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Everything posted by caveman

  1. ''You may know all of the martial arts in the world. But if you do not posses a disciplined mind, you will definately lose''

  2. u may be older than me but i have something you dont...shastarvidiya!!!!!!

    and more posts than u lol

  3. LOL im only one year younger than u :P dindt want to put my real age but now u know it lol

  4. lol thats for that, im only one year younger than u! lol

  5. Happy bday loser :lol: I give thanks :D
  7. So why are you then implying that its ok to do parkash of both 'granths' and that to at the same level of authority. Its Gur maneo "Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee"...and this is supported by Gurbani (i.e. Sri Guru Granth Sahbi jee). like satpunga singh said ''bani hai guru guru hai bani. the nihang dals have had parkash of dasam granth since maharajs time! and yes its FINE to do parkash of dasam granth, nihangs say sarbloh granth, dasam granth and guru granth sahib ji is their guru! if you have a problem with that take your kala afghana mindset and go speak to the head of dal panth! does this picture anger you ukgupt kaur? lol
  8. so what they were dancing! its not lie they are telling you to bloody dance with them is it!?
  9. you should be, MJ is a legend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. hey man!..... yea i ll be here on ur bday dude..... even though am currently underground from sikhsangat but i ll make it up on the day... :rolleyes: i love you lol
  11. do not cuss down nihang rehit! its one rehit which hasnt been changed singh maharajs time, unlike some other rehits.... like people have said go to dal and speak to them about sukhniddan, just because you dont agree with nihang rehit doesnt mean you can post a ''conversation'' such as that.
  12. indeed! a indo persian shastar ie a pesh kabz or choora instead of a taksali blunt kirpan, a nice kara, a nakha also.
  13. for me a kara is shastar 1st! 'The Sikh of the Guru will not fight with hands and feet [unarmed combat] with anyone. Let him look out for the honor of his long hair.' ('Rehitnameh', edited by Piara Singh Padam, Pa. 89) The Khalsa warriors of old were fully aware that in close-quarter hand-to-hand combat, long uncut hair could prove disadvantageous. The hair could provide additional grappling/manipulation aids by which an opponent could destroy him. As such, it has to be appreciated when the ancient warriors fought what is termed 'unarmed combat', a 'Bagh Naka' for close quarter combat grappling was employed in left hand together with a 'Kara' for striking the 'Marma'. These two 'Platha' weapons the Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa is expected to wear at ALL times. hence why I always have a nice usable kara not a big chunky one a nice lightweight kara which is usable! for people who dont know what platha is Bhai Ranjit Singh explained what it is, he was once a student of shastar vidiya. 'Platha is fighting without weapons. Without weapons hand-to-hand as I have shown to disarm some one's weapon, they are all techniques of Platha. All techniques of Platha, all stratagem of Platha are to disarm someone. If you do not have a weapon and an armed opponent is coming, then disarm him. If then you desire not to engage with a weapon, then throw the weapon aside. Fight him hand-to-hand take hold of him. Your total fighting art is only then complete if you know everything. If you do not know Platha for instance, your weapon brakes in battle, what will you do then? Concede defeat, get beaten or die? Platha is also essential as Shastar Vidiya. The Pentra of Platha is essential. You must have all the skills only then is your fighting art complete.' (Bhai Ranjit Singh, transcript of interview, 4th March 2001)
  14. from your post it seems he was in the UK? when :S
  15. We as Khalsa Do not have to just learn shastar vidiya we can take everything effective from hundreds of martial arts one thing I must understand your saying learn other martial arts also teek but why not learn shastar vidiya lets say niddar wasnt the teacher some other guy was would you learn then? shastar vidiya is very wide ie grappling unarmed combat \ I have quoted below this from a old post ''Panth Parkash and other granths have techniques described in them, but nothing in detail that will allow someone to create a complete martial art out of. What you are trying to say is that Niddar Singh has taken a few techniques out of the granths and created a few moves out of thin air. If that was the case, then how has Nihang Niddar Singh attained a martial art which is complete in every way, from terminologies and references to Dasam and Sarbloh Granth, to techniques, multiple fighting, batlefield strategies, use of all indo persian weapons in different ways (not just spinning in circular patterns), to levels which even the best martial artist can appreciate and acknowledge. If this was all his own fiction and blending, then he is a genius when it comes to martial arts, esspecially if he has taught himself. (to the fraud part you said about niddar being a fraud ) What he has done is spent time under his gurdevs guidance and attained and achieved the vidiya that was passed down to him. I have audio interviews of various babas