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Everything posted by namespace

  1. Yeah the Nanak Naam host is amazing. He could do very very long parchar on the simplest of things. He's so intelligent. Now he spends his time on these simple videos about women's feelings and bullying. A true shame. But it's as I always say, we need to encourage women to stay or join the panth. If he knows this too and that's why he's doing softer topics more power to him!
  2. namespace

    Black Magic

    Energies in the gurdw-. There is no spiritual energy other than Waheguru himself! He isn't even "energy", it's just that is a term we as humans created which our pathetic minds can use to try to explain what he is. Why do you have faith of this nonsense, this hocus pocus superstitious BS from cartoons and primitive beliefs. I'm not so much offended but angry. People having some idea in their mind there is other sh!t going on anywhere but natural life and Waheguru...man I'm such a bloody sinner, I get all this anger.
  3. It just turned the 23rd a few minutes ago! edit: I want to add this video Yes, yes, modern punjabi music videos are dumb but some of the nice acts seen in his videos make me cry sometimes and inspires me. This one was made for this year's birth remembrance of our Guru. -but- I keep thinking about something. You know how energy can't be created or destroyed? So the Guru is one beam of light did he exist prior to being Nanak? I don't mean that Nanak was a reincarnation, I am just curious if the Guru as he stood on this world existed and contemplated coming to us prior to the birth of Nanak. This sounds so blasphemous but...um, I'll just leave it at that! I'll explain myself further if need be.
  4. My only living parent is in her 60s and isn't paying me any mind, she's probably just happy she has children paying attention to her. For you other question: I never knew what sikhi was before I read up on what they call "sikhism" in the US. It's good your questioning me on this, because living in the US I could have been recruited by 3HO.
  5. My friends, I have a very harsh thing to say. If he tried to convert them and they killed him, good.
  6. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2018/11/20/female-genital-mutilation-michigan/1991712002/ I can not believe that in the US Judges will permit people to "circumcise" female children. How soon will they legalize jihad killings?!?
  7. NO My reason is because I do not see why my child has do something for an interest group he or she is not a part of, under force. If they were gay that's one thing, but people from my culture aren't encouraged to be like it is in the west so I doubt that would be the case.
  8. NO Why? Because then sex is only for the thieves and has no purpose. Also I live in the US with a very large homosexual population and it is important to note that a person is not simply gay. Homosexuals typically do many other things that are sinful when compared to your average straight person, not by the basis that they are homosexual but it just comes with the territory.
  9. Funny enough, I was Catholic because they had good schools in my area. I believed in a higher being, but could never support most stuff in the bible or quran. I thought the apostles and jesus were pious are respectable but most of the spirituality I didn't agree with, and no one could answered my questions due to lack of faith I had. Sikhi not only explains God correctly but the dharma presented by the Gurus leads me closer to Him. Was there anything else?
  10. Hmm, thanks for your experience on this subject indeed. I have never EVER had someone go out of their way to try to convert me or stand against the dharma of our Guru. Have they truly have been trained to be so belligerent even though we are supplicants(am I using this term correctly) of the very same God? Anyway, to cut my response short, in the future I will be very short and say "Thank you, but no thanks." I wonder if they will target me now, since they obviously are being trained.
  11. Let me explain: at work I don't wear paaj because the bishop of the entire catholic area is down the street and most black customers wouldn't buy and muslims wouldn't come in, but a lady tried to talk to me about Jehovah's Witness. She asked if I was russian (<banned word filter activated>) and then said she was facinated with russia after she saw dr.jevago as a child. After I said leaving your wife for a younger woman was bad she asked my favorite movies then about the bible. You would be surprised how little your average christian knows about the bible, probably less than we do! Anyway she said to come to their church and talk to them I sound like someone who has the right idea about God. What am I supposed to say? She worships God (just not named Waheguru in this instance) and I don't want to be rude. I thought immediately about how muslims tried to subjugate the panth and christians try to convert punjabis in the UK so should I have been angry and shower her the kirpan or just try to do a mini-parchar? She said she is coming back.
