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Everything posted by Singh559

  1. He's a troll. He thinks he's clever, but it's really easy to see lol. Agreed. Shame these two authors are lazy and just plagiarized the Indian government's propaganda against the Sikh Panth.
  2. Are you unaware of world events? I swear we can collectively have such a sheep and loser mentality. Always trying to become victims. He's referring to the Islamic Muslim terrorist scum who orchestrated France. He didn't once insult the guy nor insult the Dastar. Punjabis sure love getting used by Muslim apologists in hopes to seem cool. Trump is a fake republican and he knows what he's doing, but he KNOWS who Sikhs are. Liberal media used sensationalist titles to bait at the hat thing and everyone just ate it up without second guessing it.
  3. American born confused desi Punjabi goes to a Trump rally in hopes to create a demon out of nothing. Punjabis can be such sheep... He didn't even call the dastar a hat.
  4. Only person in that list that is worthy is Ex Jathedar Baba Ranjit Singh and Giani Pinderpal Singh Ji would be good but hasn't been tested with leadership. Does amazing katha tho
  5. What's the cyclocarbon structure? My organic chem is so weak lol
  6. How haven't I seen these before? Nice paintings!
  7. Dude, I don't remember all your posts being this hateful in the past. Been looking at them and they've been really dense and narrow minded. Yes, I also joked to my friends about her very explicit and attention seeking "art" about menstruation, but to insult the person just shows that you have no logical way of communicating and lack basic human-human interaction skills. I don't follow her nor am I a fan her or any other self proclaimed poets, but I won't go out of my way to try to defame them and not let them be their on individual. I saw her other tweet earlier today and she mentioned this: The reason why some people are against Sikhs adopting #SikhLivesMatter is because it was originally started to highlight an epidemic of black Americans being abused and killed by police due to racism and prejudices. Whether you admit to it or not, it takes away from #BlackLivesMatter and also takes away from our movement because we need an original way of dealing with our problems. To make long term and meaningful change I don't think borrowing the hashtag is the best option. The same reason I was against #MuslimLivesMatters is the same reason why I personally haven't used the #SIkhLivesMatter tag, but I haven't voiced an opinion against it because #SikhLivesMatters is actually doing a great job (even if temporarily) of highlighting the injustice we're facing in Punjab. The point of my rambling above is to show that just because someone is against the specific hashtag that was borrowed from blacklivesmatters, it doesn't mean they're against what the hashtag stands for.
  8. http://www.sikh24.com/2015/10/20/humanitarian-and-political-activist-bagicha-singh-exposes-govt-role-in-faking-arrests/
  9. Tell your parents and a school administrator. Don't retort to violence for no reason. Just make it clear you want to be left completely alone and you don't want any problems and want to be able to focus on your education without the fear of being terrorized by your peers. Don't want to get in trouble and get that on your record. Stay tough and show confidence around him. If he says something just smile, nod your head and continue to ignore him completely.
  10. It's very hard to become a professional gamer and a professional streamer now a days. Everyone and their moms now want to become a streamer, but to really make it you have to find your niche and then become among the best of the game. After that then you have to go through hell and use your interpersonal skills to get shout outs and get recognized by bigger streamers. Even then it's a very steep curve to actually get the sub button and eventually start getting subscribers. As far as gaming goes, it's not against Sikhi, but balance is up to each individual and no one knows you better than yourself. Nightblue3 from LoL did a 24 h 100% donation stream for a non profit org for kids around the world and mustered over 30,000 dollars including all money from ads from that day. Just goes to show that you can do good even if you are a streamer, but he has a very very large following to begin with. Some problems you'll probably face is getting trolled by people if you use your webcam. If you think you have a chance and you're confident enough in a particular game and think you can eventually make a living off of it then you can try, but you should look at your situation objectively and not overestimate yourself. Some of the smaller start up games like h1z1 it's easier to get recognized because it's a relatively newer community, but even then it's very hard to be consistently good at the game and then even harder to get recognized in the community. At the end of the day the point of gaming is to enjoy what you do and if you happen to become really really good at something then you should try, but your motivation for getting good at a game (imo) shouldn't be to make a living.
