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mohinder pal

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mohinder pal last won the day on May 15 2013

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  1. Both Muslims (Ismael) and Jews (Isaac) are the sons of one father ABraham (descendants of Noah). Israel on one side is correct that Palestine belongs to them because this place was the place of Judah before it was taken over by Ottoman Empire and later by Islam/Muslims. Currently, Even Middle east powers like Saudi/ Qatar/ and other Sunni countries donot support Hamas bcz they think HAMAS as a Islamist outwing is much worse for them then Israel (Link it with Arab revolts in Egypt/Syria/Iraq/Saudi and other countries). These countries do not want HAMAS like ppl to bring Arab revolts in their countries. That is why Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown in Egypt and was taken over agin by Military (Mr. SISI).
  2. Uthagyi Sabha Malesh Ki......Kar Kora Pasar Danka Bahje Fateh Ka.....Nehaklank Avatar.
  3. Sikhi was there since satyug times. thats why bhagat prahlad and Dhru bhagat names have come in SGGSJi.
  4. THe Original one is in London Musuem. British took along with them.
  5. Chaudan Jaame Satgur Hovan, Satar Bhagat Dhaar, Chaurasi Jame Pehar Kar Kalyug Karo Udhaar.
  6. Sant Kilewale Mahapursh, Once Master Tara singh and Group of Sikhs came to Mahapursh and requested,"Sant ji,....Khalsa panth is in trouble" Before They could say further, Sant Maharaj ji told then," Khalsa Panth can never be in trouble bcz its roots are in Pataal and none can uproot it.....There is no trouble to Khalsa Panth.....But there is trouble to your Political Positions and Power"
  7. Panch Parvaan ....Panch Pardaan. THose Panch are puran Sant , Mahapursh, Gursikh who are Ram Kabeera Ek Baye Hai ....Koye Na Sake Pashaani...(THIS GURBANI TUK IS ONLY FOR PURAN....COMPLETE KHALSA)
  8. You should be even more surprise we throw Punjabi Newpapers in Sewages or Garbase(which contains Gurkhmukhi Akshars and GUrbani and Pics of Guru Sahib Baan). . . . . .Guru Bakhshand......Guru Bakhshand......Guru Sada Bakhshand.
  9. You are right ....nobody Can be Satguru.......But kabir sahib is telling RAM KABIRA EK PAEHE HAI.....KOI NA SAKE PASHANI Kabi sahib is also telling himself in SGGSJi as Sant........"Kya APRAAD SANT HAI KINA"
  10. Please post more of these..... I heard from my PArents....that Jatha of bhindrawale(Group who was very close to Sant Bhindrawale) had done enormous paaths of Chandi Di Vaar to get Bakhshish from Guru Maharaj.and there was special noor on their face
  11. Bhenji You again took it wrong. Satguru would not consult me or you before declaring the Guruship to someelse.....That is his Mauj......He is srab kala Samrath and can do anything. . . . Just to sum up .....lets we keep our Jargon on side and keep our faith on SGGSJI...... . . Even if Dehdhari Guru is there......He would eventually tell what Guru Nanak dev ji till SGGSJI told "Naam Jap" No more debates......Pls FOrgive for any nonsense from myside
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