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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. You never know, they could've been Wolverhampton Wanderers fans who wanted to mash up West Brom town centre.
  2. Potential Khalsa fauj. ? Never say never! These are the kind of apne that wouldn't think twice before carving up Abdul and Rashid. Put some respect on their names! ?
  3. Leather gloves and overcoats in July. Nevermind they were Sikhs, if I'd seen them based on just their appearance I'd assume they were Muslims on a suicide mission to explode themselves.
  4. Whatever the reason for this selectivity we need to be much smarter when articulating ourselves on these platforms. I've seen clips of these types of UK based shows, and we come across as quite basic and dim. It's not hard for me to believe that a Singh hosting these types of shows would get gassed, and start mouthing off about certain things like killing people and insurrections, lmao. Leave that to the people watching at home.
  5. Yes, that's definitely how these gestures have struck me from day one. It's almost a tacit act of surrender. People without anakh will never see it this way; they'll couch this fear as an act of great spirituality or of bringing people together. But why do Sikhs cast themselves in the subservient, inferior role, and are always the "givers" in these situations despite possessing the least? I think it's definitely a physical manifestation of a subconscious inferiority complex. Imagine being a Sikh with our religious history and spiritual teachings, and viewing yourself as inferior to someone who follows the evil teachings of Islam? That's some raw self-hate.
  6. Give over, they aren't angels in this situation. The video footage clearly shows what's going on.
  7. I thought maybe it was a reference to 'hawa / hava' but the jaw definition makes sense. Interesting theory I read regarding Hanuman and his fellows is they were a precursor species to homo sapiens.
  8. Is Hanwantar just a different way of pronouncing 'Hanuman' or is it a reference to the God of Wind (Hanuman's father)?
  9. The non-existent Musalmaan bhais in the sangat would get offended. They don't want their umbrella holders being critical or hostile towards their masters.
  10. Yet they still resort to claiming that we have no business getting involved in Punjabi issues because we don't live there! But when they emigrate to the West, they don't stop having opinions and expressing their views on Punjabi issues, which they justify as, "We were born there." How can any sympathy be held for such rats and weasels? Maybe Islam will do these people some good by introducing some much needed discipline and restraint into their lives, because they discarded all sense of restraint and shame a long time ago.
  11. It's not an exaggeration to say that this situation is a ticking time-bomb for us. We were convinced that the only threat facing us was banging on our front door to come in. What we neglected to notice was another enemy quietly sneaking in through the back. In fact, one might argue, there are some key figures within our own house who decided to open the back door willingly...
  12. I get the impression at times that the kind of people you're referring to have co-opted and bastardized the martyrdom philosophy of Sikhi to mean that Sikhi itself can be sacrificed in service of the wellness of other creeds and mankind in general. Is that the natural end of the "Manas ki jaat..." ethos? Were there ever any caveats specified as when to put the brakes on?
  13. Someone ask Ravi Singh of Khalsa Aid how many mosques is enough.
  14. This has been going on over there for ages. Sweden's gone from heaven to hell. Somalis did that country in. Read a few years ago an ambulance was attacked on an emergency run in one of their Islamic hellholes by a ROCKET LAUNCHER!
  15. Good post in general, but I want to expand on this. A few issues I've been running through my mind for quite a few years now. To try to understand how Sikh girls (and other non-Sikh Western girls) get themselves into these situations, you need to understand certain aspects of femininity as well as the subject of the burgeoning sexuality of a young woman, and how it awakens all kinds of things inside of her. One word: Flirting. Once a girl reaches a certain age and if she's even halfway well "constructed", there's a tremendous amount of latent sexual "power" that she can choose to exploit (or not). Girls tend to "experiment" with these new-found "powers" that they've apparently been blessed with. They begin to notice that they're being noticed by guys, and this sends their egos through the roof. Those with some courage take the next step and start to talk freely and openly with guys that they might find attractive on some level, but equally have absolutely no intention of it going any further. It's almost like when a cat toys with its prey. Edging, edging, teasing, then sudden withdrawl. It's is a game and young women view it as harmless fun they can immediately disavow as "just talking", or if the guy tries to amplify the situation the girl can just claim he got the wrong end of the stick. She's in a win-win situation, because the social dynamic dictates that she cannot force the situation, and therefore she isn't responsible for what happens. From my experiences, Sikh girls of a certain type are playing with fire when it comes to implementing this game of flirtation with Muslims. And they certainly do it despite knowing the risks. I have no doubt that some of these girls find themselves in over their heads after instigating the interaction, and when Abdul bites and refuses to let go these girls don't know what to do. Of course, the absolute whores who "want it" don't pull their punches; they go in to get done, and that's their choice, but the ones who were just enacting their biology get caught up in something they never anticipated. Muzzies (particularly the South-East Asian varieties) are generally of the lowest human mindset of any of the sub-sections of people in existence today. When their creed is full of f*****g and s*****g, their minds are going to be circling the gutter more often than not. A Muslim literally needs to have to have had their budhi presht by adhering to and inculcating Islamic teachings in order to believe - in all sincerity - that their religious ways are ordained and approved by a Divine Creator who possesses generally positive and compassionate attributes. Their "sakhiyan" are demonic. There's simply no two ways of putting it. It's all there printed in their own words in black and white, and they try to lie and deny, because that's also admissable for them.
  16. Are there any limits to this magnanimous policy of yours? Mia Khalifa tweets "Khalistan Zindabad" will have you recommending her for a siropa from the Akal Takhat? Lana Rhoades wears a dastaar and the clothes of a Gursikhni for an Instagram post on Baisakhi, and you'd be championing her bringing attention to Sikhi saroop?
  17. I think Guru Sahib was referring to circumcision in that verse, lol. You have to afford them the courtesy of understanding that writing rhyming prose requires the use of language, words, etc., that express a sentiment that isn't always 100% the word we'd use in a normal conversation.
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