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Everything posted by Dev1975

  1. The EDL do not have a "good purpose" my friend, they are nothing more than wolves in sheep's clothing. Pretending to be against "Radical Islam", they are against ALL Islam and ALL brown skinned people. Why do some people feel the need to side with them or align with them? When it comes down to it, they aren't going to differentiate one brown face from another, they aren't going to stop and ask what faith you are before kicking your head in. You're brown, you're going to get attacked. Simple as that.
  2. So it's OK for them to target a totally innocent Asian who happened to be outside the court during the trial simply because the perpetrators were also Asian?? Have you lost your mind?! It's understandable to have anger at something so vile but to then direct that towards someone whose only crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time is no way to behave. There is no excuse for that sort of thing.
  3. Though I don't agree with some of the images in the video (specifically the ones saying "EDL Sikh Regiment" and others allying the Sikh faith with a bunch of nazi lovers), the message it puts forward is quite sad. However, this is not to say that ALL Muslims are this way, only those with a warped take on their faith.
  4. A lot of the EDL members have been causing trouble outside the hearing, which has almost led to the collapse of the trial and delaying any justice being served for the innocents that were involved. They've even targeted random Asians outside the court that have absolutely nothing to do with the case. What an absolute bunch of tools.
  5. Is this really what we're coming to? Putting wealth before family?? Effing ridiculous!!
  6. Name may be different but what they're peddling is the same thing. Whatever name you want to call them, EDL, BNP, MAC, they're all utterly vile and have no place in decent society.
  7. Firstly I would make sure that she was treated no differently from my son. My wife and I have talked about this and we both agree that when we have kids, there shouldn't be any difference in the way they are treated. Both of us have seen this as we've been growing up and we don't want to do this to our own kids. To me, there is no difference between my nephews and nieces, I love each of them equally. I'd take that as a starting point and go from there.
  8. I don't think alluding to the fact that she married out of race/faith is the reason for the split. People from the same faith/race who get married end up divorcing each other for various reasons. You cannot say that ONLY marrying inside your own faith/race will lead to happiness any more than you can say that marrying outside of it will spell doom. She got married to someone, it didn't work and they sadly got a divorce. End of.
  9. Is this for definite? No possibility of it being pulled again at the 11th hour??
  10. I can't click "I Like This" enough. Totally spot on.
  11. When was this broadcast? Anyone know when/if it will be available online?
  12. Seriously?!? So a girl is groomed by a Pakistani Muslim, who seem to have a predilection for this sort of behaviour and yet we're told not to make mention of it for the sake of "community cohesion"??? So we should just brush it under the carpet then?? Effing ridiculous!!
  13. These two videos are prime examples of what we technically refer to as "complete muppets".
  14. How can anyone cause such harm to an innocent?!? Absolutely vile specimens of humanity!!!
  15. To hear what some of these "men" have done is absolutely vile and disgusting. However, I would not go so far as to think that they represent the majority of the Muslim youth of this country. There are bad people in every community.
  16. Tommy is an absolute bonehead. As for the Dispatches programme, to the father of the two muslim boys who were charged and arrested for their part in grooming and abusing the girls....how DARE you suggest that the girls were to blame for their predicament?? You had better hope and pray that no girls in your family circle ever experience something like what your boys put those girls through. You absolute w@nker.
  17. I saw that match but must have missed the exchange between Balotelli and the Singhs. If it's true then Balotelli needs to be dressed down for making foolish statements, even if they were to Man United fans.
  18. That's nice to hear, we could all stand to be a bit more like that person you met.
  19. In this climate everyone needs a job, regardless of what it may be.
  20. It's my main wish that we make contact with intelligent alien life within my lifetime. I hope this discovery leads to a whole lot more!! :smile2:
  21. I hope they take the law firm to the cleaners, use them as an example that ANY sort of discrimination will not be tolerated and should be treated with full force. Enough of this garbage!!
  22. What disturbs me is how the man came back to the takeaway armed with a knife and WITH HIS CHILD in tow. What was he hoping to teach his offspring? That any minor problems in life can be sorted out with a stabbing? For those stating that he should be killed, what would that serve? He may have taken a life but what right do any of us have to take away another life in return? I am aware how emotive something like this can be but in this case, life in prison, where he ISN'T treated like a holidaymaker in a summer camp, is the solution. IMO of course...
  23. No matter how people try to dress up the EDL, they are a hateful organisation and any right-minded Sikh would do well to steer clear of them and not show any support. We don't want or need to be allied with them in any way whatsoever.
  24. Do you have a source for this? Any sort of YouTube clip or article or anything? If this is true then it is absolutely shocking behaviour and flies in the face of everything that the singhs were standing for that night. If this is nothing more than a rumour/hearsay then why post it? To stir up ill feeling and hostility within communities, perchance? With regards to the comment made by another poster (apologies for not remembering your name) about the lack of respect for the turban....I wear one and am with an amazing woman who loves and appreciates me the way I am. From the experiences that a lot of Sikh girls have with Sikh guys, it's little wonder that they run off with Muslims. Would you willingly be with someone who ignores you, disrespects you and generally makes you feel inferior, or be with someone who shows you love and affection and treats you nicely? If more Sikh guys acted like better people, we would not see so many of "our girls" run off with other people. Just my PoV.
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