  12. You're pretty pathetic mate. Just go full western. You sound like your average gora. Join some Christian church or something, they'll accept you there. I don't want you to take amirit ever again unless you can find Waheguru on your own in the real world without prayer. The Guru and all bhani will always be there but unless you bear witness to the single endless and birthless God which is absolutely everywhere, by yourself. Be a slave to Him, a bride to Him, a doormat to Him. That's what you are anyway. As far as your future and marriage goes? It's ruined already! You'll think you can bend the rules with some other female and you can enjoy yourself with degenerate things like smoking and drinking.
  13. I think the panth is doing much better, but the authorities are doing worse. The internet helped. Blue Star not only killed one of our greatest sants but lit fire under the kalistani's bums.
  14. My two cents is that at least it matters if they're not atheist over looks (also not muslim). For me personally a girl has to be a few other things before I consider her something, and looks isn't the top priority. They more or less have to allow me to be a Sikh and believe in God (not Waheguru in name because she is still believing in Him no-matter the name), be able to talk above he said/she said and celebrity garbage, and be above average physically fit, then looks IN THAT ORDER. I am curious if there is anything in any granth that specifically addresses placing piety of a woman over looks. edit: is dasmeet a punjabi girl name? a girl at the BK near my gurdwara has this name and is desi but doesn't have a kara. I want to talk to her.
  15. SSA Are you punjabi or arab? If Sikhi is being spread to these areas by people not of punjabi it is great news! I'm "turk" myself being from an azerbaijani family but found The Guru through religious studies at uni over a decade ago! It would be great to talk to another non-desi here or even another American here so I get why you're reaching out, lol.
  16. Wow those old images sure look cool. You can't dress like that anymore without being called a muslim. Dressing up like the trendy color photos from social media incites hankaar and should not be done/encouraged. Just dress in typical western dress with your paaj how you wish it, or no paaj at all since manbuns are in now.
  17. I don't know anything about this case as I'm no UK and only watch youtube videos about awareness on this subject. Was he really amriti REALLY? How easy is it to be accepted in UK? I can't in the US because my job isn't good enough and I don't give enough time at the kitchen. But in the UK you can be a bleeding pedophile and take nectar from the bowl stirred with a khanda. What in the...
  18. Only jewish people do this. It's all about nazis, they don't talk about anything else.
  19. I am forgetting my history a bit here, but I think there were official rules written in the 60s even before the Anandpur committee became a thing. Such rules were the basic requirements to be a sikh and in them what we could believe at minimum.
  20. I do not believe so. Maybe this person chooses to trim the beard or bodily hair? Yes perhaps. If they keep it short as most people around the world do then no! Kesh is what our Guru told us to keep, plain and simple. If you do not have 5 ks then you shouldn't represent the Guru. ...I also think that if you do not dress in all dark blue/yellow and do not carry a full length kirpan, and kara on both arms then you shouldn't be a spokesperson either.
  21. Should we be proud of being part of the British empire which worked against us and the Guru's wishes? I'm not so much asking the question but making it known the panth will have to struggle with this and slavery during the sikh empire for as long as we breath.
  22. I refuse to ever put Sikhi on top of any other faith! We don't have the right to use such gaul despite out greatness. Yes the muslim has one eye and the hindi is blind making our 3rd path supreme, but Waheguru has other names such as Elohim, Allah, Ram, etc and as long as they worship The True Guru we can't place them below us.
  23. Bro don't get me started. There's a lot not in the Ari Granth part of the Guru that we do and don't do today. I'm talking about how there is virtually NO female participation in discussion online or off, and we know how it is important to converse about various subjects in Sihki. The panth are the eternal students of the eternal light and darkness.
  24. This is a very beautiful image. If only I saw it more at the Gudwara. All that indigo, a woman with a kara and kirpan visible, her husband with full length kirpan with yellow cord, both of them wearing the paaj in dumala, all those other guys in indigo, and the ones in western clothing having indigo paaj to, one even with a yellow fifty! It's amazing! My earlier comment is that I don't feel women are involved in Sikhi as much as they were in the past. They are wives kept out of discussion when women are so important in our history. I'm not a feminist, but I don't understand my own feeling on this.
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