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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. The humourless, straight-down-the-middle, mildly autistic approach from some people is off-putting. Getting life advice from children in their teens who still get their asses wiped by mummy and daddy - figuratively speaking - is laughable at times. They're only parrotting phrases and ideas they've heard others say, so it's not even originating from a place of shared experience, because they have NO life experience of their own, and most probably never will.
  2. Is that what they call it around your end? "Secret Undertone" "You keep your secret undertone away from me, you hear me? You sicko!"
  3. Well, that's debatable. If each time he was overcome by lust he glanced down at his severed hands, I imagine it'd fill him with a despair that would distract him from his urges. His eyes are another matter entirely, because he can still lust with his eyes. Technically, it's his brain that does the lusting; the eyes are only the output through which the lust is manifested. So, I suppose a lobotomy would be the ideal option for him.
  4. Don't tell the poor guy to cut his hands off. That's too far.
  5. Compose yourself. You're being over-dramatic. God knows what you'd do if you were confronted with something that actually challenged your faith. I don't agree or endorse the consumption of "Shaheedi Degh", but it's not caused me to spiral into depression to learn it may have been consumed a few centuries ago. There's a clear demarcation between it's use on the battlefield to tend to injuries and ailments, and the modern drug epidemic that's ravaging the Sikh population of Punjab. Your hyperbole is disturbing.
  6. Any discussion or just posting links to other's opinions?
  7. You'll get over it. Don't be a typical Indian loser thinking Bollywood love stories are reality.
  8. I wanted to see if he truly loved the object of his desire.
  9. Have you considered the practice of bride kidnapping? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bride_kidnapping
  10. I hope not. If one has to utilise stimulants to connect with God, there's no hope for the rest of us. I can appreciate its medicinal advantages, but the spiritual aspect of it seems like a stretch.
  11. It was only a matter of time. I'm surprised it's taken this long for something like this to happen. Repeat occurrences of situations like this one and there'll be legislation. Public safety, etc. One <banned word filter activated> ruins it for the rest.
  12. At the risk of repeating myself I've been a vegetarian since birth, but I also appreciate there are certain traditions in Sikhi outside of my worldview that are just as valid as my own. It's the "for the greater good" attitude that's quite concerning; the rewriting of history to fit a particular narrative even if the particular "victim" of such modifications is the objective Truth. I'd never consume shaheedi degh because I cannot justify such a thing spiritually or physically (in terms of ingesting it), but if it is a valid tradition with historical and religious precedence, then why not keep it alive to lend our faith that more colour and variety? Depends on the reasons to be fair. Getting high off it is questionable at best. I don't know enough about it.
  13. You make an interesting point. I wonder how many more of the rough edges (not necessarily "bad" because true followers and propagators of Sikhi have acquitted themselves with honour and integrity throughout history) of the Sikh faith have been chiselled away by the so-called moral guardians of the faith in order to make it palatable to the masses? It's quite devious when you think about it, but not surprising when you consider most organised religions have undergone subtle changes since their inception.
  14. These pendus who run these Facebook pages are imbeciles. If nobody had posted it on the Sikh Channel FB page how many people do you think would be aware this even exists? The more oxygen and publicity you give something, the more it'll be brought to people's attention. You've got to be smart about these things, in particular how you respond to these issues. You should read some of the frankly horrible things people post about Mohammed and Islam since it became common knowledge that Muslims go on killing sprees when someone insults their religion and their prophet. It's an upside-down world, particularly how things work on the Internet. The more you react and display displeasure, the more they try to get you to react and prove that you are violent and intolerant, lol. It's one thing disliking the poisonous ideology peddled by Islam, but going as far as some people do? Nah, it ain't right.
