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Everything posted by genie

  1. So how does the asian/brown man change the narrative? any solutions to this overt discrimination. One solution is to play the race card as the black man does, it works for them it will work for the brown man. The other solution is try to get in the media which is a very uphill task and virtually impossible those who hate brown/asian men are the gatekeepers of the industry. So they must be forced to change because they are not willing to invest in putting people they don't want a positive image of.
  2. Yeah i think they were plants and not actual people who took part in demo's he made them look like foreigner broken english low IQ pendu's who didn't know what they were there for. it's well known tactics of unethical people within establishments who want to smear a campaign by getting "crisis actors" or "paid actors" to pretend to be the target community to defame or malign them. The documentary should have been a tribute to his late brother and all the hard work and good he has done for so many people but instead he made a mismatch of it by painting a narrative of some parts of the community which isn't true probably to serve his racist liberal left wing white paymasters who want to demonise the brown/asian man as they have been doing that for the past few decades. It is his bosses who sanction what he can and can not put out cross in the mainstream media. So if they want to paint a community a certain way they will get the right person for that job its not that hard to do plenty of sellout idiots out there who want to make a career of bashing their own people and need the money and are willing to do it for the non-sikh paymaster in charge of pushing out negative narratives to the masses.
  3. If they hadn't served the british army in both world wars. What would have been the likely outcomes for punjab/india and europe/uk? Any predictions or assessments?
  4. Looks like early 20th century pictures. One of oldest photographs ever taken in the world was of diwan mulraj. The Sikh empires hindu governor of Multan who led a powerful rebellion against the British invaders of punjab in the 2nd anglo-sikh war.
  5. Yup I see it too its like black people are the only people of colour in western societies so to pretend they (the whites in charge of media orgs) are furfilling their quota of diversity and BAME they will only put black men in the media usually with white women. You will never find a brown/indian/asian person with white women in any adverts or shows. Our asian/brown communities are too low IQ or afraid to call out the discrimination and racism in the media. Black Afro-carribeans also have advantage of being mostly christian so when they go church they build bridges with the white church goers and thus opening doors for new opportunities and relationships. Whose fault is that? its partly the whites in the media fault and partly the faults of non-blacks not fighting for better representation they rather stay in the background. The black person will fight and play the race card at every opportunity even if its not about race....because thats the best card they have to open doors for them in a white dominated industries.
  6. Its cringe worthy. Its like he was some kinda mahan sant baba kobe or something. Ye he was only a talented basketball player and probably a nice person who lost his life in tragic circusmtances thats all he was not person who should be showered with praises like a sant and worshipped like the fudhu's have been doing for the past few days. Same thing happened when nipsy hustle died these low IQ chavy white girls started talking about him in social media like he their daddy and our own punjabi fudhu's came did the same. Its really embarrassing for their community when people do that whole culturally appropriating over a dead person of another community who they usually didnt know nothing about but just want to jump on the bandwagon to fit in within the mainstream media narrative. i find it bemusing when our own punjabi Sikh people talk about this kobe guy like he was their mama or something. The amount of social media posts that our own low IQ fudhu liberal lot about kobe and his passing away in tragic circumstances is very bizarre especially the punjabi girls who seem to have an identity crisis by leeching off on black identity/culture in their mindset, thinking and lifestyle than be proud and be strong in their own heritage. It's the usual low IQ lot who will for example shout for free free Palestine in demo's and sucking off non-sikh men boosting their ego while putting down their own community causes or not take part in them. There must be a way to correct this baqwas? The right wing whites do it by creating funny meme's of the fudhu's of their own white community. Maybe we should do the same too?
