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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. It is a strange phenomenon. If a particular negative behaviour is done by say for example 80 percent of a particular community, it becomes a common trait associated with that community. However, if 0.1 percent of our community is associated with this behaviour, there is an attempt by certain people in our community to think that 0.1 percent equals 80 percent of the other community. There is an attempt to do an equal equal.
  2. Marxism for some reason attracts Sikhs. I think there are features in our behaviour that for some reason makes us more vulnerable to this ideology.
  3. They are just sick depraved perverts. If you notice something about our people (it is a feature), we do tend to stick our dirty linen in public. (Look at Harjap's comment). We have this habit of saying things out in public and then accuse our own people sticking their heads in the sand. In some ways we love this self deprecation. We like to play fair in a way other communities do not.
  4. Most indigneous people can sit like this. This is the default sitting position of humans. When we are toddlers, this is natural sitting position.
  5. Islam considers itself to the correct version of the Abrahamic version 1.0 and 2.0 as they consider them to havw been corrupted.
  6. The Hindu mindset is like a tangled web, it can only 3 or 4 contradictions all at once and it will not see anything wrong with it. They can rationalise it away. According to hindus: We are the sword arm of hindus and we are created to protect them yet at the same time they want to get rid of us if it does not suit their purpose. The Hindu mindset is like a woman in many ways. It is quite fickle, manipulatuve, emotionally erratic and has a sense of entitlement.
  7. Granthis do not have a glamarous lifesyle, it is quite humble one. There is no rise in social status, so it would not be attractive to women. They mostly share rooms 3 to 4 in a room on the gurdwara premises. They normally spend six months in one gurdwara before they move to another gurdwara. They are not treated well paid or well treated by the gurdwarae and have to supplement their income. It is not financially lucrative enough for women to want to join the ranks and then complain of some wage gap.
  8. Only he can change himself. He has issues and he needs counselling. He needs help. He has pent anger and frustrations, probably from his childhood and he has them bottled up and they are now coming out. He is a man, and does not emote like a woman nor can he open up about his feelings because it will look like weakness.
  9. Never underestimate Modi for he is : Driven by Devi’s shakti and has the strength of hanuman?
  10. Even a second and third generation Sikh that know Punjabi inside out and can speak it theth will still be westernised . Even if you know your identity, it is naive to assume that you are not impacted by your environment. Go back to Punjab and see how much you really 'fit in', you will still stick out. An Anglo-American whose forefathers left England back in the 1600-1700s will still stick out when he comes to see his ancestral roots in England. See how much the French make when they hear a Quebecer speaks French.
  11. You are speaking as someone further down the curve, your perspective is different. You are telling them their family's future 50-60 years down the line. More recent immigrants find this hard to grasp.
  12. India will be forging closer links with Japan and Vietnam. Japan can very easily build up the military and they have the knowhow to create nuclear capability. The Chinese will be very worried about a resurgent Japan if the Japanese ever get past their WW2 guilt. The Chinese are scared of the Vietnamese as they have fought them before. I think the Vietnamese beat them before and the Chinese have not forgotten.
  13. https://www.expressandstar.com/news/local-hubs/sandwell/smethwick/2018/11/10/statue-of-sikh-soldier-vandalised-after-less-than-a-week/
  14. Australia is in a predicament. They are economically dependent on China as all their exports from their mining goes to China. A lot of agriculture product goes to China. However, militarily they are allied with the West.
  15. There has been an escalation on the border for some time. This is probably why the state was divided with Ladakh put into central control.
  16. There is nothing wrong with it. The problem is what starts off as a noble gesture gets hijacked by ulterior motives. In the UK, they have taken down particular TV shows which would be considered now racist. Then they will move to books. It sets off a chain reaction. It all starts off in UK universities, it starts off with race, then gender, then sexuality and now transgender-ism. This is kind of known as intersectionality. If you are a lesbian white woman, you will complain that you are being oppressed because of your sexuality and that you are a woman. However, if you are black lesbian woman you are more oppressed because you are also black. Now transgenderism is on the scene, there is a big hoo-ha because there are lesbians that are against male-to-female transgender using female changing rooms and bathrooms. The lesbians are now looking like bigots. If you are a gay, you are expected to be on the left side of the political spectrum, however if you are gay and have a different opinions, then you are the wrong kind of gay and other gays turn against you. This is the beginning of tyranny, everybody turns against everybody. With everybody more divided, it becomes effectively divide and rule. Now back to the original point. If there is a Mughal monument in Punjab and there was iconoclasm going on (built over a destroyed non-Muslim structure) then by all means take it down. However, if it isn't then it is always wise to take it down? History is not a bed of roses, and we do tend to have amnesia. We need to understand history and not forget from it and remind ourselves what happen so we don't repeat those mistakes.
  17. You just have to ask yourself how did a murder over 4000 miles away result in statues being taken down. What was the deal between Chauvin and Floyd. They worked together for 18 years in nightclub. Chauvin had multiple complants against him. He was married to someone of Laotian origin and there were 2 other minority officers with him who did nothing. It could be that he was OK with other minorities but he just hated black people but there was no way to substantiate this. He was f***** as**** copper who clearly abused his authority. Question is with the issue with race. Can two people of different races who do not like each and have an altercation with each other and it not become racial. Does it always become about race?
  18. According to a lot of mobsters Frank Sheeran did not kill Jimmy Hoffa.
  19. I don't know whether you have seen the film "Page 3". It goes into the murky Bollywood industry. It is a very sick industry indeed.
  20. Watched Reservoir Dogs, was not as good as I first remembered.. I think with Quentin Tarantino films, what made him stand out was the way he moved the storyline around so it was not in chronological order. Some films are classics and they stand the test of time and then others just look so outdated.
  21. Punjabi does not have a positive light for some of our people due to SOME attitudes from people that can speak Punjabi fluently on those that don't. There is a certain smugness by some theth speakers to the ones that speak tutti-pajji. They love to point out that the tutti-pajji cannot speak it properly when they are attempting to speak it. And then tell them speak and learn it when that is exactly what they are trying to do. The question is then do the theth deliberately say that to the tutti-pajji because they want to maintain an air of superiority. And if someone tries to learn in a Punjabi school then you try to converse with some from deepest darkest Doaba (with the the accent, dialect with local colloquial slang words), only to be told that they can't speak Punjabi. How would the theth Punjabi person feel if they learn their ILETS English and then try to converse with a Geordie or Glasweigen (using their full Geordie/Glasweigen slang words and accent speaking at 400 words a second) and then to be told they can't speak English? The theth suck out the fun in learning the language for the tutti-pajji that it puts them off from learning it. This conversation has been going on for at least 4 decades and it is repeats ad nauseum.
  22. Many years ago back in the early 90s in SE London, there were several racist murders (Stephen Lawrence was the most well known one but there were a few more as well). The BNP had a bookshop nearby in Welling in Kent. There was a march down arranged by the Anti-Nazi League. They had congregated at Plumstead Common. They marched down to Welling to confront the BNP where they were met by police and there was a massive riot. There were very few Asians or blacks on this march. The pitched battle is white on white. White lefties vs Right wing whites with police in the middle. The whites are full of hate but the people they hate the most is other white people. What the difference between 1993 and 2020 and the role of the police is that in the 90's they were more with the right wing thugs but now they are more with left wing/antifa thugs. They have switched sides.
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