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Everything posted by californiasardar1

  1. Why do British Sikhs always brag about their blue collar-ness? (Don't get mad, just having a little fun ? )
  2. By the way, who is Jaskaran Singh? I like some of his tweets.
  3. The Sikh community is virtually powerless in these kinds of situations because Sikhs are a tiny minority and, more importantly, Sikhs who believe in Sikhi are a tiny minority within this tiny minority But every time I raise this issue on here, I always get a response along the lines of "Sikhi is about quality, not quantity" How is that working out for us?
  4. Please give an example of an "sjw" type perpetrating a mass shooting
  5. You are right. Let's put up a picture of Jazzy B holding a peg. Or let's put up a photo of half-naked women twerking next to Sidhu Moosewala. We have to make sure that we welcome ALL Sikhs! Remember, Sikhi is about welcoming everyone! Promoting people to keep rehat is wrong because it alienates others.
  6. Sorry, but please list some examples of "sjw woke liberal college students" who have perpetrated mass shootings. The fact is, most of the mass shootings are either carried out by people from radical Islamic backgrounds, or by angry young white men who have mental health issues (and are usually right-wing MAGA types who blame immigrants/minorities for all of their problems, including their inability to get laid).
  7. 1. First of all, I said "singhs who lead a decent lifestyle." A "singh" who commits domestic violence (or is abusive in any other way) does not lead a decent lifestyle. 2. I was commenting on someone else's comment where they wondered why women marry men in the entertainment industry who are known to be unfaithful. If you are so triggered by me using "singhs who lead a decent lifestyle" as a contrast to such men, then please just accept the following more general point: human being have a tendency to be attracted to power/money/fame/glamour/physical attraction and value those things over modesty/decency/piety. That's why you see a lot of people end up with partners who don't treat them well. At some point, they probably had a choice where they could have gone with someone who treated them better, but the person who would have treated them better was not attractive enough to them.
  8. They would much rather marry monay who engage in such activities than singhs who lead a decent lifestyle.
  9. Surely there is a better way to make a living than getting hit in the head over and over again. I wish this guy luck, but it is unfortunate that he chose this career path.
  10. I have tried to refrain from commenting on this, but I have noticed these peculiarities in most posts on these forums over the years. So what is the explanation? Is it due to a different pronunciation in the Doabi dialect that most of you speak (I know most of you have roots in the Doaba region)?
  11. Let them be happy and live their lives. I support that. However, I do not support them getting an anand karaj.
  12. I have always been curious about this. Maybe some of you on these forums can help me out. When you made the decision to starting wearing a dastar, who did you learn from? Did you learn from friends who were older? The granthis from the gurdwara? From relatives during a visit to India? I had it easy: my dad taught me when I was a kid. But I know most of you had fathers and grandfathers who didn't wear dastars. I must say, I really admire you guys. When I was growing up in America, it was extremely rare for a man to wear a dastar if his father didn't, but I have observed numerous examples of this in the UK. The resurgence of interest in Sikhi among a portion of the UK Sikh youth is one of the more positive stories of recent years.
  13. Yes, and the majority of people who tortured and killed the rural Sikh youth who rebelled in the 1980s were ... rural Sikhs
  14. Don't give them too much credit. The protests going on now have nothing to do with Sikhi. They are protesting for their economic livelihood. Don't get me wrong, I am on their side and I think that they are in the right. But at the end of the day, it still all comes back to their self-interest. Do you think you would see a similar mobilization these days around Sikh-related issues? I doubt it.
  15. Don't forget monay getting detailed tattoos of Sant Bhindranwale and Baba Deep Singh
  16. What is with the Kenyan Jat community in the UK? I have noticed that they display many of the same traits that people on here attribute to Kenyan Ramgharias. It's off-putting how they think they are somehow better than Sikhs whose parents came straight from India.
  17. You speak of California as if it is a tiny place and as if what is going on in the Bay area is also what is going on in my neck of the woods. California alone has a larger population than all of Canada.
  18. The fact that intercaste marriages are happening now in the west doesn't mean a whole lot, considering that these days, many parents consider it a success if their sons/daughters get married to anyone.
  19. That wasn't his last photo taken. It was taken years before his death (i.e before he cut his kesh)
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