  7. totally agree, he seemed conflicted in which direction to take the program. Normally he would go down the root of everything anti-sikhi narrative and everything pro radical far right islam yet liberal atheist punjabi. In this show it seems he didnt want to stain the memory of his brother with his hate and nonsense so he tread a fine line between his usual anti-sikh agenda and wanting to show more balanced approach. The thing he doesn't understand is when he wrote anti-sikh hateful newspaper articles like sikh men not wanting sikh women to marry in the gurdwara he played right into the hands of the racist white right wing and left wing radicals in mainstream white media who wanted to tar and malign asian/brown/sikh men as controlling monsters who do not let their women have freedom of choice who they want to marry. The racist western white narrative is to paint that about asian/brown men in general. If we ask any British white person who gives their honest view of the brown/asian man it is usually that they see them as controlling their women not allowing them any freedom yet that view is so outdated its a racist view and perception they have of us. Most of us couldn't care less what punjabi women of sikh heritage do outside the gurdwara however if they want to marry someone according to Sikh marriage rites (traditions and faith) they must marry someone of the same faith. No one is forcing them to marry a Sikh if they don't want to they can quite freely go marry in a church, masjid, or any venue that allows marriages. It's from these hateful sensationalist anti-sikh articles and headlines that sunny hundal gained his very bad reputation within the punjabi Sikh community. It seems his personal vendetta and agenda started to hate on the Sikh community because of what happened in his family with his brother turning to Sikhi and being fulfilled as a gurSikh whereas he is still a lost within liberalism atheism trying to justify and forcing Sikhs to accept his lifestyle and personal life choices like marrying a non-sikhs with what he did by marrying a non-sikh latina woman. I find it bizarre that very small minority of low IQ ego driven loud mouth people who were born into the Sikh faith yet do not follow it nor understand it nor have love for it want to change it to suit their own selfish whims and desires yet the Sikh faith is all about removing one self from selfish whims and desires and give yourself to Waheguru and spread the goodness of Sikhi in order to serve humanity as a collective.
  8. Sikhi isn't selfish. But some Sikhs maybe. Your mind is in confusion cos of your personal circumstances. You need to accept reality of the world be it good or bad even if you dont want to. Come to Guru Ji you will be at peace then.
  9. punjabi atheists pretending to be Sikh are soooooooooooo embarrassing and low IQ they are cringe worthy. Just cos they may come from a Sikh family does not make them a Sikh its not a nationality, race or ethnicity its a religion a way of life. If these morons who think Guru Ji was some feminist, pro LGBT, pro-islam fascism, anything goes kinda hedonistic guy then they are sadly mistaken. Guru Nanak Ji were very tolerant and open minded and welcoming to all groups of humanity but they had their red lines and what they defined a as gurmat correct and incorrect manmat behavior.
  10. Depends on his motives. And as he was connected to the indian establishment his motives seem suspect. Also allowing hindu idols, buddhist idols, christian imagery in so called gurdwara premises shows he did not preach Sikhi he preached an off shoot hindu or new age Sikhi group. Would the Sikh guru's approve of idols of hindu, christian,buddhist in their places of worship? No Would guru's practise hinduism yoga that worships hindu deities? No Were there a few female ex members who called out his sexual behaviour? Yes Was there multi millions of dollars worth of businesses created on the back of imagery of Sikhi and other religions? Yes
  11. Haven't seen this film yet and never heard of it until this racist fox guy controversy. But do to his remarks in the public it has received more publicity. So I will go watch the film for myself soon.
  12. I agreed with this fox guy when he appeared on question time cos not everything these crazy far left feminists or muslim activists say is classed as "white male privilege". but now he has shown his true White male privilege and far right white racist views when he complained about a sikh soldier being featured in the new movie 1917 as "forced diversity" in the movie industry. Had he had a brain or some intelligence he would have realised 83,000+ turbanned sikh soldiers died fighting shoulder to shoulder with allied forces in both world wars defending the UK in foreign lands they had no personal conflict with. It shows these white racists are trying to go mainstream these days aided by stupid views of far left crazypot idiots causing people to become more tolerant to the alternative opposite views.
  13. probably talking of the nihungs and akali's who were the fiercest warriors not yet willing to submit to foreign racist white british rule over them and their lands even after both anglo-sikh wars had concluded in defeat of sarkar-e-khalsa.
  14. When you read these old books written by white european colonalists in punjab you see the true racial bias, hatred they have and not forgetting the jealousy they had of the Sikh and punjabi natives who created a mighty empire and army to rival any european white nation of the day. You then realise the invasion and conquest of Sikh punjabi empire aswell as other non-white lands around the globe was done on a racial superiority complex basis to prove that they have the right to rule over the non-white indigousness natives because of their conquest over them (similar mentality of the muslims). It's only since ww2 with rise and defeat of nazi far right Aryan fascism and rise of the left in politics that these views once openly expressed decades ago are more underground and covert.
