is profress being made without a doubt.. In punjab? Very few because since after the time of maharaja ranjit Singh our rulers have deliberately reduced the level of literacy and increased poverty in order to keep Sikhs submissive and reduce aspirations of the people of punjab. Oldest trick in the book to suppress rebellion in a foreign land. Sikhs from the gurus time until ranjit singhs made $ and invested it in their kaums education starting with poorest first, in the 1700's sikhs were amongst the most literate in the world. Nowadays we plough our own land without ever considering the benefits for the kaum of sharing our spoils with our neighbours.... unless there's a profit in it of course! the up and coming leaders from the diaspora or the few in punjab won't be able captivate the cowardly sheeps in punjab until their able to get over their fascinations with jazzy b's n babbu maans and realise they're being held back whilst punjab is being taken over by the cunning brahmins again...
  20. What has this got to do with kejriwal. The article quite clearly states the proposal has come from Delhi MP Maheish Girri (BJP). Does 1+1=11?
  21. Stupid are those that challenge the rehit maryada; throwing the panth into disrepute, these issues have already been resolved by qualified gurmukhs. Get on with improving our jeevans and stop shoveling the same old crap.
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