  15. A Sikh politician will always be beholden to his party seniors and general party policy: the old "towing the party line" isn't just an empty saying. If he or she values their career and their progression up the ranks - and that's something we know "Sikhs" treasure more than anything else - making waves, setting yourself apart as a rebel, and basically being a disruptive influence means that particular political career will be short-lived. And that's before we've even mentioned the vultures in the media with an agenda who love to ruin political careers. So, when I see Muslim politicians making inroads into British politics and declaring their desire to have as many Muslim MPs in British parliament it concerns me. It should concern all of us. You know why? Because when there's a sizeable minority - a bloc - of Islamic MPs pulling the strings it will be much more difficult to dispose of an errant troublemaker when the Islamic electorate will vote in another one in his place. Do you see where this is going? The more of THEM there are, the more of THEIR MPs they'll possess to tailor the law to their requirements. Anyway, broadly speaking, I don't think Sikhs have the initiative and the temperament to be political animals, or more accurately, work for Sikh interests above their own ambitions and the desires of their party seniors. It seems one thing Muslims have going for them is their unshakable desire to propagate the Islamic cause. You can't knock them for that.
  16. Corbyn has, rather cynically, tapped into an inexhaustible well of young Leftists who are currently at university - or those who are developing a political and social conscience at that age where social ideals and beliefs haven't been grinded down by the harsh realities of life - particularly the next generation of politicians and movers of a liberal hue who are poised to inherit the "machine" in years to come. It was on the strength of their mobilisation that he became leader of the party. So it's quite surprising and disturbing to see the New Labour faction trying to dispose of Corbyn when a considerable section of Labour members amongst this younger demographic still unequivocally want him as leader. Either way, none of the Labour factions are friends to any of us Sikhs. Lip service means nothing, and it's something we fall for all too regularly. Saying that the Tories are no better for their own unique reasons.
  17. They don't have to be mutually exclusive. But what I have noticed is how many Americans on the Right are completely convinced climate change is akin to BLM, SJWs, and LGBT issues, lol, i.e. another Leftist cause being used for subverting society. It's something I haven't given much attention to but should.
  18. Hehe, absolutely. People latch onto ideologues and begin to worship these individuals; fellas like the late Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, etc., all very intelligent and incisive people at the top of their fields, but any sense of reason just goes out the window when someone tries to suggest they may be uninformed on a few issues.
  19. Chomsky is but one aspect of it. He's essential reading, but even his ideological bias needs to be balanced out. Generally, he's a great mind, and I think he's a sane and reasonable voice. He's not liked by Indians (nationalist types) and for that reason he's okay by me.
  20. That's the game being played. It's wonderful isn't it?
  21. Long-term Muslim arrivals aren't going to stop voting for them. The socialists who've been brainwashed by social marxism aren't going to stop voting for them. And now when newly arrived migrants of Islamic extraction will find their way to British shores they're going to start voting for them. The only people who won't vote for them are racists OR people who understand the games being played.
  22. There's ways to voice those doubts. Someone who does have questions does it in a completely different way to those who are causing mischief. I won't say much more, because I like to be able to spot them playing their games.
  23. Choudhary realises Muslims won't have to fire a bullet to invade the country. They can allow their voluminous and ever-increasing numbers to out-breed the rest of the population. First, they'll begin to get specific laws to cater to them as a significant minority, and then once their numbers are high enough they can enforce their rule over the rest. What are non-Muslims going to do when they're outnumbered? Nothing at all. Warsi is playing to type. Not a surprise. Have you seen that video of one of a Blairite Muslim Labour MP addressing a Muslim gathering (probably an awards ceremony for their lot) where he's talking about flooding the House of Commons with Muslim MPs? I can't recall his name (but he's one of those from the North; not Sadiq Khan or that other fella from Birmingham), but he says, "We should have 30 Muslim MPs in British parliament, and one day, Inshallah, the whole of the House of Commons will be Muslim." I'll try and find it if I can. That tells us all we need to know about their end game. And I do believe it will happen.
  24. Once a person can recognise the markers being placed down it actually becomes pretty obvious to spot what they're going to do next. I was surprised Erdogan didn't blame yesterday's terror attacks on Kurdish nationals. That's usually the line he goes for. With him coming out and saying it's ISIS (the same ISIS Turkey are sending weapons to and buying (or is it selling?) oil to, something definitely isn't right.
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