who knew Shastarvidiya, in which they explain the exact same principles and strategies that we have been taught in the akhara. These babas were also training partners of Niddar Singhs Gurdev and students of Baba Mohinder Singhs Gurdev. These babas also confirm that what Niddar Singh had shown them was the same vidiya that they were shown when they were learning. Im guessing you will say that this is a co-incidence aswell, and you need more concrete proof?! Some peoples hatred is so much that even if the Guru came and told you themselves you still wouldnt believe it! No one can just make up what Niddar Singh teaches, it is impossible. If you cannot appreciate it that is your own weakness within the understanding of martial arts. If it was so easy to create a make believe Sikh martial art in the way that you claim Niddar Singh has, then why has everyone else missed the same things he is teaching?'' also if you read Charitrar 404, when Mahakaal enters the battlefield and is attacked by the Raakash, you will see the refference to him being like water against their strikes Chris Crudelli comments on Shastarvidiya, and hes a great martial artist he he would want to learn it shows to an extent how good it is! http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00k5...ive_05_05_2009/ Forward to 2 hours 53 onwards. anyone who disagrees that the Gurus Vidiya cannot stand up against others is being misled by their hatred for one man.
  16. no one will learn shastar vidiya as people in this country dont like the person who teaches and tell people to stay clear of him. Rightly so, Khalsa ji supporting Niddar we will only increase problems in the panth such as youths being brainwashed into 'satanist sikhi' and it will only encourage bad sangat. Support Niddar and his chela is like supporting narkdhari gurbachana he may not be openly putting his feet on guru maharaj but he is doing through pulling people away from the guru, whats more important learning shastar vidiya from Niddar or actually putting panthic problems first?? you must be the type who doesnt care if the vidiya becomes extinct at all! well I and others wont let that happen! the vidiya shall be taught to many people wishing to learn it and keeping the great jung vidiya alive!!!!!!!!!! nai! koina, let it die out no need for shastar vidiya. No Khalsa ji we do care about the vidiya but how can you do even know this is the vidiya? :umm: The Guys a fraud, thats like trusting a robber with your bank account lol. Sure apparently he's the only remaining Gurdev? Which is rather convienient. Sikhs don't have one martial art, we take whats effective from several, we don't need beg at the door of rss agent, why should the fauj of Akaal Purakh Restrict themselves to one martial art? Why don't support real singhs who have started teaching Muay Thai, and jeet kune do and several other martial arts. In the words of Bruce Lee: 'Absorb what is useful, Reject what is useless' This is not an attack on you brother its just something we need to think about. ''khalsa ji''' I believe you should find the lines in sarbloh granths were it refers to techniques! then see niddar singh and see if he can do what the granth says ie merging with weapons and many other techniques. to me it seems you have a agenda against niddar, why dont you keep it with him rather than saying such comments such as '' but how can you do even know this is the vidiya'' and btw that doesnt make sense! anyway niddar met babeh who trained with his gurdev and then he showed the vidiya and they said thats the vidiya what they learned so yes I do believe this is the TRUE vidiya. I suggest you read through the yudh banis in Sri Dasam Granth and Sri Sarbloh Granth. People who have an understanding for the art will see the references of techniques within. ''we take whats effective from several'' why take it from several different martial arts when shastar vidiya has it all! ''Why don't support real singhs who have started teaching Muay Thai'' id rather support professional people such as Alexis Demetriades from london shoot fighters. anyway I hope satpunga singh replys also when he reads your post
  17. very good!, many posts on here are full of profanity and rubbish and insults! guidance!
  18. I play hockey, I dont think hockey players would be interested in stuff they would be interested in matches rather than religion!
  19. no one will learn shastar vidiya as people in this country dont like the person who teaches and tell people to stay clear of him. Rightly so, Khalsa ji supporting Niddar we will only increase problems in the panth such as youths being brainwashed into 'satanist sikhi' and it will only encourage bad sangat. Support Niddar and his chela is like supporting narkdhari gurbachana he may not be openly putting his feet on guru maharaj but he is doing through pulling people away from the guru, whats more important learning shastar vidiya from Niddar or actually putting panthic problems first?? you must be the type who doesnt care if the vidiya becomes extinct at all! well I and others wont let that happen! the vidiya shall be taught to many people wishing to learn it and keeping the great jung vidiya alive!!!!!!!!!! nai! koina, let it die out no need for shastar vidiya.
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