  11. Today's hukamnama got me thinking about the parlok or next world as mentioned in the Punjabi translations. Can anyone provide insight as to what they think Guru Sahib says about the next world after this by citing bani. The Punjabi interpretations are great but I felt like I didn't get the answer still. Would be much appreciated.
  12. He's a radical what do you expect. Look at his bio he claims to be a historian and human rights activist, but in that one tweet alone he conflicted both of these things he so proudly flaunts. Trying to rewrite the history of Banda Singh Bahadur through academic dishonesty is typical of these radicals who have a psychological disorder of literally finding a way to convince themselves to ignore any part of history that is problematic to their dishonest existence. Some of his other tweets show a pic of a baby who died trying to flee Syria. It's disgusting how he blames the west and not the root of Islam that caused this situation. adharmi and unpard
  13. He seems like a decent singer. He actually said that he is a Sikh and the day he becomes a Sufi he will stop his music career. He also clarified that he's a complete believer of Sikhi and that he goes to all different religious places, but he has never bowed his head there. Also is straightforward saying his whole look is part of his style and it has helped him become famous so he is continuing to do it. Seems like a straightforward person and artist.
  14. Very disheartening to see. He will have to answer some questions to Sikh Panth. Hopefully Akaal Takhat Sahib handles this.
  15. I don't disagree for most part with what Cisco says so long as there is no plug for Nidar because he is a complete sham and doesn't have anything of value to teach. At end of day many arts that are used by jangi soormay are similar with little variation. Gatka is preparation and like I said in my previous post, once the fundamentals are solid (no wasted movements and proper foot work) sky is limit. A Soorma who has conquered himself can become a Jangi Soorma on battlefield as well by emplying vidya he has learnt. In all sword play and knife fighting it is taught with wood or kydex replicas with similar weight.
  16. What Bhagat Puran Singh is getting at is low avasta Sikhs such as myself getting hot headed and trying to save Sikhi in our own ego. His quote has multi dimentional meaning and you should re read it while understanding it doesnt condone being a pacifist who doesnt take action. There you go again with your assumptions. What would he get out of backstabbing Sikhs? How is he a Baba? Please explain his intentions and why he would want to do this? If he were receiving money was it a one time thing just for the video or is he on a periodic payroll? If he is on a periodic payroll what is his long term objective? Curious how this RSS agent has infiltrated. Please share your wisdom
  17. Not sure what faith you're talking about but Sikhi will never be hurt. Quote from Bhagat Puran Singh Ji says it best,"Stop these mockeries. Do not be so anxious to save Sikhi. Rest assured Sikhi will take care of itself, your only concern should be to save yourself." Also I said limitless beauty of Guru Sahib what is wrong in that? Sikhi isn't an Abrahamic faith like Islam Christianity or Judaism where if someone does something wrong they are eternally condemned without exception. If someone asks for forgiveness you are absolutely no one to cast doubt on their sincerity unless there is clear evidence to show that they are being malicious and unsincere. This incident that occ7reed could have been targeted to get him to go there in hopes to get footage or simply very very very poor decision making and observation skills. Keep in mind he is in Punjab and not UK or USA where it's easier to distingish social situations, there are so many Hindu folk and non Sikhs in Punjab, it is reasonable to assume his red flag didn't go off at the time for the situation as it would haven for most people. Neither of us have enough information to make informed enough decisions so go to your fridge and get a cold glass of water and chill. It's quite ironic that I pointed out paranoia and you go to say I'm receiving a check from Raagi Balnir Singh lol. My only connection is I love his kirtan but I don't idolize anyone nor put anyone on a pedestal so I was able to acknowledge the fact that he could have been paid to go there but with the latest statement I wouldn rather take his word for it until evidence surfaces that says otherwise. Such evidence hasn't surfaced and thus I wont take the mentality of a nindak to deliberately put negativity into someone else,s mouth.
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