  15. Sheeple follow abrahamic faiths (they need set of commandments to know right from wrong and how to wipe their battys) Lions and people with common sense follow dharmic faiths (guidance and true spirituality). The reason why abrahamic faiths are popular cos they easy to follow like a sheep, no need to engage your brain with. The quran and bibles are given freely and chucked around easy to brainwash people with. If Sikhs were able to give english copies of SGGS Ji freely, actively told to go out and give parchar to people then you'll see alot more converts to Sikhi.
  16. rip to the victims may waheguru bless the innocents souls and give comfort to their families, no one deserves to die like that. Sad that apney fudhu's get involved in this kinda crap and malign the whole punjabi and sikh community with their foolishness they disgrace themselves and their families and the murderers have taken lives of 3 people of their own community and looking at spending rest of their own life in jail now. What a waste! The only good to come out of this is that younger generation of Sikhs now are alert to the clear bias and sikhphobia in the British white establishment (both right wing and left wing) especially mainstream white media. When its 99.9% muslim pedo street grooming gangs its refereed to by the racist white establishment as "asian grooming gangs". When its punjabis involved in fights its refereed to as Sikh gangs when its christians/jews/atheists involved in fights or crime their religion or their race is not mentioned ........funny that.
  17. Only journalists that have some good balanced pieces on Sikhs and Sikhi has been anita rani, dhaliwal woman (forgot her name),etc.
  18. when you read the name sunny hundal you know its a sure done deal that its gonna be an oxymoronic pro far right islamo-fascism yet leftist punjabi atheist anti-sikh propaganda piece. I'm sure he will try to malign Sikhs, Sikhi and his brothers legacy in the video.
  19. He was exposed time ago my G. The yogi bhajan's and his organizations has since the 90s always been seen by mainstream sikhs as a offshoot hindu sect / indian congress party created cults. Radha swampi's = indian congress partycreated and funded ram rahmin dss = indian congress party created and funded neo nirankari's = indian congress party created and funded Christian missionaries = indian congress party created and funded. the list goes on and on. Mainstream hindu organisations even reject these organisations see them as outside the fold of their ideology. Only the congress party benefits of these time of scumbags cos they are created to make fools of the janta and make a political vote bank for the party.
  20. The only official involvement the israeli state/army had in operation blue star was indirect by training india's NSG commando's from 1981 and supply the indian army with weapons which was later used in the anti-sikh genocide in punjab 1984. However I suspect they may have had a deeper involvement by drawing up/planning/organising operation blue star giving the indian army generals detailed plans and strategy in how to attack sri harmandir sahib. Officially the british state was secretly military involved giving advice to the indian army how to attack sri harmandir sahib, as the 2014 government disclosure papers detailed. The indian govt is alleged to have rejected British plans and training for being too economically costly possibly may have gone for israeli one for being more economically viable. The whole "blue star" name of the operation is very odd and suspicious. And as we all know the israeli flag carries the jewish Zionist symbol blue star of david.
  21. we all know it's a war on non-muslims and as Sikhs are seen as non-threatening and weak in pakistan the devious islamic scumbag just picks and choses which non-muslim girl they want to groom or kidnap, sexually violate and convert as easy as taking candy in a sweet store. The poor Sikhs in afghanistan, pakistan and kashmir are powerless and voiceless and Sikhs aboard are their own voice to speak out against islamists and fight them actively but we don't yet. Hardline dawah muslims keep messing it up for Pakistan. Pakistan could easy be at peace with its neighbours and develop its economy if it managed to get away from the hold of mullahwad islamic nutjobs dragging it back into the 7th century. The Sikh community was mostly all wiped out in 1947 in west punjab anti-sikh genocide but managed to retain small number around rest of newly formed pakistan. Many hindus started to convert to Sikhi especially during zia-ul-haqs reign and 1990s with babri masjid retaliation persecution happening to hindus in paksitan. So they had around very small but strong community up until recently whose number now is probably around 10,000 Sikhs in whole of pakistan compared to 190,000,000 muslim majority its insignificant number. Even the middle eastern faith members christians number more than hindus and sikhs combined in pakistan yet they only make up about 1-2% of the countrys population. And where will the Sikhs keep running to? Those who were lucky enough ran from afghanistan into pakistan then from there they get persecuted they ran to india. Now India got hugh muslim numbers. Sikhs are boxed into tiny Sikh majority Punjab thats secular in nature and not hardline Sikhi like it used to be in 1960s to early 1990s. Muslim immigrants from other indian states have been pouring in to do manual labour work making little sufi shrines all over the place and hoodwinking the punjabi population to accept islam by the backdoor in the state. You can see the future of Sikhs if Sikhs do not unite and fight back safeguarding their faith and population. In life in dangerous situations you can fight or flight however if flight isn't working then you must stand and fight.
