Wjkk wjkfateh
Although I'm not averse to the above suggestions, I would say that sometimes it's good to recognise that these reactions stem from ego. If you believed yourself to be truly nothing then you wouldn't be offended by such remarks. When you see maharaj in everyone if he says something impolite to you then it makes no difference, it's essentially him talking to himself. It's weird but its true, I'm not saying you have to be like this right now, but one day aim towards being like that. Like when Bhagat Kabeer ji sat on a horse with what looked like a prostitiute and alcohol in his hand, most of his town slandered him, bhagat kabeer ji did this to deter people from worshipping him, but also showed us that as a gursikh we should adopt a policy of
"Nindo nindo mo ko log nindo, ninda jan ko kharee piaree..."
-Slander me, slander me - go ahead, people, and slander me. Slander is pleasing to the Lord's humble servant.
As ustat (praise) is probably much worse than being slandered, being slandered reduces your ego whilst praise only elevates it