  22. Art is very important and powerful creative force and tool in Sikhi, especially in story telling. If you look at historical gurdwara's they had art depicting historical moments of Guru Ji lives. Art is a way of conveying and expressing a story where words can not. As they say a painting can say a thousand words. Art is encouraged in Sikhi especially when it glorifies the creator waheguru, nature, Sikh history and and Sikh hero's. Also there are designs (mosaics) which can be seen on famous gurdwaray especially around the parikarma of Darbar Sahib. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-T129AybwJhM/U4LUfSz7gmI/AAAAAAAAB2E/OG6_3KW1er8/s1600/Untitled-3.jpg http://pictify.saatchigallery.com/files/works/sikh-art-sacred-aesthetics-of-the-sikhs-by-nikky-guninder-kaur-1358579095_org.jpg https://live.staticflickr.com/4856/45864050192_0fdb4586c6_b.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d6/62/f7/d662f7c22d209b904a7c9c07de01eda1.jpg When you look at historical paintings of Sikh martyrs getting executed by muslim tyrannt regime and their footsoldiers you realise the cruelty of people and yet you had muslims and others who didnt believe such things took place then you had likes of isis come along and do things to non-muslims in iraq and syria which showed the barbarity that islam can inflict on muslim and non-muslim communities. And it confirmed to others that yes islam or those who follow islam to an extreme literal interpretation are capable of the most evil deeds and hence our hate for their evil poisonous inhumane ideology and their need to be exterminated from this world is justified. https://www.naukrinama.com/stressbuster/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/8-39.jpg https://jarnailarts.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/storming-of-multan-fort.jpg
  23. A great programme watch downloading for future and showing your family and friends https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0bfnldw
  24. I would argue that Guru Nanak Sahib Ji did start a new religion by setting his own spiritual path different from Islam and hinduism which were the 2 competing ideologies in indian subcontinent and central and south asia as a whole. Guru nanak's message and teachings was universal and appealed to people of all faiths, he didn't stay in one place in punjab and preached. He went to multiple lands and nations to different nationalities, ethnicities and races speaking to people in a languages they understood about God and how to be better connect to Waheguru and live a better life than they were at the moment. He was the first missionary seeking converts to the new spiritual path as ordained by God. Had God wanted him to preach in one place to one group of people he would have stayed in kartarpur punjab and never moved. It is the Sikhs of today that are forgetting or deliberately ignoring this very important aspect of Guru Nanak Sahib Ji's life. They do not want to implement the reaching out to non-sikhs and sikhs alike spreading Sikhi they rather get on with their own selfish lives doing bit of naam simran here and there and going gurdwara and thats their bit for Sikhi done. Forgetting that the problems that Sikhs and Sikhi faces in present times is that selfishness not looking out for each other or helping each other in progressing as Sikhs or trying to seek new converts. And who is waiting in the wings to pounce on your sons and daughters and brothers and sisters cos of your lack of action? Well its the abrahamics and the atheist propagandists.. so therefore we cant not complain when your daughter or sister gets groomed by isis muslim extremists when you were never teaching her to stand strong and have pride in Sikhi.
  25. Personally I rate it at zero, non-existent. Islam's marketing strategy is probably no.1 right now 2nd is chrisitanity because they are aggressive convert seeking abrahamic faiths. And our situation with sikhi its much worse than other dharmic faiths buddhists and hindu's who do less than us in terms or charity and have less media exposure in the west, hardly don't do anything to attract new converts but still have large appeal amoung westerners because of yoga and meditation and these two faiths have powerful state power behind them (buddhists having burma. cambodia, thailand, sri lanka,etc hindus having nepal, bali and india). Where are missionary Sikhs at? Wheres Sikhi at? Wheres SGPC at? Disgraceful
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